Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 902: The method of the domain owner, leisurely watching the play

Did she just say that "sweet pet essays are going to become sadomasochistic"?

Xueqiu is a stupid hamster, absolutely can't hear the hidden meaning, but Duan Feihan...I don't know him...

Can you hear something else? For example, this is a small world of novels, in which Heavenly Dao is not really just.

The villain has a very high IQ, and can capture information in a few words.

Duan Feihan glanced at the night, his tone indifferent: "What?"

He looked natural and couldn't see what he had done.

Yes, according to Duan Feihan's personality, he is a president.

In countless presidential articles, the presidential hero does not go online, let alone understand the latest curious stuff.

It is estimated that Mr. Duan does not use the Internet, nor does he understand what is called the novel world.

Bai Chuwei suddenly became suspicious, could it be that the thunder was warning her by relying on this spicy chicken heaven?


This spicy chicken is gone, even the ancestors dare to warn?

Believe it or not she tore this day?

Bai Chuwei smiled: "It's nothing, maybe it's about to celebrate the New Year. Spicy Chicken Tiandao thundered in advance to celebrate."

Snowball: ‘...’

Who thundered in the sky celebrating the new year? Old ancestor, are you kidding? !

Bai Chuwei almost raised her hand and slapped the snowball out.

She said yes!

Duan Feihan glanced at the calm night that had returned to her. His slightly cool hand suddenly pulled her gently, and said in a low voice: "You...really want to come back to Duan's house with me this year for the New Year?"

Bai Chuwei was determined: "The ancestors did what they said, and said that he would return to Duan's house with you for the New Year."

Xueqiu roared on the side: "President Duan, can I pre-order the food for your Duan family's New Year dinner?" ’

After receiving an accurate reply, Duan Feihan was in a good mood, and the corners of his lips curled slightly: "Yes."

It's not that Bai Chuwei has never been to Duan's house, because Duan Xingye has eaten at their house several times.

But on New Year’s Eve, following a reunion dinner at Duan’s house, the potential meaning is different.

"Didi, be a demon, and someone else is a demon."

The palmtop computer placed on the desk suddenly turned on with a red indicator light and a beep sounded.

Snowball’s four paws landed firmly on the desk, proudly saying: ‘This is an underground forum plug-in made by me, Master Snowball. Important news on the underground forum will be notified as soon as possible. Isn’t it awesome? ’

Bai Chuwei disliked: "It's stupid."

In grief and anger, Snowball pushed his paw away from the computer and quickly browsed the underground forum. After a while, he made a burst of exclamation and squeaking:

‘Old ancestor, it’s not good! You are really as expected! ’

Xueqiu continued without panting: ‘Is the Demon Realm really real? Isn’t it a thing? They announced that they had caught a spy placed by the Unnatural Administration. ’

In other words, the fact that Zhao Tianfang got the news of the Seven Star Dragon Pulse Array was already known to Demon Domain.

Bai Chuwei and Duan Feihan looked at each other, frowning unconsciously.

Bai Chuwei had an intuition that the Demon Domain might be going into trouble.

Xueqiu's sapphire blue eyes suddenly widened, and he took a breath: ‘hiss——’ How come it makes the sound of a stupid snake after a while?


Bai Chuwei didn't wait for it, she stretched out her long hand and took the handheld computer, her expression gradually condensed.

Zhao Tianfang and the others got the information, Moyu kept doing it, and directly published this information in the underground forum, and also took out a million yuan to ask the underground forum to post this information to the top.

[NewWorld: I will give you a piece of information that was stolen and is no longer important-there are countless spirit mines buried under the dangerous peak mountains in Zhongzhou, China. ]

The monks from all over the world in the underground forum are excited about it, spirit mine!


Must dig dig dig!

Duan Feihan frowned and said: "Their domain owner has some means, and the information stolen is turned around to announce the global monks, so that everyone is fighting for a bloodshed. The decline from the stolen information is reversed to the advantage of watching the show."

Then the intelligence that Zhao Tianfang obtained would be worthless, and he wasted a spy that was inserted.

Bai Chuwei expressionlessly: "Have they asked my opinion?"

That is her Millennium Town and National Array!

Before Liu Jiner and Xu Xingchen wanted to dig the two clowns, now thousands of monks from all over the world want to dig! !

A swarm of flies? !

This operation really hurts, Bai Chuwei wants to curse.

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