Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 579: The whole people make a wish and bring tea to Weiwei

"Ahhh-it's a meteor shower, everyone make a wish!" A girl screamed in surprise.

A boy looked at the night and shouted: "I want to take off the order! Take off the order! Take off the order!"

"I want to get this year's school scholarship!!!"


The boys and girls were agitated, leaning their heads and clasping their hands in wishing.

Although everyone has heard of the meteor shower, there are still a few who have actually seen it with their own eyes, let alone such a grand meteor shower.

Tong Qingyan held the microphone, her expression stiff.

Bai Chuwei's performance...a meteor shower?

Has it come true?

No, how is this possible? Meteor shower is an astronomical phenomenon, it is not rain, but artificial rainfall.

This...should be a coincidence?

Maybe Bai Chuwei just knew there was a meteor shower tonight, so she pinched the time and said to give everyone a meteor shower... It seemed that this would make sense.

There was a hint of displeasure in Tong Qingyan's eyes, but Bai Chuwei was still taking advantage of it.

Bai Chuwei's hand just now was really amazing.

Speaking of sending a meteor shower, the meteor shower really came, for a time... it was really quite bluffing.

It's not just Tong Qingyan who thinks so, but most of the students present think so. Bai Chuwei is so amazing, she's quite good at timing.

An astronomy student said unhappily: "I am studying astronomy. There is no warning for such a huge meteor shower. Our astronomy school has not been notified that it will rain tonight!"

A **** the side snorted, "That's how you want to be Bai Chuwei's licking dog? It's not a coincidence, I don't believe it! Your Astronomical Institute has not received any warning, indicating that the equipment in your Astronomical Institute should be updated."

The boy from the astronomy department flushed with anger, babbling about the state-of-the-art equipment in their astronomy college, which caused a lot of vitality around him.

Only Duan Xingye and the others couldn't laugh.

Cao Yushu raised his head, his neck was about to sore, and he finally said in shock: " that awesome?"

I have always known that Bai Chuwei is awesome, but no one knows how awesome it is.

Is she already so powerful that she can get a meteor shower with just one snap of her fingers?

Duan Xingye was silent for a long time before he said: "If you tell me next time that she has created a new world, I won't be surprised."

Big guy, really big guy.

Bring tea to Weiwei.

The few of them looked at the students around who only knew how to make a wish, and suddenly felt that everyone was drunk and I was alone.

You thought it was just a coincidence, sorry, it's not a coincidence!

It's Weiwei who made the effort!

This performance... is really the only one. You sing and dance and play with musical instruments. Is there a strong Weiwei?

Duan Xingye has a feeling of being proud.

Duan Xingye and the others were feeling proud, and suddenly saw a girl who was being helped by her roommate and walking away quickly.

"Hua Yumeng, what's the matter with you? Let's take you to the school hospital." The two roommates supported Hua Yumeng with both hands.

Hua Yumeng covered her throat tightly, with a look of horror, "wo...wo...shrunk like this..."

Just now she looked at so many people, so she squeezed her throat and called out, "The white school flower said she wants to perform too!"

Who knows that it didn't take long for her to speak loudly!

Every word spoken is ambiguous.

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