May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 104: : If you are not satisfied with yourself, then make yourself full...

   At this time, Jiang Cheng smiled and chatted with the female high school students on the side while selecting the [Forbidden Surgery Scroll] on the bookshelf with his hand. Of course, this has not been discovered at all. If you want to ask why, because the girls on the side are completely attracted by the cheating face full of attributes...

ten minutes later……

   "Why haven't they come out yet?" Xin Baji couldn't help asking.

   "I don't know..." Gin Shiki replied.

   ten minutes later...

   "I feel that there are more and more girls around Jiang Chengsang, why is he still not coming out?" Xin Baji asked again.

"do not know……"

Ten minutes later... Jiang Cheng finally walked out, but with empty hands and no [Forbidden Surgery Scrolls] at all, but it is not appropriate to say nothing, because Jiang Cheng is surrounded by several good-looking people. girl……

   "Hey, what the **** are you doing? Friendship?" Xin Ba Chi squinted, squinting.

   "I'm really sorry, Xin Ba Ji," Jiang Cheng sighed lightly, "I have not found my favorite [Forbidden Surgery Scroll] for a long time, but..."

Jiang Cheng's tone changed, "At that moment, I really found out that some good material was gathered around me. If it were them, I would be able to shoot the [Forbidden Spell Scroll] that satisfied me! And I also asked them for their consent. ! Wait for me here for a while, and I will shoot! Give me one day!"

   "Sama Jiang Cheng is really ~ no matter how many days it can be~" a girl said blushing.

   "It is! As long as it is Sama Jiang, we will know what kind of posture..."

   "That's so grateful!" Jiang Cheng said gratefully, "It shouldn't be too late, we will..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Chengcheng was kicked by Yinshi from behind. After falling to the ground, Yinshi kicked and cursed, "Shoot? What? Your kid's head is poisonous? Do you want this work to be cut in the middle? Don’t you still claim to be the master?! How many of your hobbies do you want to expose!"

   "I can't help it!" Jiang Cheng stood up and retorted, "But there is no type I like in those [Forbidden Surgery Scrolls]!"

   "You can't do it! Just grab a copy! You don't need to be entangled in such a place!"

   "Why treat our Jiang Chengsama like this! You curly silver hair?!" A group of girls shouted at the same time.

   Yin Shishi listened, and his hair exploded in an instant, "What are you...what are you talking about?"

   When looking at the silver with fierce light in their eyes, the little girls were trembling with fright.

   "Don't worry," Jiang Cheng smiled comforting the girls, "We are just playing ninja house wine."

   "Do you like this?"

   "Me too!"

   "I'm going to buy a ninja suit! Jiang Cheng sama must wait for me to come back!"

   "Go away! Ugly! It's me who is going to buy a ninja suit!"


Looking at the Yingying Yanyan who left to buy ninja suits, pushing and shoving and scolding each other, Xin Ba Hao might truly understand Jiang Cheng’s situation and experience in Yoshiwara. To make it clear, that’s all. Jiang Cheng did it himself...


   "Z, this performance can give a Z grade." Xiao Yuan helped his glasses and said.

   "Z? Is there this level? Is it a level more powerful than A?" Jiang Cheng wondered.

   "No, it's the scumbag's Z." As he said, Xiao Yuan ignored the unhappy Jiang Cheng, and went on to say, "Who will go next?"

   "I'll go!" Kagura was still immersed in sorrow at this time, "Curry Ninja, leave your hatred to me!"

   After finishing talking, Kagura instantly fell down, lying on the ground glaring forward. If you change the camera to shoot, you will definitely feel that Kagura is climbing some high wall...

   "You are not buying yellow...[Forbidden Surgery Scroll] age, just buy jump." The little ape behind him reminded.

   Looking at Kagura, who is constantly crawling up and down on the wall, he praised him, "It looks like a ninja!"

   "It's really energetic," Yin Shi said, "That girl likes this set."

   "Huh," Jiang Cheng laughed, "As my niece, isn't that level right?"

   But just after Jiang Cheng finished speaking, he saw Kagura suddenly stand up, then turned around and covered his face and walked over slowly, his steps seemed a bit heavy...

   "Ahhhhhhh, why are you back? What's the matter?" Xinbaji asked in confusion, looking at the crying Kagura.

   "Why are you still crying?" Yin Shi also wondered.

"Perhaps I still don't know whether I should buy a jump weekly or a bound edition, so I am very upset. Girls are always like this. The heart is very soft, and even the smallest troubles will cry. But there is no way. The matter, after all, we didn't tell her in advance, this kind of thing is excusable." Jiang Cheng nodded and analyzed.

   "That's what I said, after all, I don't blame Kagura. You must tell her to buy a regular jump weekly next time." Yin Shi nodded at the same time.

   At this time, Kagura lowered his head and walked to the crowd crying.

   Jiang Chenggang wanted to comfort him, and saw Kagura sobbing while pointing to his clothes and saying, "There is dog **** on the ground, how can I pinch it?"

