Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 983: Seeing with their own eyes, their worldview has since collapsed

Unfortunately, they can't see clearly with the naked eye, so they can only use a magnifying glass.

The magnifying glass was quickly brought over, and the ring became particularly clear when placed under the lens of the magnifying glass. A series of patterns appeared on the surface of the original ring.

It's not that ordinary people customize the ring and like to leave the letters of the object's name on the ring, but...the actual pattern!

"Hey, is this a little man?" The leader of the shopping guide lady guessed.

It is a Q version of the villain. Under the magnifying glass, you can clearly see the eyes, nose and hair. The smallest part may be less than a millimeter.

The only fly in the ointment is that a long conspicuous scratch is drawn in the bottom part.

This... Isn't this a master microsculptor?

A young shopping guide lady next to her was dumbfounded, and finally said: "This...I only saw walnut carvings on the Internet. This seems to be the national intangible cultural heritage."

And this seems to be more delicate than the walnut carving, but it is a diamond ring, not mud!

Professional and skilled craftsmen make rings, all of which require special machines, which can be done by hand rubbing.

Bai Chuwei... just stood here, and carved a little figure out in twos or twos? Just get started?

This is too shocking.

Dare to love... Isn't what people just said is a joke at all? ?

She can really sculpt herself.

And let’s not mention the mini-carving craftsmanship. Even a 30-year old craftsman may not have the level of Bai Chuwei. The key is--

"She seems to have used a thin needle just now... This is a diamond ring, a genuine diamond ring worth hundreds of thousands of dollars! It's harder than anything."

If it hadn't been seen with their own eyes, the worldview of the shopping guide ladies would have collapsed from then on.

This is a ring from their store. It is 100% genuine, and there will never be fakes. How did she easily sculpt it like tofu?

Several shopping guide ladies looked at each other, and finally one of them said: "Could it be a martial arts master? I heard that there are martial arts masters who can slap tea cups into powder with one palm."

Although, it seems...that's the explanation. A martial arts master is more reliable than saying that she can cultivate immortals.

Bai Chuwei, maybe he is really a master of martial arts.

Everyone nodded, this explanation is a bit reasonable.

The leader of the shopping guide group sighed and said with infinite emotion: "The fairy teacher can be a literary and martial artist, and can also sculpt micro-sculpting, so why is it cheaper?

"What the group leader said is what he said!" The young shopping guide on the side echoed.

They looked at the exquisite and beautiful diamond ring, and suddenly felt a little distressed.

Such a beautiful ring pattern, just melted? Isn't it a pity?

Unfortunately, they are only shopping guides and must act according to the customer's instructions.

Several people regretted it infinitely. They watched the excitement outside the door for a long time, and the onlookers who kept probed inside became a little curious, and kept asking what was going on with the ring.

The leader of the shopping guide smiled helplessly: "Sorry, this is the privacy of the guests, we can't tell. But what can be revealed is that the mini-carving skills of the fairy teacher are no worse than the skillful craftsmen of more than 30 years.

Or better!

What's more, there may be martial arts masters.

This is not clear, but it is confusing.

Micro carving process? Dare to love her or the heir of intangible cultural heritage?

It's really right to call her a fairy teacher!

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