Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 945: Bai Chuwei is sure that there are seven stars on New Year’s Eve

Has it been fixed?

Someone couldn't help but looked around carefully, and found nothing unusual.

According to the truth, the Seven-Star Dragon Array is the National Spirit Array of the Upper Ancient Town. Once it is repaired, it will shock the existence of the world. They have all imagined what it will be if it is repaired.

As a result, nothing happened at all, Bai Chuwei opened her mouth and said that it was repaired.

Your home is restored, is it like this?

It really was a touch of the tongue, what did Bai Chuwei say?

Zhao Tianfang was even more confused, "This, is this fixed?"

No magical scene happened!

Bai Chuwei nodded, very sincerely: "Yes, it has been repaired, it is not difficult."

Repairing the dragon vein formation is two concepts from the original formation.

All the monks took a sigh of relief, always feeling that Bai Chuwei was playing them like fools.

She said yes, who would dare to say no?

Say no, hit her muzzle?

The other cultivators did not dare to attack Bai Chuwei. Zhao Tian dared to ask instead. He was extremely surprised: "Senior Bai, if the dragon veins are repaired, why is there no reaction at all?"

Bai Chuwei naturally said: "Of course not now. The so-called Seven-Star Dragon Pulse Formation, which draws the ground energy under the dangerous peaks of the Zhongzhou mountains and connects the righteous energy of the awe-inspiring sky, has just formed a formation. You look up and see, are there seven stars in the sky now?"

At this time it was broad daylight, and there were patches of clouds above the sky.

Everyone: "..."

Come on, let Bai Chuwei say anything.

She said she would form a seven-star formation in the night, who knows when the seven-star formation will be there?

Come on.

The boss failed, so why should I find a reason for myself?

Everyone understands.

It's just that...they are more than two hundred Chinese monks who have protected her for nearly ten days. The world's practitioners are paying attention to them. As a result, they drive high and low to become a joke in the spiritual world!

Everyone is gone. Bai Chuwei knows what it means? As an adult, who doesn't understand the underlying meaning of Bai Chuwei's words?

Leave yourself the last touch of affection.

Zhao Tianfang was in a very complicated mood. He ignored the opinions of the management of the Unnatural Management Bureau and insisted on bringing everyone to help Bai Chuwei by means of thunder.

He didn't ask Bai Chuwei to be able to repair it successfully, but somehow he had to make some splashes, so he could give an explanation to the Unnatural Administration.

As a result, there are no splashes...

Xiao Yi looked at Zhao Tianfang with blinking eyes, and felt a little distressed for Senior Zhao.

You know, Senior Zhao Tianfang, he used to force everyone in the Unnatural Management Bureau to bring everyone to protect the law. How do you go back and explain?

Xiao Yi couldn't say anything about Bai Chuwei, so he could only whisper at Zhao Tian: "Senior Zhao, today is New Year's Eve. Why don't we pack our things and prepare to go back for the New Year first."

Zhao Tianfang showed a wry smile on his face, waved his hand and said: "Go back to the New Year, the New Year is more important."

He chose to support Bai Chuwei with the overall strength of the Unnatural Administration, so don't regret it.


"Xiao Zhao, just take it as thank you for protecting me these days." Bai Chuwei reached out and grabbed Duan Feihan's hand, took her cloud swallowing beast and walked outside, underlining and throwing a sentence, "Sky curtain tonight There will be seven stars in a row."

Bai Chuwei's last sentence was like a bang!

Zhao Tianfang's pupils suddenly shrank, and his breathing suddenly became hurried!

what did she say?


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