Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 904: I just want to be a Taoist couple with you

Liu Jin'er walked in and saw his nervousness so that his hair was standing straight, and said gently: "Don't be afraid of the stars, I'm not here to ask the teacher."

Liu Jin'er lowered her eyes, and said with a trace of loss in her voice: "I didn't expect you to like Miss Tong so much. In that case, are you interested in following me? I will take you to the gate of practice, and then Miss Tong's heart disease will be well. Faster, your master Jiao Peng is not reliable."

Xu Xingchen fell into a moment of hesitation. Didn’t Elder Liu be kicked out of the Dark Night Realm by Duan Feihan? This is no longer a big backing.

Liu Jin'er smiled and said, "My dad will definitely be kicked out of the dark night realm this time, but my father's contacts in the spiritual world are still there, and the cultivators at home and abroad also know him. This time I plan to cooperate with foreign super alliances to mine spiritual mines. "

The young master has done so absolutely, and has to drive their Liu Family out of the Dark Night Realm, so don't blame them for being polite.

Since they are no longer considered the people in the Dark Night Realm, and the spirit mines under the Zhongzhou Town National Formation are also unowned, they don't have to give Duan Feihan!

Elder Liu was also quite cautious. The Dark Night Realm had contacts with many domestic cultivators. He didn't dare to cooperate with domestic monks at all. After thinking about it, he chose a foreign monk organization.

No matter how powerful Bai Chuwei is, no matter how long he stretches his hands, it is impossible to reach abroad. It is the best decision to find foreign monks and superpowers to cooperate!

Xu Xingchen had an almost instinctive fear of Bai Chuwei. When he thought of Bai Chuwei in Zhongzhou, he fidgeted and said: "But Bai Chuwei..."

Liu Jin'er laughed in a low voice: "Just now, Bai Chuwei announced in the underground forum that he would not dig out a piece of spirit mine in the remnant formation!"

Xu Xingchen rounded his eyes in disbelief, Bai Chuwei didn't want the spirit mine? Is it true that she came to Zhongzhou to participate in archaeology? She doesn't want the spirit mines of Zhongzhou, it is too noble!

Although the underground forum posts anonymously, Bai Chuwei has an official account and can never be faked.

Had Bai Chuwei publicly announced that she would not dig any spirit mines, she would not dare to come to the archaeological site at this time.

However, Xu Xingchen was still hesitating. Liu Jiner looked at it and shook his head slightly, turned and walked outside the dormitory, seeming to be disappointed by his indecision, and threw a word:

"The world of spiritual practice is respected by force. If you want to enter the world of spiritual practice and you shrink back, it is better not to enter."

Xu Xingchen was shocked when he heard the words, gritted his teeth, grabbed the suitcase next to the dormitory and chased it out: "Jin'er, wait for me!"

The corners of Liu Jin'er's lips bend, and a dark glow flashes through the water in the night.

Xu Xingchen knew that Liu Jiner had a crush on him, but he was still thinking about Tong Qingyan, so he added: "We are just a cooperative relationship."

Liu Jiner smiled gently: "I know, I just want to be a Taoist companion with you in the future."

Bai Chuwei was right, she couldn't lose her wife and break the army for Xu Xingchen.

Since being kicked out of the realm of the dark night is a foregone conclusion, then... she wants to get it.

Xu Xingchen didn't know much about the vocabulary in spiritual practice. Being a Taoist couple didn't need to apply for a marriage certificate. There was no legal effect, so it didn't matter much.

Xu Xingchen dragged the suitcase and disappeared into the night with Liu Jin'er.

In the early morning of the next day, members of the archaeological team got up early and continued to work.

Professor A looked around and found no figure of Xu Xingchen, so he arranged an intern to urge Xu Xingchen.

Within a few minutes, the intern ran back quickly, panting and saying: "Professor, Xu Xingchen has left early. There is no one in the dormitory at all."

Professor A became stiff, as if being fed a fly instantly.

Although you were kicked out of the archeological team by Professor Ge, you should report to him before leaving. Is there such a silent escape?

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