Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 818: Duan Feihan, welcome you to my world

Although Zhao Tianfang’s cultivation level was beyond the reach of all their cultivators, but with the attitude of Zhao Tianfang before, coupled with Bai Chuwei’s high profile dealing with Li Can, everyone thought that Bai Chuwei’s cultivation level was unfathomable.

As a result, did you just break through tonight?

It seems...a little bit unsatisfactory?

Mr. Duan was in the bathroom. The ancestors didn't rest or practice alchemy. Snowball was too embarrassed to doze off like that stupid snake. He sat in front of his handheld computer eating cucumber slices and looked at the posts on the underground forum.

Those complimenting posts have decreased at a rate that is visible to the naked eye...

Snowball bulged his cheeks and screamed in disgust: ‘I’m stupid, I’m so stupid. ’

This group of stupid monks, if they know that the ancestor has lived for more than five thousand years, they are your ancestors for eight hundred lifetimes, would you dare to look down on your ancestors?

Besides, if this group of cultivators knew that Mr. Duan had truly practiced for only three months, he would break through. It was a height they could not reach in their entire lives. I wonder if they would be mad?

A thunderstorm lit up the entire night sky, and the monks who were talking about in the imperial capital shrank with fright when they saw the thunder, their expressions changed drastically, and they quickly closed the windows and pulled the curtains to go to bed.

In the villa, the bathroom door opened, and the man walked out, his wet ink hair clinging to his forehead, his body was long and majestic, and his body was haunted by a spirit that was a hundred times stronger than before.

Bai Chuwei stood with her hand in hand, and smiled at him: "Duan Feihan, welcome you to my world."

Duan Feihan: "It's a great honor."


Bai Chuwei, who had disappeared for more than a week, finally appeared. As soon as she appeared, she painted a tortoise on her face, which directly caused heated discussions.

"Don't think that the fairy teacher painted a tortoise on a person's face too much. Then Li Can is a hei gang member in country A. There are a lot of bad things. The fairy teacher is simply helping people out!"

"No, I am distressed by the dean of the Department of Fine Arts of the Imperial University. You didn’t see how expectantly the Guofeng master watched the Master Shen draw a stunning masterpiece, but hahahaha laughed at me to death, I want the dean I must have been depressed at the time."

"As a student in the art department, I finally found a sense of superiority in the fairy teacher. It seems that the fairy teacher is not good at liberal arts."

"Upstairs, +1, teacher Shenxian is studying archaeology? I'm worried about her final exam. My friend said that during the winter vacation, Emperor Archaeology will select people to go to the archaeological site in Zhongzhou according to their scores. The professors will train them by hand. This is a rare opportunity."


Bai Chuwei knew at a glance that he was a big man in science and engineering, liberal arts? No way.

She has no literary skills, nor is she an excellent student in archaeology. She has asked for so many days of leave this time. This time she may be really cool.

"Weiwei, sit here, a good place for review." In the corner of the library, Duan Xingye kept waving at Bai Chuwei.

Bai Chuwei held the book and sat down beside Duan Xingye. Duan Xingye glanced at her book and was dumbfounded: "Your book... brand new?"

Bai Chuwei glanced sideways: "Is there a problem?"

Duan Xingye shook his head silently, but he didn't dare.

Duan Xingye didn't speak, and secretly saw Bai Chuwei opening the book with great interest, still holding a red pen in his hand to draw circles on it.

Duan Xingye was curious and couldn't help asking: "Weiwei, are you...?"

Bai Chuwei sighed: "These are all errors in the teaching materials."

As soon as Bai Chuwei's voice fell, a laugh suddenly came over: "This "Introduction to Archaeology" was jointly compiled by nearly ten leading professors in the archaeology circle. If you say anything wrong, you are wrong?"

Bai Chuwei: "?"

With a population of more than one billion people in China, is it possible that someone better understands China for five thousand years than its ancestors?

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