Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 981: Living ancestors are alive! Duan Feihan's sense of ritual

finally understood!

It’s no wonder that Bai Chuwei was so confident at the time, so easy it only took less than ten days to repair the Seven Stars Dragon Pulse Formation, and he took it as a gift to the children from all over China, because...

She is the celestial being who founded the Seven-Star Dragon Meridian Formation, the legend that is known as the Chinese practitioners can only look up to!

Can this person offend?

"Bai Chuwei is the heavenly man, who has lived for a thousand years." Zhao Tianfang muttered to herself, then smiled suddenly, "I'm afraid that the combined age of all of us is only a thousand years, right?"

Zhao Tianfang had guessed before that Bai Chuwei may have been born one or two hundred years ago in a precarious age, so she has a sense of social responsibility and loves teaching students so much.

The result... a thousand years!

This is a living ancestor!

Zhao Tian let go of his long sleeves and strode out towards the meeting room.

Two sisters, Li Zhuer and Li Yuer, were sitting indoors drinking tea. As soon as they raised their eyelids, they saw Zhao Tian put in. Li Yuer was unhappy and said first: "Friend Zhao, you have discussed returning the little beast for so long? Now the discussion is over? "

"The discussion is over."

Zhao Tianfang smiled slightly: "Please forgive us that the Unnatural Administration Bureau cannot help temporarily."

Twin sisters flower: "???"

what? They were rejected?

Li Zhuer was so frightened by these words that the teacup could not be held firmly, and she fell to the ground!

For a low-profile pirated product, against their Shenxian Island monks?

Are they crazy?

When Xiao Yi held back his smile and asked him out of the unnatural administration gate, the two sisters still had some reaction.

They...were invited out?

When have they received such low-level treatment? Or is it because of a pirated product?

Li Yuer looked back at the signboard, feeling a little angry, turned around and wanted to open their door, but was held by her sister Li Zhuer.

Li Zhuer groaned: "It seems that the pirated goods have some skills in the outside world, and the unnatural administration is not easy to offend her on the face. It is really difficult to be caught between us."

"Well, let's go and find it ourselves."

And it shouldn’t be difficult to know the specific address of the pirated goods. The little driver has heard of Teacher Shenxian before, indicating that she is a well-known person in the outside world, and you can easily find it after checking it!


The black car steadily parked in the underground parking lot of the mall, Duan Feihan and Bai Chuwei got out of the car and walked into the mall.

During the Chinese New Year, although the mall was a little colder than usual, there were not too few customers.

"Where can Hanhan take me?"

Duan Feihan didn't answer, pulled her wrist, and walked towards the jewelry store in the mall.

As soon as the two walked into the jewelry store, they immediately attracted the attention of the shopping guide lady. At that moment, they almost thought they were dazzled.

Damn it!

Fairy teacher? !

They are office workers, but this fairy teacher can drive the country's learning craze. Even office workers like them are willing to learn some new knowledge after work, test a certificate, and learn English.

In short, you will certainly not suffer from studying a lot.

She... why did she come here?

The shopping guide ladies who finally reacted rushed to them, enthusiastic, comparable to the scene of a fan meeting, and they wanted to open their mouths to sign.

The level of enthusiasm is no less than that of meeting a top star.

Duan Feihan put his hands on the glass cabinet and said, "Buy a ring."

Everyone: "!!!" Dog thief!

Bai Chuwei tweeted twice and couldn't help but teased and said: "Han Han, you have a sense of ritual."

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