Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 880: Do you dare to see her? She is your ancestor!

Bai Chuwei did not want to play with these children, nodded towards Duan Feihan, and the two walked towards the second floor lounge.

Pushing the door open, the faint smell of medicine on her body spilled in first, and everyone in the whole lounge suddenly became excited.

He Feng's eyes were shining, and he was too excited to herself: "Grandma, sister, I want to introduce you to her..."

The excitement on the faces of He Sulan and He Nana froze for an instant, turning their heads and looking at the red-faced He Feng.

What did this **** say?

He Nana covered the jewel on her chest, her voice trembling: "You bastard, what are you doing?"

Zhou Ying was even more shocked with her mouth wide open.

He Feng was a little dazed by the spray, and a little at a loss and said: "Grandma, sister, don't you know her? She is a fairy teacher, the person that parents will like, I..."

He Sulan was dizzy with this grandson. The premise for her to be a fairy teacher is that she is the ancestor of their He family!

This stinky boy, it's really better to fall in love with each other, to see who doesn't like the ancestors, and really not afraid of being condemned.

He Sulan sternly shouted: "What is she? She is your ancestor! She is the witness of your sister's engagement banquet tonight! You shut up!"

He Feng's brain was dizzy, ancestor?

Want to certify your sister's marriage?

Given the status of their family, the person who can witness the marriage of their sister must be an elder whom his grandmother respects!

Ancestor? His brain can't work...

He Nana lowered her face: "You can go to the window and stop by the window."

He Feng: "..."

Bai Chuwei gradually recalled, she said why this kid was so diligent to give her things, dare to love her ancestors instead of respecting her, is she really in love with her?

The snowball in his pocket tweeted: ‘This silly boy, it’s not that everyone who loves sisters and brothers can succeed! ’

Duan Feihan stood aside blankly.

Oh, her suitors are really everywhere, and you can meet one at an engagement banquet.

Bai Chuwei gently held Duan Feihan's wrist and smiled faintly: "It's okay, just a child."

Bai Chuwei took out a kit from her sleeve and handed it to He Nana, who was still very angry by her own brother: "The engagement gift."

He Nana was surprised, and quickly took a look inward with both hands, took a breath, and hurriedly said, "Thank you...Miss Bai."

Zhou Ying looked at the kit with some curiosity. At most, can you put a gem in it?

The status of the He family is superb. He Nana is usually a princess and was raised and raised. What gems and diamonds have not been seen? Why are you so surprised?

He Nana is also not good at explaining the contents to Zhou Ying, there is a lot in this kit!

She said that Rong He and Qi Mo, two single dogs, would immediately choose to get married! Wait for their ancestors to give them wedding gifts.

He Nana looked at Bai Chuwei with a feeling of being favored by her ancestors.

Bai Chuwei sighed, she has always been more pampered with girls...

Girls should be spoiled to grow up, not to mention He Nana is the girl she grew up watching since childhood.

Rong He Qimo, these boys, let them be rough.

Bai Chuwei saw that she was wearing a strapless long skirt. Although the air conditioner was on, it was still cold. She raised her hand to the center of her eyebrows.

He Nana just felt a warmth from her eyebrows, rushing to all sides of her body, her whole body was warm, even if she went outside in the ice and snow, there was no problem!

Tears flickered in He Nana's eyes, and she was about to open her mouth to thank, when the door of the lounge was knocked, the housekeeper of the He family came in and said, "Old lady, Miss, Miss Liu and friends are visiting."

Bai Chuwei smiled.

finally come.

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