Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 820: I know more than archeology combined

There were dazzling bloodstains on the waves, and a red rose petal that was gently rolled up by the waves.

The petals of the red rose are beautiful and dripping, red as blood, floating on the surface of the sea, revealing a trace of weirdness, which makes people fearful.

Zhao Tianfang stood on the deck, his expression condensed extremely.

His cultivation level is not low, he was able to move Li Can without even noticing it, and he also brought so many rose petals.

Who else has this ability?

Zhao Tianfang felt a little sigh, this person purely wanted Senior White to take the blame for him.

Xiao Xiao's eyes shrank suddenly, and he suddenly called out: "Senior Zhao, this is the Demon Realm! The roses on the sea form the symbol of the Demon Realm!"

The petals that seem to be floating on the waves have vaguely formed the totem symbol of the Demon Realm!

What kind of hatred is Li Can and Demon Domain?

Don't let go of the villain's island, just kill it?

But the only thing to be thankful for is that the Demon Domain even knows to leave a name when it is messing up, at least not let Senior Bai take the blame for Demon Domain.


Bai Chuwei heard clearly, hung up the phone, turned and walked back, and sat down opposite Su Qiuqiu.

Su Qiuqiu's tears were about to come down, Bai Chuwei just went to the window to answer the phone, her ears were not bad, and the voice on the phone could be heard clearly.

Brother Smelly is really a guy who does what he says, he really did Li Can?

The smelly brother ruined her reputation!

Bai Chuwei: "Your Demon Realm..."

Su Qiuqiu's head is like a rattle: "I am not from Devil, I am a good person." Good fox.

The second in command of the Demon Territory who had entered the Fairy Gathering Conference alone, who did not change his face, all came out.

She was expressionless, she was frightened!

Bai Chuwei propped her chin, and her voice was deliberately lowered and prolonged: "Is your demon domain master Wei Yuxing?"

Duan Xingye was holding a textbook full of notes, reviewing meticulously, but listening intently.

It sounds like a man's name!

Pity his uncle has so many love rivals, it is estimated that he can circle the earth countless times, and now there is another dog man who does not know who it is!

"Wei Yuxing?" Su Qiuqiu was a little dumbfounded, and the cute expression appeared. [笔趣阁] was particularly attractive on the coquettish face, and the boys who were reviewing at the next few tables could see their saliva flow down.

The two most famous beauties of their emperor are sitting together!

"No, brother smelly doesn't call that name." Su Qiuqiu scratched his long white hair and muttered.

In my memory, Brother Smelly is also a very poor kid, maybe because he was poor before, so he is now a bit psychopathic.

Brother Smelly didn't get it back from the Su family of the fox clan, but he took the initiative to come back decades ago.

He didn't want to mention everything in the past. Even when asked about his previous name outside, he only said that he was Wuming.

Bai Chuwei smiled deeply: "Really?"

Su Qiuqiu is unreliable, so she can check it out herself.

Bai Chuwei closed the new book, got up and walked outside.

Duan Xingye hurriedly asked in a low voice: "Weiwei, don't you review it? Haven't even read half of the book!"

"I know more than the archaeological world combined." Bai Chuwei dropped a sentence and walked out of the library without looking back.

With a book in her arms, Bai Chuwei strode towards the administrative office building of the Department of Finance. She knocked on the door.

The head of the Department of Finance smiled when he saw her. The entire Emperor University, except for the head of the Academy of Fine Arts who was very speechless to Bai Chuwei, the other professors did not dislike her.

Bai Chuwei curled her lips: "I want to give the Finance Department the high math exam questions for the final exam."

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