Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 748: The big guys are called Bai Chuwei senior?

Parents, never.

Family, died too early.

She lived alone for more than five thousand years, watching others go through generations from birth to death, but she was the only one who remained alone.

The atmosphere dropped to a freezing point, and the talking crowd seemed to perceive the terrifying chill.

At this moment, a young disciple of Qingxuan sent in from outside, and his excitement broke the condensation: "Senior White, Master Master, representatives of the eight great families are here."

The eight great aristocratic families have developed for thousands of years. Naturally, there are monks in the family to protect the head of the family. This time they were sent directly.

Rong He was still a little frustrated about this, but unfortunately he was just a mediocre little farmer who had never joined the practice industry, or he would definitely come around!

Fortunately, Qi Mo and the others are the same, there is no way to come. Otherwise, we must come to build a place for our ancestors!

I saw seven or eight monks walking in from outside, looking at Bai Chuwei in the stands with scorching eyes, and shouted, "Say hello to Miss Bai!"

Seven or eight monks shouted loudly, their voices were earth-shaking, and the coastal waves were surging, and a little disciple could not bear it and directly covered his ears in pain.

All the people present took a sigh of relief. Although the Eight Great Families are not cultivators, they are extremely famous outside. Fortunately, their practitioners have to fear and rely on the Eight Great Families!

They... are they looking at Bai Chuwei's face? Not to give Qingxuan face?

Looking at these seven or eight monks, they looked straight at Bai Chuwei, where did they look at Qing Xuan?

Bai Chuwei looked as usual and nodded casually.

Just a nod made these cultivators get up happily, as if they had won a five million prize, and happily looked for their seats and went to sit.

Bai Ze ran in from the outside, and the sea breeze took up the corner of his clothes and said excitedly: "Senior Bai, Master, Senior Zhao Tianfang from the Unnatural Management Bureau is invited to come."

Unnatural Administration? !

The faces of all the monks changed and changed, and everyone looked astonished.

Senior Zhao Tianfang of the Unnatural Management Bureau looked at the entire world of practice. Those were all top powerhouses. He...he actually came in person? !

Qing Xuan was even more touched, and couldn't help reaching out to Bai Chuwei, trying to grab her sleeve...

"Hey--" A slender but cold hand came out like lightning and thunder, and unceremoniously patted Qing Xuan's veteran hand.

Qingxuan felt pain for a while, and looked at Duan Feihan's expressionless handsome face and didn't care, crying and shouting at Bai Chuwei: "Senior Bai, you are my second-born parent!"

He, the Qingxuan faction held a gathering of immortals for the first time, and as a result the Unnatural Administration came!

In the previous gathering of immortals every three years, someone from the Unnatural Management Bureau did come, but how could it be Senior Zhao Tianfang?

God, just let this deed out, he Qingxuan can play for a lifetime.

All because of Bai Chuwei, all because of Bai Chuwei's predecessors.

Some of his Qingxuan is self-aware, and he won't foolishly think that Zhao Tianfang, the golden core boss, came for his Qingxuan faction.

Qingxuan faction, not qualified!

But, Bai Chuwei is enough!

I saw a vigorous middle-aged man walk in strode, smiled and arched his hand at Bai Chuwei, and said with full anger: "Senior White, long time no see!"

Senior White...?

Someone almost fell off their chair when they heard this!

The magnificent Zhao Tian called Bai Chuwei a little girl... Senior?

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