Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 959: The big guys gather, all greeting the ancestor

Happy New Year!

Please pay attention to the words used by all of them, all of them say "Happy New Year to Bai Chuwei"!

I have only heard the younger generation greeting the elders for the New Year. This is the first time I have seen a group of big brothers and elders eagerly running to the younger generations.

It's really God.

The entire live broadcast room was boiling, and there were so many bullet screens flying up, several times more than Bai Chuwei's previous learning live broadcast, and directly boarded the salted fish video app real-time live broadcast first place.

[My god, all the big guys are here. Everyone knows who got on and off the third luxury car, right? Last year's Liu Jingyuan Liu family! ]

[Hastily, who is the little brother? So handsome, she looks so gentle, his sister is indeed a rich daughter, and she looks so beautiful. ]

[Answer, those two should be Qi Mo, the youngest of the Qi family, and his sister Qi Yue. Although Qi Mo is young, he is the head of the Qi family. ]

[Don’t guess, there must be someone from the Eight Great Family. The Eight Great Family loves to do things together. Speaking of this, I still admire the new star Duan family, who can stand firm even by doing it alone. ]

[The key is to come not only from the eight great families! The top leaders from all walks of life seem to be here...]


Duan Xingye claims to be a wealthy young master who has seen the world since he was a child. At this time, he was frightened by the super-powerful battle in front of him.

The big guys standing around are all big guys he should treat honestly and respectfully.

Damn... Weiwei's stage is too big, and his fourth uncle did not make such a big battle when he did a big deal!

They are not to blame, the ancestors returned to Yunwu Mountain for 20 years, but never went down.

In those twenty years, they also kept things simple when visiting the New Year.

This year she actually spent the New Year under the mountain! Not to mention that they are all over China, even in outer space, they all have to rush back to call the New Year immediately!

An old man in a jubilant red Tang suit smiled and walked towards Duan Xingye. He didn't seem to know that Duan Xingye was live broadcast. He smiled and asked, "Are you Duan Feihan's nephew, called Duan... what is Duan? Right?"

Duan Xingye glanced at the old man, and hurriedly said, "I am Duan Feihan's nephew Duan Xingye. Are you the old man of the Shen family, one of the eight great families? Father Shen, happy new year."

Father Shen was full of energy. Hearing what Duan Xingye said, he suddenly waved his hand and said, "We are all of the same generation, so don't use honorifics to me."

Duan Xingye: "???"

The crowd eating melons in the live broadcast room: "???"

Father, you haven't woken up on the first day of the new year, have you?

He, a seven-year-old man, said he and Duan Xingye are of the same generation?

Isn't this foolish?

Father Shen hummed twice, so he was not confused.

If this kid's fourth uncle followed their ancestors, wouldn't the seniority of the whole family in this family be promoted?

What happened to him still being the same generation as Hoshino?

Just when Duan Xingye was stunned, a girl's dissatisfied voice came not far away: "Rong Shao, are you shameless? Why put your Rong family gifts in front of our Qi family? You are not arranging us Back?!"

Rong He was sitting in the car and closing the window to death. Quandang couldn't hear Qi Yue's yelling.

Qi Yue was so angry that she wanted to blow the window of Rong's car.

It doesn't matter, his Rong's car windows are explosion-proof, even if he throws a bomb he can't break it.

Qi Yue couldn't wait to hold her head and scream, and shouted at Qi Mo: "Brother, the Rong family bullied us again!"

Hundreds of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded, dare to be afraid that they were tearing it up for who first gave Bai Chuwei a gift? ?

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