Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 870: Unable to open the coffin, everyone counts on Bai Chuwei!

Xu Xingchen quickly stabilized his body and looked at Bai Chuwei and Duan Feihan.

Xu Xingchen's tone was flat and greeted, "Mr. Duan, classmate Bai, is this a weekend party?"

Bai Chuwei asked back: "Is it related to you?"

Xu Xingchen was choked by Bai Chuwei, his hand clenched into a fist unconsciously, his eyes fell on Duan Feihan, and he suddenly thought of something and smiled: "Yes, Mr. Duan should come to our archaeological site more to walk around."

Xu Xingchen was already almost unable to suppress the ridicule in his eyes.

Isn't this titular fourth uncle very awesome?

I don’t know that I was green by Bai Chuwei, right?

Bai Chuwei, a flamboyant woman, took advantage of Duan Feihan's absence to hook up with a third-year male student in Yinghua No. 1 Middle School. He had seen it with his own eyes and there was still evidence!

He is different from this period of Feihan, there is a fundamental difference.

Duan Feihan is cuckold on his head, and he is two good girls who are obsessed with him.

Thinking about this, Xu Xingchen suddenly felt that he had won Duan Feihan, and couldn't help but put on a smug smile on his face.

Who knows that Bai Chuwei's next sentence slammed: "Yes, the subject should come to the archaeological site more to visit, or else I don't know if I derailed."

Xu Xingchen's body became stiff, as if a big rock had been suddenly dropped in his heart.

What does Bai Chuwei's remark mean?

"Bai Xuemei, come in quickly, what are you doing while standing downstairs?!" Senior Zhou Nan leaned on the railing on the second floor and looked down. He saw Xu Xingchen on one side and shouted, "Xu Xuemei are you back too? Come and experiment now. Room."

Bai Chuwei glanced at Xu Xingchen meaningfully, nodded towards Duan Feihan, and went straight to the laboratory building.

Xu Xingchen didn't consciously sweat a little on his forehead, and he dared not say anything to Duan Feihan, so he hurried upstairs.

He was afraid that Tong Qingyan would call the archaeological team and learn that he had gone to the airport, so he had called in advance to tell Senior Zhou Nan that he had given up his weekend vacation and had to take the initiative to work overtime to participate in archaeological activities!

Bai Chuwei and Xu Xingchen entered the laboratory one after another.

This two-storey experimental building is a temporary large factory with various equipment moved from the Archaeological Bureau. The gold coffin in the middle almost lights up everyone's eyes.

Dozens of staff on the side had already arrived, and Professor Ge's several experts were blushing, standing in front of the golden coffin helpless.

A group of interns who had beaten hands saw Bai Chuwei who had been late and couldn't help but curl their lips.

Everyone took the initiative to work overtime, and even Xu Xingchen called more than half an hour ago and said that he would come back to work overtime immediately. Only Bai Chuwei was the only one in the archeological team to spend the weekend leisurely!

Had it not been for Zhou Nan's seniority, Bai Chuwei would still be sleeping in the dormitory.

In this way, why can she get the Excellence Award?

What she said yesterday that she deserves her name, but it's not necessarily true.

Senior Zhou Nan asked them to change into white work clothes and put on gloves before coming over.

Xu Xingchen didn't talk to Bai Chuwei at all, and quickly put on his work clothes outside of his casual clothes. When he was about to put on his gloves, he suddenly found that the phone in his pocket vibrated. He took it out and took a look. Tong Qingyan sent a WeChat message:

"Xingchen, come out and have a look, and give you a surprise!"

Wanting to cry without tears, Xu Xingchen glanced at Bai Chuwei, who was slowly adjusting his overalls, and hurried out of the laboratory to look downstairs.

Wearing a pink down jacket, Tong Qingyan pushed the suitcase with one hand, and waved at him with the other hand, shouting, "Xingchen, surprise!"

Nima's, what a surprise is this, this is obviously a shock!

Xu Xingchen hurriedly said a few words and hurried back to the laboratory. He immediately ran into Bai Chuwei's long eyes, and his heart almost stopped in shock.

Bai Chuwei's wicked interest suddenly rose. If Xu Xingchen and Liu Jiner, the original spare child, become a Taoist couple, will this article transform from a sweet pet article to... a deep sadomasochism?

Bai Chuwei was thinking, and suddenly heard Zhou Nan's senior rushing to several professors to ask: "Teachers, several professors, the Haicheng Duan family heir Duan Feihan Duan always apply to us, can he come in and see the coffin open?"

Bai Chuwei: "?"

Duan Feihan, what are you doing here?

Let’s see if the love rivals from a thousand years ago died with no bones left?

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