Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 832: Isn't it true that Bai Chuwei is a waste material?

Of course, the people who eat melon don't care about it at all. It's impossible for an 18-year-old girl to get involved with the old lady a hundred years ago.

After the official interview video of Emperor University came out, it was directly topped by the school's official blog.

A few minutes later, it was reposted by the official media blue v, all praised!

The netizens who eat melons are screaming, Bai Chuwei is simply a woman recognized by all officials!

Take a look at which celebrity big names, who has Bai Chuwei's lineup?


Bai Chuwei did not debut, did not become a celebrity, never performed singing and dancing, and did not receive any advertisements. It still became popular all over the Internet. There are hundreds of millions of fans in China alone!

This news directly boarded the top search list.

Inside the high-end student apartment outside the university city

The woman screamed "Ah," and Tong Qingyan ran to Xu Xingchen's bedroom next door with her mobile phone in her hands.

There was a suitcase on Xu Xingchen's bed. He was packing up his things. He saw Tong Qingyan running in and laughed: "What's wrong? My clothes for Zhongzhou are almost packed."

University A is not the emperor's university of the first university. Their archaeology major has only one place for internship at the archaeological site in Zhongzhou, and he got it.

Although he does not like the major of archaeology, it does not prevent him from going to Zhongzhou to study.

I heard that Zhongzhou is a good place, and the wealthy families in it are no worse than the imperial capital!

The emperor has Bai Chuwei, and he probably won't know a few contacts, but if he goes to Zhongzhou, and in the name of archeology, he must be able to get to know many antique families in Zhongzhou.

I heard that Liu's family is one of the best in Zhongzhou.

Tong Qingyan handed the phone over: "Xingchen, take a look for yourself."

Xu Xingchen took a look, and his legs fell on the bed as soon as he weakened. Junyi's face instantly wrinkled into a bitter melon face, and he kept patting his thighs with anger: "Why is this? Bai Chuwei's archaeology major is fifth? On-site internship?"

To his uncle!

Countless swear words roared in Xu Xingchen's heart!

Isn’t it true that Bai Chuwei is a waste material for archaeology?

How did she get fifth place?

The average score is 92 points high?

Xu Xingchen thought that in order to get the first place in the final exam, he left two big dark circles, and finally won the opportunity. As a result...Bai Chuwei wanted to go easily.

Xu Xingchen looked at the picture on the phone, and the netizen cut Bai Chuwei's scalp for a while.

He is now physically scared when he sees Bai Chuwei.

As long as there is a place for Bai Chuwei, he will be unlucky!

Tong Qingyan grabbed Xu Xingchen's arm and said with concern: "Or... Xingchen, don't you go to Zhongzhou to participate in this archeological internship? It happens that we are going back to Haicheng for the winter vacation together?"

Xu Xingchen scratched his hair with a little annoyance: "How can this be done? I have already agreed to the professor. The school has even reimbursed the airfare, so why can I not go without a special reason?"

Go, bite the bullet and can only go.

Xu Xingchen's eyes fell on Tong Qingyan's face, and suddenly a thought jumped out in his heart.

His heart started beating uncontrollably.

Liu Jiner...

He and Liu Jin'er chatted very smoothly on the Internet. The girl Liu Jin'er regarded him as a great filial son and gave him a lot of elixir.

But chatting online all the time is not a way, Liu Jiner will be suspicious even if she is stupid.

But he didn't dare to meet Liu Jin'er, it was different now...

If he goes to the Zhongzhou archaeological site for an internship, Tong Qingyan is spending winter vacation in Haicheng, and he should not be able to meet Liu Jiner...

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