May Be the Fake Gintama

: Extra Story 3: What is powerful...

   "Have you met people from Chun Yu?" After Jiang Hua and Xiao Kagura fell asleep, the owner of Xinghaifang asked softly, but before Shenwei answered, the owner of Xinghaifang continued to say to himself, "Those people are very dangerous."

   "Daddy made me stronger!" Shenwei retorted.

   "That's not really powerful!" Xinghai Fang replied decisively, "What you should learn is not that kind of power! But another kind of power!"

"I don't understand! You don't explain anything, then what do you say is truly powerful!" Shenwei said with a small face upright and argued, "Do you stand still and be beaten? Or hurt others to protect your family," Or do you fight alone without looking at your family?"

"I don't know," Xinghaifang's eyes were much milder, "I only know that it is not powerful in the true sense. As for what is truly powerful, I don't even know what it is, so you have to look for it yourself. In the long life. Before that, the task of guarding you and the family is to let my unreliable father do it."

   "It's too cunning! What I said has no meaning at all!" With that, Shenwei rushed out of the house.

   Then, the owner of Xinghai Fang also got up slowly, glanced at Jiang Hua and Xiao Kagura who were sleeping tenderly, and made up his mind again, turning his head and leaving without looking back.

   "Even so, do you still want to leave?" Jiang Hua's voice sounded behind the owner of Xinghai Fang.

"Yes, Jiang Hua." The owner of Xinghai Fang stopped at the door and said without looking back, "Since you are willing to use your life as a bet to stay by our side, then I will not hesitate to leave you and find a way to continue your life. . Even if you are not qualified to be a father, you still have to protect your family. It is the only flower that blooms on that planet and withers, so this is also a sin that I must bear..."

   After finishing speaking, the owner of Xinghai Fang opened them, and left without looking back again. The skillful action seemed to be repeated thousands of times...

It’s just that neither the owner of Xinghaifang nor Jiang Hua knows that this passage is not a word for the little Kagura who pretends to sleep on the bed, or the supernatural power hiding in the corner outside the door, or even Jiangcheng who has been staying on the roof. I heard it in my ears.

   "It turned out to be like this..." Jiang Cheng murmured and disappeared from the place, while Jiang Hua looked at the ceiling as if he felt something.


   "Hey, don't you be afraid of catching a cold if you don't open your umbrella on this rainy day, kid?" Jiang Cheng said while sitting on the steps in front of the square without turning his head.

   "What about you? What are you doing in a place like this?" Shenwei asked while sitting down.

"Of course men are troubled by women," Jiang Cheng replied casually, touching his wallet, and said distressedly, "It's really not merciful at all. It's a couple of nights at any rate, and they don't even give me a bill. stay……"

   Shenwei: "……"

   "What about you? Why do you look so unhappy? Could it be that the lollipops I bought with my pocket money for a long time were transferred to Fat Tiger by Shizuka?" Jiang Cheng asked casually.

   "Who do you think is Nobita Nobita!" Shenwei spit out loudly.

   "Ah? I didn't say that you are Nobita Nobita. The big male is much better than you. Okay, so, Shizuka gave you the lollipop to the husband?"

   "Not at all!"

   "That's...Is it stolen by Doraemon?" Jiang Cheng pretended to be surprised.

   "How is it possible!" After voicing, Shenwei couldn't help lowering his head and continued quietly, "If I had Doraemon, it would be fine. In that case, mommy..."

   Jiang Cheng didn't give Shenwei a chance to finish speaking, so he smashed Shenwei's head with a fist.

   Shenwei covered the swollen bag on his head and shouted, "What are you doing!"

   "Don't say so much in front of strangers, didn't your mother tell you?" Jiang Cheng looked at Shenwei in surprise and said.


"Different?" Jiang Cheng smiled, and then whispered softly, "There is nothing different. Whether it is me or everyone else, everyone is just a poor creature lost in life. What is wrong and what is right? There is no standard, everyone only follows their own inner judgment, but is it somewhat unfair? For others. For those who have been hurt by themselves..."

   "What the **** are you talking about?" Shenwei snorted, "I just think you are very similar to your mother..."

   said, Shenwei suddenly remembered the uncle who was sent to the earth that the mother said when she was nestled in her mother's arms...

   "Couldn't you be the one mom said..." Shenwei said in disbelief, but without accident, he was interrupted by Jiang Cheng again.

   "No." Jiang Cheng replied without thinking.

   "I haven't said anything yet!"

"No matter what you want to say, I will answer no. Because I'm just a traveler..." Jiang Cheng said and stood up, "I smashed you a big bag. As an apologize, I will be merciful and invite you to dinner today. ! This is an excellent adult!"

