Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 873: The ancestor slapped his face, broke the formation and opened the coffin

No wonder a group of professors and experts stayed up all night and didn't have any clues. How can they have a clue?

It's really not that Bai Chuwei looks down on the children in China today, but that the cultural heritage has been faulted after the dragon vein is broken, and many ancient craftsmen's subtle skills have not been passed down.

Just as everyone was stunned, Bai Chuwei directly moved her hands, pressing her slender fingers on the complicated patterns of the golden coffin, and everyone's eyes were about to fall out!

The pattern and dragon pattern on the coffin can be pressed! But there is no trace of it, just like a whole.

Professor Ge watched Bai Chuwei start and almost jumped up: "Don't—"

You have said that the three formations are united in one. The difficulty can be imagined, and you dare to do it?

This is the cultural relic, the big deal is to protect the cultural relics without opening the coffin!

Bai Chuwei's hand is extremely fast, and the running clouds and flowing water do not hesitate. As if playing with a big toy, they can still hear Bai Chuwei's muttering to herself: "Kui wood wolf is in the west, Xinyue fox enters the star track... Yin and Yang balance, yes For eternal life."

Everyone held their breath subconsciously, for fear of disturbing Bai Chuwei's thoughts.

Bai Chuwei pressed her index finger on Changlong's eyes and said faintly: "Eternal life is in sight."

The golden coffin suddenly made a muffled noise, as if a machine that had been stored for thousands of years suddenly began to operate, and it was clearly abnormal in the empty laboratory, making everyone's scalp numb.

[My god, I admire our ancestors in China so much, how smart is the brain to come up with such a formation? ]

[Don’t you think that the fairy teacher is really awesome? So many experts couldn't figure it out, but the box of the twenty-eight stars lock formation was still lying in the museum, and the fairy teacher had explained it in three quarters, and it turned out to be finished. This is not smart anymore, she is a real god. ]

[Shenxian teacher is awesome! I have taken online lessons from Teacher Shenxian, and I am her apprentice! ]

[Um... I changed the subject. I just counted the number of Master Shenxian and pressed a total of 16 times. ]

[? ? ? What happened to the 16th? ]

A female archaeologist in the laboratory was very moved, and she said: "Bai Xuemei pressed sixteen times. The word'wei' is exactly sixteen strokes."

I don't know if it is a coincidence.

The live broadcast room is boiling!

[Are my tears worthless? Sisters quickly put "Weiwei, this woman has no heart" on the public screen! ]

[Brothers, hit the "Emperor, please go and sit in the harem with three thousand beauties" on the public screen! ]

[I firmly believe that it is not a coincidence. I can't help it anymore. I'm going to produce food for this pair of CPs. ]


Bai Chuwei was expressionless.


The scholars in the laboratory, except for Duan Feihan, who had a dark complexion, and Xu Xingchen, who was thoughtful, were all moved by it. Bai Chuwei didn't need to think about what the live broadcast room would say.

Professor Ge took off his presbyopic glasses, wiped away his tears, and shouted in high spirits: "Everyone prepare, help open the coffin!"

The locked coffin lid was finally able to move, but this golden coffin was so huge that several people had to work together to push it away.

After pushing it away, the eye-catching place is the dazzling gold-woven dragon robe, which is still lifelike after a thousand years.

Because the coffin is opened in the laboratory, the textiles in the coffin will not fade under a low-oxygen environment.

Senior Zhou Nan suddenly saw the object next to the pillow and shouted in surprise, "Teacher, professor, with a seal!"

Professor Ge is wearing gloves, and can't wait to carefully take out the seal from the inside, turning it over to see that his breathing stops.

"Huo Qi! Really the Emperor Duanjing of the Grand Dynasty!"

Bai Chuwei stood beside the coffin with her hand in her hand and smiled lightly.

Long time no see, Emperor Dog.

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