Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 996: The ancestor is just two words, sincere!

However, the above prices discourage many people.

Ticket prices on the official website are so high that they explode!

From two thousand, the highest in the front row is eight thousand and eight tickets.

This is not a scalper ticket, but the price set on the official website. It is a bit exaggerated. I heard that it is still the price set by Bai Chuwei.

The price of tickets for "Ultra Brain Learning Ba" was only 800,000, which has skyrocketed seven or eight times the price.

"Teacher Shenxian, is there a shortage of money? This is the concert ticket of the Queen of Heaven and it will not be so expensive?"

"My god, the New Year's show specials are so expensive? You can imagine what a terrible price the scalper will sell!"

"...What? I think Teacher Shenxian has a reason to do things every time. For example, the last time she swallowed a cloud beast, she never cheated others? I think audiences with spare money can go to the scene to see it. Wait for the poor ghosts to watch the recording at home."

This is true. Many people on the Internet are discussing the price surge this time, but there are indeed many rich people.

Now everyone is on vacation. It's really better to go out and see if you are bored at home. Many spectators with small money have already squatted on the official website to grab tickets.

Zhang Jun, a loyal fan of Teacher Shenxian, although Bai Chuwei did not make her debut.

Looking at the horribly high ticket prices, I gritted my teeth and took out all the lucky money and scholarships I got this year, preparing to grab the tickets without telling my parents.

The normal process of grabbing tickets is nothing more than buying tickets, entering the verification code and password, and many sisters in the slumber circle are handy.

The result... At that time, a prompt window popped up, roughly meaning: "All ticket buyers participate in the program interaction by default", please confirm whether to purchase tickets.

Show interaction? I really can't think of how a variety show about science interacts with the audience. Their audience is not a schoolmaster on stage, and they really may not be able to understand what it says.

But this does not prevent them from clicking OK, and then happily entering the password to buy the ticket.

In less than a minute, the three thousand tickets released on the official website were very powerful.

The audience who grabbed the tickets were happy again and cried out in pain.

Xueqiu shook his head and said to himself: "These kids may not know the true meaning of this ticket."

When the time comes, I won't say that the meat hurts.

This money, is it cost-effective?

Old ancestors have never cheated those children.

Just two words, sincere!


Because the theme this time has something to do with medicine, the recording room was chosen to be in Haicheng, and it also cooperated with Haicheng Hospital.

As the instructor of Bai Chuwei, she could only go to the recording room in advance to meet those contestants.

The program team of "Ultra Brain Learning Ba" specially arranged a nanny car to pick up Bai Chuwei, and the car steadily stopped at the gate of the Chinese-style villa of Duan's family.

Two small assistants were specially arranged to help Bai Chuwei carry simple luggage, but Bai Chuwei prepared to go empty-handed.

Behind him came a man's faintly magnetic voice: "Are you going outside again?"

She is busier than his career. The whole winter vacation was either at the archaeological site or to the hinterland of the mountains in Zhongzhou. Now she is going to the program group.

He is ashamed of this president.

Bai Chuwei turned her head and looked at Duan Feihan's extremely calm and handsome face with a smile, as if he was coaxing the child: "You wait for me at home."

The assistant always thinks... it sounds weird.

Dare to love these two people, they have always been the rhythm of the heroine outside the male lead?

With the back of her hand behind her, Bai Chuwei smiled and said, "Although you are calm and calm now, I still decide to compensate you."

make up?

Duan Feihan's expression moved slightly, and his eyes fell unconsciously on her red lips.

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