Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 930: The little fairy Bai Chuwei is so beautiful

It’s like a paradise in Taoyuan, where the branches are luxuriant, and there seems to be the rustling sound of small animals running through the forest. You can also vaguely see deer-like creatures drinking water by the stream.

Everyone:! ! ! !

This Nima!

They have been here for a few days, and they felt ashamed.

Bai Chuwei found the trick when she came?

Wouldn't it be so coincidental with good luck?

Everyone was dumbfounded, almost thinking they had seen a hallucination.

Liu Jin'er pulled at the corner of her mouth and explained faintly: "Bai...Senior seems to have a very close relationship with the He family, and he should have known it from the He family."

But what about it?

Bai Chuwei came to "repair" the dragon veins!

Bai Chuwei raised her leg and walked inward, and began to order the remaining two hundred monks to perform tasks, and everyone went to protect her.

Bai Chuwei's posture is real!

The faces of a group of monks were about to be green. Oh my god, she came to give the heads away, she had to take all of them and die.

She really thought she could repair the dragon vein formation, protector? Bai Chuwei's ostentation is really big, just to ask someone to protect the law, she called more than two hundred monks to protect her at the same time!

Even Tianren didn't have such a big show at the beginning.

At this moment, there was an eager running sound from the depths of the forest——

The whole body of snow-white scales, the two noble horns, look like a deer or a horse or a horse.


When all the monks saw it, this was the first reaction.

"My God, is it the cloud swallowing beast recorded in ancient books?" someone suddenly called.

The monks changed their expressions. Isn't this a legendary beast? Dare to be true?

The beast rushed straight towards Bai Chuwei, bringing the hunting wind, and the leaves on the tree fell one after another.

Qing Xuan shouted: "Senior Bai, be careful!"

Xu Xingchen's heart raised his throat, and his hands were clenched into fists. It would be better to kill Bai Chuwei!

The rest of the monks were even more close to the enemy, crying and pulling out their weapons.

If Bai Chuwei is killed by this beast, they will be the next one, no one can run away!

Laughter resounded through the forest, the jade hand gently hooked the little guy’s neck, gently tapped his toes and sat on the little guy’s back, dangling his feet in the air, like playing in the stream, patted his little head, and spoke with earnestness : "Little guy, don't run wild."

"Look what scared those kids like?"

The Cloud-Swallowing Beast groaned unhappily and sneezed.

A group of monks: "......???"

The smile on Xu Xingchen's face stagnated.

I thought there was a fierce fight, but... she rode on the back of the little beast!

The button of a shoe on Bai Chuwei's foot was loose, and the embroidered shoe embroidered with special bamboo leaves slid down, revealing the snowy jade instep.

Everyone saw their breathing stagnant, which is simply...too beautiful.

Duan Feihan's face turned dark.

What to look at!

The barrage in the live room exploded again! !

[My god, is it so beautiful? ! ! Hurry up and hit "Senior Bai Chuwei is a little fairy" on the public screen! ]

[Mei stayed, OK? Like a forest princess. Does she want to be a Taoist companion? I want to recommend myself and promise to keep her forever and not look at other female monks. ]

[I licked the screen, I'm sorry, it's so beautiful, the top actresses in the entertainment industry can't be compared to one point, right? ]


The man squatted down, picked up the shoes that fell on the ground, gently held her ankle with his slender and cool fingers, looked up at the little girl sitting on the cloud swallowing beast, his voice was as deep as a waterway: "My little Ancestor, can I help you wear it?"

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