Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 843: What effect can Bai Chuwei's pills have?

Professor Ge has always had a relatively big temper. Zhou Nan saw that his direct and direct teacher was about to be angry at Bai Chuwei again, and quickly interjected in it: "Bai no school girl may not know something. Archaeology now is different from before. It’s not unequipped at the tomb door."

Everyone doesn't know what kind of underground cemetery is. It is difficult to guarantee that there will not be some poisonous gas inside, so they are fully equipped and there will be no major problems.

Bai Chuwei looked at their equipment in silence.

With these equipment daring to break into the mausoleum here, are you going to give heads to the Dog Emperor?

This is not an ordinary emperor's tomb, but this is the tomb built by the dog emperor for immortality.

The area of ​​the mausoleum is much smaller than that of the ordinary emperor’s tomb, but the force inside is...very high.

These experts are all talents in the archaeological circle of China. She really didn't want these children to go in and be buried with the Emperor Dog.

Bai Chuwei was in deep thought for a while, took out a small glass bottle from her pocket, took out the pill made last night, and one person delivered one.

Everyone: "???"

What's this stuff? Health products?

"I hope you don't get poisoned." Bai Chuwei said concisely.

Professor Ge's expression recovered a bit, and the little girl still knew that she wanted them to be safe, but she didn't speak much.

Professor Ge looked at the milky white pill in the palm of his hand that was only the size of a pea, and said helplessly: "Student Bai, we are studying archaeology, not medicine."

What is the effect of a pill? Can a gas mask be strong?

I don't know what kind of medicinal material this pill is. Who knows if something will happen after taking it?

She is really not as strong as giving a peace talisman to one person.

After watching so much, Professor Ge couldn't help throwing it directly so that Bai Chuwei could not get off the stage and put it directly into her waist pocket.

Just... just treat it as a safe talisman from Bai Chuwei.

Xu Xingchen looked at the pill in the palm of his hand silently. He didn't say a word, but he didn't put it in his carry-on bag like everyone else. Instead, he wrapped it in a piece of toilet paper and held it tightly in his hand.

Bai Chuwei, the demon girl is hateful... but Xu Xingchen has to admit that Bai Chuwei speaks quite truthfully.

Bai Chuwei looked at these people speechlessly, frowning and said: "Let's go down with you."

"Hey, hey, no need!" As soon as Professor Ge heard this, his eyelids jumped quickly, and he quickly raised his hand to stop him, " just followed. By the way, when Professor Sun wakes up, you will Let’s help sort out the unearthed cultural relics today."

Professor Ge is really afraid of Bai Chuwei as an intern.

He didn't care much about archeology, and he was afraid that she would follow along. He opened his mouth and said something owed, which would make him directly inflicted with anger.

Professor Ge decisively arranged a task for Bai Chuwei, an intern, to sort out the unearthed cultural relics.

A tomb has just been opened, and some cultural relics that are not particularly important are still unearthed, and they will be busy for a while.

Bai Chuwei: "..."

Come on, you are free.

Anyway, the ancestors are on the ground to protect you from death.

CCTV reporters and photographers who specialize in archaeological documentaries are standing beside Bai Chuwei, holding the camera at the tomb door, watching them wear equipment and use cranes and other equipment-open the tomb door!

Bai Chuwei stood on the mound with her hand holding her hand, her eyes flickering.

After more than a thousand years of dust, the tomb of the Emperor Dog is seen again.

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