Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 854: Even the ancestors dare to calculate?

Everyone couldn't figure out why Bai Chuwei didn't agree.

Xu Xingchen was sitting in the corner, holding a mobile phone in his hand and was operating to book tickets for Liu Jiner.

Taking the initiative to book tickets for visiting actresses is something that every elegant man should do, and... it is very good for girls.

He has experience in this matter.

Xu Xingchen used the app to buy plane tickets expertly. Hearing experts discussing why Bai Chuwei didn't agree, a mocking smile appeared on his lips.

What else?

Bai Chuwei had a little temper again, and she was careful to hate the professor for attacking her before, and now she has to punish her and come back.

Be a disgusting woman!

After booking the tickets, Xu Xingchen sent the detailed information to Liu Jin'er, and she was so touched that Liu Jin'er sent out several emojis.

Liu Jin'er hugged her suitcase, her small face flushed with excitement, and an indescribable sense of happiness emerged spontaneously.

That is a sense of happiness that you can never experience with Young Master.

The young master is indifferent by nature. She doesn't believe that Duan Feihan can be so considerate and considerate of the stars, even helping girls to book plane tickets.

[Liu’s Xiaojiner: Thank you Xingchen, wait for me to come~]

Xu Xingchen curled his lips and smiled satisfied.

Suddenly, he heard the senior Zhou Nan on the opposite side suddenly say: "Teacher, is it because...because you didn't fulfill your promise?"

Professor Ge looked blank, he did not fulfill his promise?

His old man can bend and stretch, and he just made up for Bai Chuwei. Why didn't he fulfill his promise?

Zhou Nan coughed: "Do you remember what you said in the meeting room yesterday?"

Professor Ge was dumbfounded for a long time, and his lips were shaking: "I... did I say that if it's true, I will eat live... eat dirt?"

Hundreds of archaeologists in the dining room were silent.

Professor Ge licked his lips, crying without tears.

Should he be thankful that he has no brains and said he wants to eat other things?

Professor Sun on the side twitched his eyelids and quickly said, "Old Ge, don't mess around, classmate Bai is really not such a person."

Bai Chuwei can be willing to donate hundreds of calligraphy and paintings to the Imperial Capital Cultural Museum for 20 billion, so that an old professor Ge can eat the soil?

This is absolutely impossible!

Besides, that was not what Bai Chuwei said, but Professor Ge just hilariously for a while, maybe Bai Chuwei didn't take it to heart.

Xu Xingchen put away the phone, his eyes flashed, and he hesitated on his face. He suddenly interrupted and said, "Classmate Bai and I were from the same high school... She, since high school, has been a girl who talks about one thing."

For example, if you want to strike him with lightning, it is not vague at all to call him to strike him with lightning. He is a poisonous woman.

Why should he take advantage of the situation... let Bai Chuwei be sprayed to death by the whole network?

As soon as these words came out, Professor Ge felt his heart blunt, almost making a decision.

Isn’t it just eating dirt?

He can't afford it!

Eat it!

Ten minutes later, a newcomer’s live room appeared on the Xianyu Video APP.

The name of the live broadcast room is: [Archaeological Live Broadcast at Yinghua No. 1 Middle School]

As soon as this title came out, a lot of viewers poured in.

Teacher Shenxian has a lot of fans, and her latest move is not a celebrity’s private itinerary. Many people know that Bai Chuwei went to the newly excavated tomb of Yinghua No. 1 Middle School.

This live broadcast room is simply amazing!

Bai Chuwei sat in the dormitory, feeding the snowballs with the boiled broccoli.

"Don't eat? Don't eat." Bai Chuwei looked at Snowball with her back facing her, in a lazy tone.

She half leaned against the table, took the mobile phone and glanced casually, her eyes suddenly stopped.

A few minutes ago, the Xianyu Video APP sent a new push, the latest live broadcast of the archaeological site of Teacher Shenxian!

What live broadcast?

Bai Chuwei was a little surprised. She pointed her finger in and saw Professor Ge in the live broadcast room. She was shocked and remembered something instantly.

This little old man is crazy, really wants to live broadcast and eat dirt? Don't die at such an old age?

Then she didn't take it seriously!

Bai Chuwei's face turned dark for an instant, and this live broadcast is going to come out, how do everyone think of her? Bullying the old professor? Once this head is deducted, it will become a black spot that Bai Chuwei can't wash away!

Who smashed Professor Ge Ge on live broadcast? Even the ancestors dare to calculate? !

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