Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 596: Xiao Bailian, please explain to me

[Original: [Picture], [Picture], our school flowers are really extensive, and we are with some uncles. ]

There have been countless replies to this post.

[Han Han Youyou: Are you sick? The man in that photo is Dean Li of the Imperial Hospital. Bai Chuwei and Dean Li came to treat my mother at that time! ]

[Hoshino Liaoyuan: The host, SB, the man in that photo is Liu Jingyuan. His daughter was blind before, and Weiwei cured it! The forum rumors will still tell you! My fourth uncle’s lawyer team wants to chat with you. ]

[Hoshino Liaoyuan: @版主, are you sick? What do you do to put this kind of rumored post on top? Come out and delete the post! ]


The moderator who has been madly summoned has a dumbfounded look and pinned the post? When did he pin the post?

The moderator looked at the high-hanging post, and the font turned red and increased several times. As soon as he entered the school forum, he was definitely attracted by this eye-catching headline.

The moderator was shocked, and quickly unpinned the post and then deleted it.

Poke-no response?

The moderator is stunned, why doesn't he respond even to delete?

At first, the moderator thought that the forum had collapsed, so he quickly tried to delete some of the advertising posts, and found that there were no problems with the others. Only that post was highlighted and could not be deleted.

More and more students clicked in, and they made a crazy message to build 999+.

Fuck, the moderator reacted here and their forum was hacked.

The moderator hurried to ask the great **** of the computer department for help, but he couldn't solve it after working for an hour.

The great **** said helplessly: "It should be a big computer guy. I'll ask the professor in our department how to crack it. Don't worry."

The longer the post hangs, the more people will see it.

Duan Xingye was completely anxious, and sent a screenshot of his reply to the finance class group. Aite reported to all members: "Did you see my reply?"

The group has been discussing the matter of highlighting the top post. When I saw Duan Xingye's reply two hours ago, I was shocked.

[No! Didn't see your reply in the building. ]

[Fuck, Duan Xingye, the floors where you and Han Youyou replied to explain seem to be...hidden? But Bai Chuwei can heal? Then why doesn't she go to the next medical college? ]

[Day——Duan Xingye, if what you said is true. Bai Chuwei has offended which computer boss? Is our school forum hacked? ]


Duan Xingye became more anxious when he saw these replies. No wonder he clearly helped to clarify, why the next few hundred floors were taunting Weiwei, dare to believe that the floors where he and Han Youyou refuted the rumors were hidden, and the other classmates didn't see it at all.

Duan Xingye is so anxious that he can't wait to find his fourth uncle directly. There are a bunch of gold programmers in his company. Should he be able to solve it?

[Tong Qingyan: @段星野, Hoshino, don't worry too much. ]

[Su Ruan: @童轻颜, classmate Tong, you can’t say that, this is a rumor. If the person being slandered was you, would you still be so calm now? ]

Tong Qingyan looked at the computer, her lips bend.

After breaking through the firewall of the school forum, she added a cross code lock taught by the fairy teacher on it, and no one could break it for a while.

In the financial department group, there is an administrator who is the monitor of the class, and he whispered, "Fuck-I received an application to join the group, she said she is Bai Chuwei!"

Tong Qingyan frowned, what did Bai Chuwei and their finance department do?

The monitor was Bai Chuwei's loyal dog and passed the application directly.

As soon as Bai Chuwei entered the group, she didn't even say hello, and directly sent a message.

[Bai Chuwei: @童轻颜, come, Tong Bailian, can you explain to me what you did? ]

Tong Qingyan's eyes widened in astonishment. That was the technique taught by the fairy teacher. According to the truth, no one could find her so quickly.

How did Bai Chuwei do it?

Didn't Bai Chuwei not participate in the "Super Brain Learning Ba" variety show competition? She shouldn't have the opportunity to learn the skills taught by the fairy teacher...

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