Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 823: Tong Qingyan, you got green?

Tong Qingyan hates Bai Chuwei from the bottom of her heart, but she has to admit that Bai Chuwei does have a lot of excellence, or she may not catch up in her life.

Bai Chuwei is often unacceptable when she speaks, but sometimes it is true.

Know a lot of dads? But what does this mean?

Duan Xingye, who walked out from the side, happened to hear his ears, and suddenly his expression gradually became weird: "Xu Xingchen recognizes a lot of godfathers? No?"

In the past, godfather was a very positive term, but it gradually changed.

Recognized godfather, but also recognized many.

Is it possible...

Duan Xingye couldn't believe it, but suddenly remembered the circle of friends of his father Duan Xiuhao.

A few days ago, Duan Xiuhao was in his circle of friends, feeling that his son would not kiss his father much when he was older.

Duan Xingye initially thought that he was talking about him, and since he was frustrated with his biological father, he didn't like to talk to Duan Xiuhao.

In the past, Duan Xiuhao posted a circle of friends, he must like it, but now he doesn't know it.

Then I thought about it, how could it be him? Mostly Xu Xingchen.

Xu Xingchen and Duan Xiuhao are no longer kissing his father, so where does he get living expenses from [August One Chinese Network]?

Duan Xingye was murmured in his heart. Just now I heard Bai Chuwei said that Xu Xingchen recognized a lot of godfathers, and I was even more shocked. Xu Xingchen didn't get the money from his godfathers, right?

Of course, Tong Qingyan knows what godfather means, and she feels a little frustrated. Recently, Xu Xingchen has indeed used her mobile phone frequently at home and can always get some good things back. He always said that he brought it from his father Uncle Duan. She never thought much.

Could it be...

Bai Chuwei admired Tong Qingyan's greatly changed face, full of interest.

Tong Qingyan turned pale and walked downstairs quickly.

Before he got close, Xu Xingchen had already noticed that he hurriedly closed the phone, and smiled gently towards Tong Qingyan: "Qingyan, you have finished the exam? How did you do?"

Tong Qingyan held out her face and grabbed Xu Xingchen's phone: "What is the unlock code? Who are you chatting with all this time?"

Did Xu Xingchen really find some godfathers?

A trace of panic flashed in Xu Xingchen's eyes, "No, it's just that I talked more with my dad. After all, I am studying in the Imperial Capital now, and I can't do my filial piety in front of him."

Tong Qingyan remembered Bai Chuwei's teasing eyes and said stubbornly: "Then unlock your phone and show me!"

The students around who were about to leave the examination room to go to the library to review frequently looked over and couldn't help but talk.

"Children's flowers will not be green, right?"

"Let me go, Tong Qingyan can be green with this appearance? Among so many departments in the school, Tong Qingyan is the first one!"

There was a boy on the side nodded in sympathy, "Isn't it? Other departments have boyfriends. Who doesn't hold them in the palm of his hand like ancestors? Being green is too..."

Is it too miserable?

Xu Xingchen's face was red, and he quickly pulled Tong Qingyan's sleeve and whispered: "Qingyan, it's shameful outside, let's talk about it later."

Tong Qingyan Yuguang suddenly woke up when he saw the classmates watching the fun and eating melons around.

She turned her head and stared at Bai Chuwei fiercely. Did she deliberately say that she wanted all the students to watch her lively?

Better to see her like a shrew again? Then there is no image?

Tong Qingyan gritted his teeth and popped out a few words from his teeth: "Let's go back and talk!"

She refused to let Bai Chuwei wish.

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