Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 918: Live worldwide! Bai Chuwei's liquidation is coming!

A thick green snake with thick baby arms slowly wriggled from the snow bushes, spitting out snake letter, staring dangerously at Bai Chuwei's graceful back, as if seeing delicious food.

It came fiercely, until it approached Bai Chuwei less than half a meter away, the other monks did not react.

Suddenly, everyone's expression changed drastically!

Many people know this snake. It was raised by the black-robed male Osius of the Super League. He has been intensively nurtured with his own blood every day for ten years. It is the king of snakes. The venom spreads all over his body. No doubt he will die!

The thick snake flew up!

Everyone almost covered their eyes, afraid to watch the next horrible scene!

On the contrary, Bai Chuwei's movements were faster, and her figure passed the remaining afterimages, and her delicate jade fingers drew a burst of vitality in the air.

The thick snake let out a terrible cry: "Hiss——" crashing to the ground, no more sound.

With blood in Bai Chuwei's hands, she threw away the snake heart in her hands in disgust. With a light stroke of her finger, a cloud of cold snow warmed into hot water in her palm, and in front of everyone's stunned face, she slowly washed her hands. Blood water.

Then he raised his head, casually rushed to the horrified black-robed male Osius, smiled and said: "The beast attacked me, I will defend myself, is it okay?"

She is a good citizen. This is called self-defense.

She can collect and pay the cold one million, and a little snake wants to bite her?

Duan Feihan took out a square scarf from his pocket, pulled her small hand that was still wet with water, and wiped it carefully.


Dead... The green snake that was intensively raised by Osius is dead.

I heard that the master of the Demon Territory also hates snakes very much. This snake was famous in the practice world of O Continent because it had escaped by chance in the hands of the master of the Demon Territory.

At this time, it was killed by Bai Chuwei.

All life shivered!

Isn't this really... killing chickens and monkeys?

Osius was almost going crazy, constantly screaming: "You crazy woman, killed my pet!"

Bai Chuwei was a little impatient: "You are too noisy, do you want me to make you dumb?"

The voice stopped abruptly, and a group of Super League members swarmed up, covering Osius' angry mouth firmly.

Stop talking, Bai Chuwei is a lunatic.

A mad woman with super powerful force value.

Standing behind Liu Jin'er, Xu Xingchen's eyes were terrified, and he faintly realized the meaning of Bai Chuwei's words just now--

Foreigners are not allowed to mine spirit mines, so, what about their cooperation with foreigners?

Xu Xingchen shuddered forcibly, wouldn't the next one be settled on them? ! !


Must go!

If Bai Chuwei liquidated, she would definitely find him.

Xu Xingchen quietly sneaked into the monk crowd from behind Liu Jin'er, but the monk group made a strange move!

Everyone talked uncomfortably:

"What is that in the sky? Paper...paper cranes?"

"It's a paper crane. There seems to be a miniature device on the paper crane. Isn't there no electronic device signal on the Xianfeng Mountain Group?"

"I'm a little panicked, why do I have a bad feeling?"


There is no signal in the Xianfeng Mountain Group. Fortunately, their monks can only communicate with the outside world by using the sound transmission. Mobile phones are not available.

Everyone swept their heads up and looked towards the sky. An oversized paper crane flapped its wings and flew high above the sky. A small black device was mounted on its body, and the camera shot them live. .

What's the situation?

It always makes people feel a little uneasy.

The ancestors are always so kind. Seeing that this group of children don’t understand, they explain to them very enthusiastically: “Come on, this is a global live broadcast. You guys should say hello to the live broadcast and introduce what your group should be How did the Chinese monks who were pierced by the people across the country brought foreign warriors to Zhongzhou to dig out the treasures left by their ancestors."

Everyone's complexion changed drastically.

Kill the heart! !

Bai Chuwei waved to Liu Hong, Liu Jin's father and daughter, and Xu Xingchen, smiling very softly: "Come on, Xiaoliu and your family of three will introduce yourself first."

Xu Xingchen: "..."

Grass, Bai Chuwei really came to liquidate it!

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