Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 808: Hanhan, miss me yet?

Someone flew out!

A group of viewers were startled, and their curiosity drove them to chase out to watch the excitement.

When they walked out, everyone took a deep breath and looked at the scene in shock.

On the broken brick wall dozens of meters away, he was lying on a man who knew nothing about life and death, covered in dust.

Someone stammered: "This... is this going to be called an ambulance?"

People...flew out from the back door of the exhibition. What did you do to get blown so far?

It can't be an explosion, otherwise, why are these tourists doing well?

Passers-by were curious and worried, and approached the man cautiously.

Li Can's whole body bones were about to break, and his whole body's cultivation was smashed to pieces by Bai Chuwei's lightly slap on the spot, and decades of cultivation were vanished.

Li Can vomited a mouthful of blood, mixed with a few broken teeth.

Nima's, Qing Xuan also vomited two teeth, he must vomit more than Qing Xuan.

He has been a magic cultivator for so many years, and his cultivation base in Country A is not low, and he has a great power.

For the first time, for the first time in his life, he met someone as terrifying as Bai Chuwei, effortlessly, a slap made his decades of hard work wiped out.

Li Can couldn't help but think of what would it look like if Bai Chuwei exhausted all his cultivation skills?

He shivered in his life, he would be turned into dust by her, right?

Except for the domain master of the Demon Realm, he temporarily couldn't think of the second person who could fight against Bai Chuwei.

But the domain owner has not returned any news so far.


Must run!

Li Can endured the severe pain in his whole body, tremblingly got up from the brick, his hands and legs were trembling.

A good-hearted person on the side was surprised and said: "Can you still stand up? Let's call an ambulance for you, don't move."

Li Can waved a good-hearted person away, with only the thought of "running" in his mind, stumbled and ran outside.

There was a sharp pain in his ankle. The man didn't know where he got out from and kicked Li Can to the ground.

One by one, well-trained men in black came out of the shadows, three meters a person, and made Li Can dumplings in the blink of an eye!

The big head was wearing a strapless gown, and smiled and showed him two rows of white teeth: "Where are you going, eat hot pot with us on a cold day."

Li Can: "!"

"Young Master, this guy is caught."

The man wore a tall and tall black suit. He lowered his eyes and slowly sorted out his cufflinks, and said in a calm tone: "Carry away."

The big head carried Li Can like a chicken, smiled and waved to a group of men.

Duan Feihan walked in front, followed by a group of monks in the dark night, with a cold expression and a rainbow aura.

Everyone in the exhibition gave way unnaturally, with fear in their eyes.

Duan Feihan did not squint, stepped on the tiled floor with black leather shoes and walked steadily into the backyard of the exhibition.

Li Can raised his eyes in horror, and saw that the white-clothed **** the main seat suddenly put down the tea cup in her hand, and her gaze suddenly lit up like a starry sky.

The figure suddenly got up and rushed towards them quickly.

Li Can's heart stopped at that moment, here it is!

Who says that serious monks don't kill people?

Bai Chuwei is here!

She came to kill him!

He is going to die in a foreign country.

Li Can closed his eyes and shouted out his last words in despair: "Send my ashes back..." Country A!

Suddenly Bai Chuwei's squeaky laughter came from her ears: "Hanhan, do you miss me?"

Li Can: "?"

He slowly opened his eyes and looked at it carefully, Bai Chuwei was hooking Duan Feihan's neck without anyone else.

Duan Feihan lowered his eyes and asked, "Then do you miss me?"

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