   "Excellent adults don't just hit a big bag with a child they don't know!" Shenwei retorted, "Also, haven't all your money been taken away by women?"

   "Tsk tsk tsk, so you are still too tender, kid," Jiang Cheng's mouth curled up and smiled meaningfully, "As a mature adult, hiding private money is carved into his bones!"

   After finishing speaking, Jiang Cheng sat down again, took off his shoes, took out the thick insoles, and took out a thick stack of banknotes from inside.

   "Although you may think that hiding in shoes is very clichéd, women are that kind of creatures, and you would think that men in this kind of place don't bother to hide." Jiang Cheng stretched out a finger and shook his voice earnestly.

   Looking at the money in Jiang Cheng's hand that exudes an unknown smell, there are several black lines on Shenwei's face...


   "Hey, it's almost done, do you really want to eat me poorly and let me sleep on the street?!" Jiang Cheng looked at him like a **** who had hatred for food and said loudly.

   The empty plate in front of him has been piled up into a small mountain.

   "You told me you can eat whatever you want," Shenwei said as he ate, and he did not forget to say to the waiter next to him, "Come here again."

   "It seems that it is not easy for your father to feed your family..." Jiang Cheng said with a sigh.

   Shenwei silently put down the bowl after hearing these words, but Jiang Cheng didn't care. Instead, he took a thick stack of banknotes from his arms and handed it to the waiter, and said, "Let him eat."

After   , Jiang Cheng stood up and said, "I'm leaving here now. Goodbye, kid."

   After finishing talking, Jiang Cheng walked out of the store without looking back, and turned around and walked into an alley.


   "Hey, I advise you to leave before I get angry, otherwise I won't keep my hands like last time~" Jiang Cheng stopped and said without looking back.

   At this time, since Jiang Cheng stepped out of the store, several gangsters have followed Jiang Cheng.

   "Huh? What kind of big person can the guy who stays with the sandbag of that pathogenic bacteria house be?" The headed gangster sneered and said to the comrade on the side, "You guys are so courageous!"

After finishing speaking, the little **** took out two daggers, licked his lips, "If you don't want to die, hand over all the money! The medical expenses for hurting my two companions yesterday and the one million they took away from them !"

"Hey, there is a limit to fraud. You guys don't look like a million faces when you go out, right? It should be said that all together are not enough to buy a Jump Weekly." Jiang Cheng turned around. , Waved his hand and said.

   "Who said that the money in the pocket is determined by the face!" the headed gangster shouted.

   "It makes a lot of sense." Jiang Cheng praised, "The so-called people are not good-looking, do you want to say this?"


   "Then I know, so can you please go back? I will keep this sentence in my heart!" Jiang Cheng said seriously.

"Forget your kid, let's go!" As he said, the little **** turned his head and was about to leave, but suddenly realized something, "Do you think I'm a fool?! Our goal is your money! Not to come." I'll preach to you!"

"Oh, why don't you understand?" Jiang Cheng sighed softly, "In fact, it's for your good to let you With that, Jiang Cheng's aura suddenly changed, and he was so murderous. Forced to these three small gangsters, "Because I am really super hot now~"

   Looking at Jiang Cheng, who was smiling and squinting, the dagger capital in the hands of the leading gangster fell off, and the three of them were frightened and stupefied.

   "So, can you please don't bother me? Can you?" Jiang Cheng said again.

   "Private Marseille! Forgive us!" The three yelled and turned around and began to flee.

   "A pathogenic bacteria?" Jiang Cheng murmured while watching the trio who fled frantically, and then sneered, "I really want to beat that uncle once. What kind of broken place I chose, really..."

   said, Jiang Cheng turned and left again.

   On the other side, Shenwei, who had just come out of the restaurant, met the three gangsters who had escaped from the alley on the side.

   "That's a beast! It's definitely not a human!" said a little **** with lingering fear.

   "I'll definitely be killed! Absolutely!" Another young gangster mixedly said.

   looked at the three people who were running away, Shenwei thought for a moment, and then set off to walk towards the alleyway.


   Jiangcheng sits on an empty mountain, below which is the small town where Jianghua is located, and behind Jiangcheng is a huge spaceship.

   Actually, this spaceship was given by someone else, and what I insisted was a thank you gift or trophies. When Jiang Cheng came to Laoyang, the passenger ship on board encountered several waves of cosmic pirates, and Jiang Cheng came forward to solve it.

On the one hand, the owner of the passenger ship was to express his gratitude, and on the other hand, because his daughter actually fell in love with this guy in just a few days. Based on comprehensive considerations, the owner of the passenger ship made this cosmic pirate defeated by Jiang Cheng. The spacecraft was given to Jiang Cheng, and Jiang Cheng was also taught a simple driving method.


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