Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 840: What Bai Chuwei said is true, I live live!

The murals on the tomb passage are all his longing for immortality.

This group of stupid juniors actually regard eternal life as the zong religion!

Bai Chuwei looked at everyone in the conference room and sighed softly.

This group of archaeology professionals can only rely on the excavated cultural relics and the few words of those historical materials to guess and imagine the scene thousands of years ago.

The ancestors rely on seeing and hearing with their own eyes.

The old professors were so angry that Bai Chuwei felt that she was just here to make trouble.

Professor Ge held the gel pen firmly, and smiled at Bai Chuwei without a smile: "Oh, is it? Then classmate Bai, what do you think of this archeology?"

With a puff, there was a low, suppressed laughter from the conference room.

Some interns held back a smile and blushed directly.

Listen to what Professor Ge said? "Good view"!

Isn't this "advanced opinion" just ironic?

Bai Chuwei was so awesome, she caused trouble on the first day.

Bai Chuwei didn't seem to understand Professor Ge's sarcasm, and after thinking about it for a while, she smiled and said, "I don't have a good opinion. Just let me remind you that there used to be a sea here."

In the past, the spiritual energy hadn't decayed to what it is now, and it was still possible to cultivate immortals.

Thousands of years ago, there was a sea of ​​immortality with a very small area. After the dog emperor found it, he secretly built the underground palace tomb here, hoping to gain immortality after death.

However, the vicissitudes of life in the millennium have already turned into land.

The group of students who are taking classes in the bright classroom may not be able to imagine that the land under their feet was once a vast ocean.

Everyone present: "..."

You are really drinking fake wine!

Was there a sea before?

The more you talk, the more ridiculous!

It's getting more and more ridiculous!

For thousands of years, Zhongzhou has only lakes and no ocean.

Professor Ge burst into his forehead with a violent anger, unable to maintain the calmness on his face anymore, staring at Bai Chuwei with anger and blurted out: "It used to be really the sea here, I will eat live..."

Professor Ge had a sudden pause, a trace of embarrassment flashed across his face.

Anyway, everyone is a cultural person, so you can't use words like Xiang, right?

Professor Ge coughed and changed it directly to: "I am eating soil live! I will eat the soil here!"

Bai Chuwei looked weird, and faintly responded, "Oh, I'm waiting for you to eat soil, but don't have diarrhea when the professor eats."

Professor Ge was so angry that he had a heart attack.

Xu Xingchen, who was standing behind his own professor, felt a little in his heart, and suddenly felt that the scene before him was very familiar.

It seems... he swears to Duan Xingye that the sky thunders...

"Okay, okay, stop arguing! Just discuss and discuss. Tomorrow we are going to open the door of the tomb and the meeting will be over." Professor Sun coughed and interrupted directly.

Professor Sun is extremely depressed!

It's so noisy at a meeting!

Everyone broke up and left the meeting room.

Bai Chuwei just walked out of the conference room, and Professor Sun's voice came from behind: "Student Bai, talk to me."

A thought-provoking smile was drawn on Bai Chuwei's lips, and she stopped outside the meeting room and asked with a smile, "What is Professor Sun going to tell me?"

Professor Sun thought that Bai Chuwei had strongly requested that he bring the archaeological site, not what Bai Chuwei wanted to come, so he said in a tactful tone: "Student Bai, I know you are very talented, but you have to converge a little at the archaeological site. Professors will not treat you like a fairy teacher. Don't say anything."

Others admire her as a fairy teacher, and archaeological experts will only treat her as a student.

"Can't tell the truth?"

Professor Sun was taken aback, honestly?

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