Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 813: The ancestor can’t find a second person with this operation, 666

With the tragic state of Li Can's broken bones, it was even worse to enter the Island of the villain, worse than death!

It was a place even more terrifying than ordinary people's prison. There were often wicked and wicked people inside, and they disappeared without a trace the next day.

Li Can, he will definitely die if he goes!

Especially Li Can has such an iconic big tortoise on his face, it is difficult to find him or not.

Everyone looked at Bai Chuwei with an extremely admiring look.

Senior White should be the first to send a person to the island of villain, the other party is still grateful to the boss, right?

This operation can't find a second person, it's almost 6666!

Su Qiuqiu saw Li Can crying and laughing and being carried away by Zhao Tian. His whole body was wilted, and his head drooped.

Duan Feihan suddenly said: "Why are you here?"

Su Qiuqiu came to deliver things, obviously reluctant.

Su Qiuqiu looked at Bai Chuwei with tears, "It's going to be the final exam..."

She is a scumbag, and exchange students also depend on their grades. If they do not get good grades, they will be sent back next year.

She didn't want to go back, but wanted to occupy the spot of the smelly brother.

The nameless smiled softly: "Go, I can help you for the exam."

Brother Smelly is a pervert, but he is also a top student of Harvard Finance. It is impossible to get him in the final exam for the freshman of the Emperor's Department of Finance.

So she came.

As a result... Li Canren didn't take it home, she was busy with a QAQ!

Su Qiuqiu feels even more sad when he thinks that he might fail the exam and that she is extremely unworthy of her appearance.

Su Qiuqiu slumped his shoulders and choked, "I'll go back to review first."

She is really too difficult.


There are not only tourists but also monks in the exhibition!

The moment Bai Chuwei appeared, all the cultivators almost jumped up.

Bai Chuwei hid for ten days before making a high-profile appearance, painting a tortoise directly on Li Can's face.

After a while, Li Can was beaten out and his whole body was broken.

After a while, Zhao Tianzhang came and walked away with Li Can. Li Can couldn't help chanting the words "Evil Island".

As soon as Bai Chuwei came back, Li Can was imprisoned in the villain?

The news shook people's brains.

Ordinary people are still discussing Bai Chuwei's big tortoise. The monks stood in groups in front of the famous painting and discussed in a low voice: "Li Can was imprisoned by Bai Chuwei in the villain's island, then the demon of country A has no leader, right?"

"Hey, I think Moyu is going to take over this big bargain! Country A is so close to China, so worried."


The monks hid in the crowd, and all the whispered and worried discussions passed in.

Duan Feihan looked at it with excitement and said in a deep voice: "An announcement is made that Dark Night will take over the demonic repair forces of Country A's Li Can."

Bai Chuwei was a little surprised: "Han Han?"

A smile flashed across Duan Feihan's eyebrows: "I have planted forces in Country A in advance, and I will wait for you to come back."

When his little girl avenged herself, he could close the net.

Now, it is time for [Xinbiquge].

Bai Chuwei couldn't help laughing. No wonder Duan Feihan is the villain boss in this book. The layout is tight and he doesn't give the other party any chance to resist.

Xu Xingchen and Tong Qingyan would have been killed by him thousands of times if it were not for the sons and daughters of the gods.

Suddenly Bai Chuwei put a hand on Duan Feihan's shoulder, with a sultry tone: "I have already prepared the medicine to unlock the spirit formation, tonight... shall I go to your house?"

Duan Feihan's throat rolled unconsciously, his eyes dimmed.

An untimely cell phone ringing rang, Bai Chuwei frowned and took it out, "Professor?"

"Student Bai, you watched the live broadcast just now, are you back? Our archaeology major is about to take the final exam. The professors want to take turns to make up classes for you. When do you think you can find time?"

This is the decision of all the professors in the archaeology major!

Watch Bai Chuwei's live broadcast today, drawing a tortoise on someone's face.

Many archaeology professors are heartbroken. Although they are not a professional, what does this mean?

Reminiscent of her college entrance examination Chinese is the worst of all subjects, which shows that Bai Chuwei's liberal arts is not good!

What should I do if I don’t make up the final exam after being absent for so long?

You know that the professors want to take Bai Chuwei to the archaeological site for training this winter vacation. If she has a low score in the final exam, she can't take it!

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