Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 830: The statue of Bai Chuwei like the emperor Mrs. Bai

Bai Chuwei naturally received this bow from everyone.

The ancestors lived for more than five thousand years and could afford it.

Besides, if the ancestors hadn't asked the manager of the Calligraphy and Calligraphy Association to donate it to the museum, it would be impossible for the manager to give it to the museum in Huaguo!

The curator wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes, waved to the staff, solemnly removed the red bra covered on the lid, revealing the customized trophy in the transparent box, and said to Bai Chuwei: "Ms. Bai, for Thank you for your donation. This is a trophy specially customized for you by our museum."

Bai Chuwei smiled and took it with both hands: "Thank you, the curator."

The curator quickly gave the pennant to the principal of the Imperial University, admiringly said: "Principal, thank you, the Imperial University for training such outstanding students."

Such behavior has something to do with the school!

The old principal's face is red, but Bai Chuwei is a student of their emperor, no problem! So the principal happily accepted the pennant, and prepared to hang it at the main entrance of their archaeology college for all archaeologists to see!

The curator greeted the students present and cleared his throat and said: "In order to thank Ms. Bai for her kind deeds, our library has made an important decision."

"All students majoring in Archaeology at Imperial University can enter the museum for free as long as they hold their student ID card."

Everyone present was so shocked that their jaws almost fell off!


Can all students majoring in archaeology visit for free?

The entrance fee to the Imperial Capital Cultural Museum is actually not expensive, only 30 yuan per piece, but this is a question of attitude!

All archaeologists will not have to pay for admission fees because of Bai Chuwei...

But it seems reasonable.

"My god, the teacher Shenxian is really willing. Before she developed a Chinese system, she gave out five hundred million to the contestants. Now she has spent more than 20 billion on calligraphy and painting to donate to the museum...really Don’t take money to heart."

"Don't you know? I heard that Teacher Shenxian invested some more money to support the country in developing seismic sensors..."

In other words, Bai Chuwei's 50 billion copyright fees that he earned because of the Chinese system is almost exhausted.

Ask yourself, can you do such a thing?

They may donate part of it for public welfare, but donate all of it? Sorry, I really can't do it.

"Why the more I said, the more I think Bai Chuwei is like our statue, Ms. Bai..." Some students muttered more and more.

Ms. Bai’s school deeds are widely circulated in the emperor university, and no one of the emperor university students does not know.

How come the more you listen, the more it resembles what the legendary lady Bai did?

Shelter all students, don't care about money or reputation!

"Impossible, how could Bai Chuwei be Ms. Bai?" The student patted his face and quickly killed this unrealistic idea.

Professor Sun, a major in archaeology, triumphed and looked at Professor Li of the Department of Mathematics with his chin: "Old Li, did you hear that? Bai Chuwei's contribution to our cultural and archeological circles, you said our professor took her to archaeology Is there something wrong at the scene?"

The trophy of the Imperial Capital Cultural Museum, the pennant of the Emperor, and the curator personally promised no admission fee. These are achievements made by Bai Chuwei. Isn't it bigger than the small rewards she received in archaeology?

Besides, Bai Chuwei's score is indeed ranked in the top five, and he is qualified!

Professor Li smiled, watching Professor Sun arrogantly and couldn't answer.


If this is not taken to the archaeological site and cultivated, I am sorry that Bai Chuwei has spent more than 20 billion yuan with all his money!

In the archaeological professional group of Emperor Dayi University, some students couldn't understand Ning Yumeng chasing the counselor to insinuate, so Aite directly sent her a shooting video.

[Zhang Xiaomei: @宁雨萌, watch the video for yourself. This is why you and Bai Chuwei are both ranked fifth in grade, but you choose her not to go. Her archaeological professional trophy is worth all your awards! ]

Ning Yumeng wondered, didn't she just walk through the back door because she was a fairy teacher? Is there another reason?

With curiosity, Ning Yumeng sat in the bedroom and clicked on this video. When he saw the curator and principal of the Imperial Capital Cultural Museum and all the students bowing deeply to Bai Chuwei, they almost fell to the ground in shock. !

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