Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 361: Maybe he is the most special one

Qi Mo is already sleepy. After he hasn't watched the live broadcast of female internet celebrities recently, he goes to bed early every day.

Hearing this, Qi Mo's eyes became cooler, and he couldn't help asking: "Old ancestor, did Mr. Duan offend you?"

No way?

The Bai family is now in a mess. The servants are helping Bai Yinyin pack things. Bai Yinyin is crying while holding Liu Man. Bai Guofu goes to bed early to avoid seeing and worrying. Bai Hongguang sneaks in to contact his Xiao Miao Miao.

Bai Chuwei didn't have the time to control them, and walked upstairs: "It's more serious than this. Anyway, various channels cooperate with the Swiss Group to keep him busy and can't think about it!"

You are a workaholic, what do you want to fall in love with?

In the original text, you never talked about feeling ok until the end was resolved by the hostess.

Qi Mo: "...Okay, old ancestor."

These years, the orders of the ancestors have become more and more fascinating.


In the night, the cicadas on the summer night still kept on.

Duan Feihan parked the car in the Duan's garage, turned off the fire but did not get out of the car directly, resting his elbows on the steering wheel and gently rubbing his forehead with his fingers.

God has too many suitors, how can he notice him who is insignificant?

Duan Feihan silently looked at the bunch of roses, took the bunch of flowers and got out of the car, and walked towards his courtyard through the dark night.

Duan Xingye came to Duan Feihan to discuss which school to attend. When he saw his fourth uncle carrying a bunch of small broken flowers back silently, his steps stopped there, and some didn’t know whether to go or stop. .

It's cold.

This is properly cold.

He had already said that Weiwei had no intention of falling in love at all. No matter how young and talented his fourth uncle was, he would be a cannon fodder when he came to Weiwei.

Don't covet the little fairy, the little fairy can only watch from a distance and worship her as a big brother.

"Stand there without making a sound, what do you want to do?" Duan Fei's cold and clear voice suddenly jumped up.

Duan Xingye walked over from a distance awkwardly holding the information, "Four, Fourth Uncle."

Duan Feihan opened the door and went in, and threw the bouquet of roses on the table.

When Duan Xingye saw this posture, he turned around and wanted to run away.

Duan Fei's cold voice started again: "You come in."

Duan Xingye's scalp was numb, and he only felt that he was not here at the right time. His fourth uncle is definitely in a bad mood now!

More words must be more wrong.

Duan Xingye bit his scalp and walked in and said with a dry smile: "Four uncle, failure is the mother of success..."

Duan Feihan nodded: "I know."

His father also knew his thoughts, and he reminded him before he left.

Duan Xingye scratched his hair and coughed: "Sixth Uncle, there is a sentence you don't know if it is inappropriate to say it?"

Duan Feihan did not squint: "Don't talk if you don't speak properly."

Duan Xingye was so anxious that his head was about to smoke, Sishu, don't like fairies anymore! Can fairies be owned by mortals?

Didn't you see the end of Sanshu?

For love to enter the entertainment industry, waiting for twenty years, from the young and high spirited to the present to middle age, the most precious twenty years of life are gone.

Why bother?

Duan Xingye feels that he is much better at this point than his uncle's brain, and he will never go to Xiao to think about Bai Chuwei.

Duan Xingye choked on his fourth uncle's words, his eyes fell on his cell phone, and he had to say: "Four uncle, your cell phone seems to have a lot of news."

Duan Feihan took the phone to unlock it, and the handsome face who had been condensing tonight finally showed a faint smile.

Perhaps with Bai Chuwei, he is indeed the special one.

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