Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 988: Bai Chuwei is hot? Why haven't you seen her endorsement?

At that moment, the atmosphere became more and more subtle, and was really wrong! !

This is obviously implying something.

When Bai Chuwei came in with Duan Feihan just now, Duan Xueqin's family noticed her.

No way, no one can resist Bai Chuwei's appearance, even where he stops, his temperament is otherworldly.

But the more I look at it, the more it becomes wrong, I always feel like I've seen it somewhere.


Didn’t you see this on the youngest’s phone?

Duan Xiuqi's well-behaved actor was wrong, and suddenly announced his withdrawal from the Huaguo entertainment circle. After going to the Lingyin Temple of the Imperial City to lead the practice, he went to O Zhou.

So, of course I met her second sister.

Duan Xueqin didn't expect that this little girl seemed to be less than twenty years old and played her two younger brothers around.

A third and a fourth.

The goodwill that was just born because of the appearance just disappeared.

At a young age, there are many ways to hang men.

Especially the youngest third, a actor who has been in the entertainment industry for twenty years, is still fascinated by a little girl.

Bai Chuwei fluffed her long hair indifferently, and smiled casually: "Really? There are too many men who have a crush on me, it's normal."

Look at this confident appearance, recklessly acting with the good face given by his parents.

The second child of the Duan family couldn't figure it out. How did her father allow her to run to their Duan's house.

At this moment, the 13-year-old daughter Xie Yaxin asked curiously: "Cousin Hoshino, you said this sister is very popular in China? Is she a star?"

Looking at Bai Chuwei's face, it seems normal to be a star, after all, she is pretty.

The little girl stared at Bai Chuwei. She liked the good-looking sister, and the sister who both the third uncle and the fourth uncle could see was not bad.

The third and fourth uncles are not blind.

Duan Xueqin couldn't help but laughed: "It's very popular? How popular is it? The Oriental endorsements of so many international brands in Ozhou, it seems that I have never looked for an actress named Bai Chuwei to endorse."

Duan Feihan's expression fell sharply: "Second Sister!"

Duan Xueqin was a little unnatural when Duan Feihan shouted a word, the fourth child was quite defending the little girl.

The fourth child is the biggest benefactor in the Chinese entertainment industry. Which celebrity in the entire entertainment industry does not expect him to live a life?

Why this little girl became popular in China, it is most likely that the fourth child gave it to her abruptly.

Who doesn't understand these routines in the entertainment industry?

Bai Chuwei looked down at her white and pink fingernails with a carefree expression.

Duan Xingye raised his hand: "That..."

Seeing everyone watching over, Duan Xingye was very embarrassed and said: "Well, Weiwei is not a star... Forget it, count as an internet celebrity?"

Net red?

Miss Duan Er's family was stunned.

Internet celebrities are more of an identity than celebrities!

Turned out to be just an internet celebrity?

Who brought this to Duan's house? !

"She is not a star since she didn't make her debut, so she doesn't accept any advertisements. She has hundreds of millions of fans in China. People who are officially named and praised by China have appeared on CCTV several times.

Duan Xingye scratched his hair, thought for a while and said: "Auntie, you haven't heard her name in O Zhou, then have you heard of seismic sensors?"

The series of titles made people confused, but Duan Xingye suddenly asked them, they nodded subconsciously.

Xie Yaxin raised her hand: "I have heard that my teacher said that they have always wanted to buy this machine from China."

Duan Xingye: "Weiwei invented it."

Duan Xingye made persistent efforts: "She is currently the key protection target of China."

Everyone: "..."

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