Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 936: Dare to be fat, dare to murder your ancestors?

Zhao Tianfang was full of military uniform and energetic, and brought a total of more than one hundred monks from the Unnatural Administration Bureau to chase up, and surrounded all the monks who had retreated.

Everyone looked unpredictable and blurted out in surprise: "Senior Zhao Tianfang?"

Zhao Tianfang, that is the recognized senior practitioner in China and the head of the Unnatural Administration.

Seeing the hundreds of monks behind him, everyone gasped.

What kind of noodles is Bai Chuwei?

Did Senior Zhao Tianfang lead everyone up and down the Unnatural Management Bureau to support her?

Zhao Tianfang gave Bai Chuwei such a big face?

Zhao Tianfang looked extremely deserted, looked at some of them with extreme hatred, and relentlessly cursed on the spot: "You are bringing foreigners to mine spiritual mines one by one. Did Senior Bai Chuwei give you a chance to change? Now that she is in trouble, Want to run right away?"

"Senior Bai Chuwei is really not wrong, some of you are just beasts!"

Some monks flushed with Zhao Tianfang's scolding, and were extremely embarrassed.

Someone couldn't help but argued: "Senior Zhao, Zhao, that's not what I said, Bai Chuwei pretended to roll over by herself, and now she is so dead that she has no bones, so we want to go back..."

Zhao Tian's eyes flashed with a cold light, and he stomped his feet, shocking everyone with the strength in the soles of his feet.

A cute new person like Xu Xingchen was staggered by that foot. If it weren't for Liu Jiner's support, he would almost fall into a dog and eat a shit.

Zhao Tianfang said every word: "No one is allowed to leave!"

Even if Bai Chuwei failed to repair the dragon veins, with her realization, Zhao Tianfang would stand up to her to the end!

Want to arrange noodles?

no problem.

He wants all the top monks in China to protect the law for her, this trip is enough to be recorded in the history of cultivation!

Zhao Tianfang glanced at the calm water with concern, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone should follow the instructions of Senior Bai to protect her for her."

Some monks twitched their mouths, and another blindly worshipped Bai Chuwei.

Zhao Tianfang's name is like a thunderous ear, and if he wants to be in the Chinese practice world, he must not be offended. Many people feel wronged and can only bow their heads temporarily.

Everyone went to protect the law according to what Bai Chuwei said before.

Liu Jin'er and Xu Xingchen followed Liu Hong step by step. Liu Jin'er saw his father's thoughtful appearance and couldn't help asking: "Dad, what are you thinking?"

Liu Hong looked back at the calm lake, and suddenly showed a smile that made Liu Jin'er unpredictable.

Xu Xingchen realized something, and his heart was beating.

If Bai Chuwei and Duan Feihan are both cold, there should be no leader in the Dark Night Realm, right?

This is the property of Duan Feihan, the nominal fourth uncle. Duan Xingye is an ordinary Muggle person. No one in the dark night realm can serve Duan Xingye, and he is different...

This predecessor Liu, probably thinks about the same thing!

Duan Feihan died, urging everyone up and down in the dark night realm.

Xu Xingchen couldn't help looking forward to the surface of the pool of water, hoping that the two of them would really die in it...


If Bai Chuwei knew that Xu Xingchen made such a wish, she would definitely clap her hands and exclaim!

The ancestor has lived for more than five thousand years, and he has long thought about death, but unfortunately he can't die.

This wish was promised well, but it was a pity that he could not realize it.

Bai Chuwei stepped forward and patted the cloud-tunnel beast's **** unceremoniously: "When your father was born, I personally delivered the baby. The courage is fat, dare to murder your ancestor?!"

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