Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 978: There are a lot of low-profile pirated goods

Snowball was trembling, for fear that the ancestor would ask him how he learned the phantom technique as soon as he came back, so he quickly threw out Zhao Tian and put it in the bag.

Bai Chuwei's eyes were full of interest: "Let me, go to visit seniors together? Are you sure he said that?"

Who is qualified to say "senior" in front of her?

Everyone is her junior!

The snowball nodded his head, and Xiao Zhengtai's voice was a little milky: "He said so in the e-mail, saying that it is from Shenxian Island..."

The email was not clearly written, and after Xueqiu checked it on the computer, no relevant name was found.

An interesting smile appeared on Bai Chuwei's face, and she whispered: "It's been a long time since I heard this place."

Her master is about to forget about this place.

However, there has never been a reason for her to visit the junior. Bai Chuwei glanced at Duan Feihan and rushed into the snowball to say: "No, I will go out with Hanhan tomorrow, let Zhao Tianfang set up the monument for me."

Han Han is a very busy person. He usually goes to work and is busy cultivating at night. It is not easy to go out during the Spring Festival.

Snowball watched and cried out in his heart, this sour smell of love!

Zhao Tianfang received the reply and found that Senior White had chosen to refuse to come to visit Senior, and smiled a little helplessly.

He knew it.

It's just that those people are really unusual, otherwise he wouldn't ask Bai Chuwei.

The monks on the Shenxian Island have been hiding from the world for hundreds of years, and they have been unknown. It was because the country was not peaceful a hundred years ago. Only when the disciples on the island were ordered to help them out of the island, they were lucky enough to know one or two.

There was a cultivator who came out randomly, and his cultivation base would not be much worse than him.

Can we not go to the reception?

As a result, Bai Chuwei did not want to come, so forget it.

Zhao Tianfang was quite puzzled. The monks on this island were not allowed to order never to contact the outside world. Why did they come out before the end of the year?

But this is a good thing, and the unnatural administration must receive it properly and must not offend it.

Zhao Tianfang divided the monks into two groups. One group followed the route map given by Bai Chuwei to the Jinglongtan to fetch the remaining Lingshi meritorious monuments, and the other group followed him to receive visitors from Shenxian Island.

There are not many people from Shenxian Island, just two twin girls, with stunning looks.

The unnatural administration was very respectful, and Zhao Tianfang invited the two to have tea, pinch the time to ask: "Dare to ask the two seniors, what is the trip to the island?"

A young girl took out a piece of paper and handed it over, "Do you know it?"

The two of them didn't expect people from outside to know what the beast was.

Zhao Tianfang took a look and said, "This is the Cloud Swallowing Beast, right?"

Although the cloud swallowing beast on the painting has a mighty physique, it looks very similar to the little beast of the white predecessor, and should be the same breed.

On the side, a senior management of the administration laughed and said: "No one in China nowadays knows it, it is a new national treasure."

Because of the high appearance, it attracted a wave of fans.

The two girls were both taken aback, apparently I didn't expect them to know each other.

One of the young girls' complexion sank and said, "This is the mount of our fairy teacher!"

The little beast ran away by himself while the master was not paying attention.

Zhao Tianfang was also taken aback, and subconsciously said: "We are talking about teacher Shenxian's pet too!"

In the whole country, who doesn’t know that the four words of Teacher Shenxian almost exclusively refer to Bai Chuwei?

The girl thought of what the driver said, and suddenly sneered, "There is also a fairy teacher outside? There are so many low-profile pirated goods outside."

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