   Jiang Cheng/Yin Shi: "……"

   "Captain don't worry! That is probably the curry I sprinkled just now..." Katsura comforted, but when she smelled Kagura's body, Katsura didn't dare to go forward, "It smells!"

   "You don't have to comfort me anymore! Aru! Curry Ninja...No, I really became a Curry Ninja now!"

   "Don't be sad, I will give you an A grade." The little ape on the side also comforted.

   "Asshole, are you sympathizing with me? Don't do it! What the **** is the captain!"

   "There is no way, it seems that I am the only one!" Gin Shiki moved his body, "Don't look at me like this, I was a master of ninja house wine when I was young!"

   "Yin Sang, come on!" Xiao Yuan looked like a slut, Jiang Cheng and the others who looked aside were a bit speechless.


   "Ahhhhhhhh, where is the silver sang?" Xin Baji asked. Only ten minutes passed, and Gin Shi was still not seen.

   But at this moment, a trash can slowly moved to the front of the bookshelf.

   Jiang Cheng/Xin BaJi/Kagura/Gui: So dirty! And so old-fashioned!

   "How can it be dirty?" Xiao Yuan retorted, "That's the Peerless Ninja called [Invisible]! It is indeed Yinsang, so imaginative!"

   "Where is this peerless! Obviously so old-fashioned!" Kagura retorted.

   "It's just that you are partial!" Gui shouted at the same time.

   "Do you have any complaints? Curry forbearance." Xiao Yuan replied casually.

   "What is [Curry Shuangnin]? You think I like to dress like this!" Gui shouted.

   "Tell you in advance, it wasn't made of yellow cloth," said Xiao Yuan deliberately raised his voice by an octave, "It turned out to be a yellow curtain, you ninja with broken curtains!"

   "Hurry up and redo it for me! Be careful that I stabbed you with one knife!" shouting, Gui raised his knife.

   "Stop yellow! Don't disobey the commander's Aru!" Kagura quickly stopped.

   "Hey, stop arguing, you guys!" Jiang Cheng said angrily, and then pointed to the garbage truck that stopped in front of him, "Look at that."

   I saw two employees getting on and off the garbage truck and threw the garbage bin in front of the bookshelf into the trunk. It was a trunk with shredding function...

   Looking at the garbage truck slowly starting to leave, several people began to stare at them.

   "Hey, it must have been an illusion just now?" Xin Baji helped his glasses and muttered, "There is no one in that bucket, right."

   "That means Alu! If there were people in that bucket, Alu would be dead!"

   "Then...then the next one will be a new eight." The little monkey continued, trying to skip the topic.

   "Yes, then I will come as soon as I go," said, Xin Ba Ji walked towards the bookstore.

   Jiang Cheng was the only one who chanted the death curse in his heart in the direction where the garbage truck was leaving. [I wish you a refreshing straight hair in the next life, Silver Time! 】, Jiang Cheng thought to himself in his heart, and wiped the tears that didn't exist in the corner of his eyes at the same time.

   Looking at Xin Ba Ji again, I saw Xin Ba Ji carefully picked up a [Forbidden Surgery Scroll], carefully paid for it, and opened the book with a smirk.

   Kagura: "Ahhhhhh..."

   Gui: "How..."

   "Why is it so smooth?" Kagura was puzzled.

   "It's not so much that no one is paying attention...It should be said that no one should pay attention to him!" Gui explained.

   "Ah, the sense of existence is too low..." Everyone sighed.

   But at this moment, Ginshi's voice rang from behind What is it? Hey, what kind of skills a ninja needs, even ordinary guys can do it. "

   "Hey, I suddenly appeared here to pick up this slot with my whole body hurt, do you think it's appropriate? Yin Shi." Jiang Cheng said with a contemptuous expression.

   At the same time, the others also looked over, with extremely speechless expressions.

"It's extremely stupid. Fortunately, I didn't participate in this kind of idiot activity." Yin Shi tried to ignore Jiang Cheng's words and the eyes of everyone, but in the end, everyone was staring at him and couldn't help but explain aloud," What are you looking at? I just met a little **** when I went to Maokeng just now... I'm serious! What kind of eyes are you guys!"

   At this time, no one noticed that a man in a blue jacket was holding a jump with his back to the crowd, and secretly listening to several people's discussions in front of the bookshelf in front of the bookstore. The rest of the people are fine, but they are slightly taken aback when they see Jiang Chengshi, "This person..."


   In the night, I pursue a residence.

   Hattori Tsunzo is reporting to the so-called obedient adult, the person named Jintaro Motoyama that Katsura said before.

   "That's it," Yuan Shan put away his folding fan, with a smirk on his face, "Gui, he finally began to show his tail."

   "It looks like he called his accomplices to rescue the monster..." Quanzang analyzed, "It is estimated that he will sneak into the mansion tonight."

"Come here! Moth Fighting the Fire is talking about this kind of person, the natural enemy of the shogunate, the shogun of the barbarians, Katsura Kotaro! With his head, my position in the shogunate is as stable as a rock..." , The idiot began to laugh again.

   Seeing this, the whole Tibetan has no desire to continue, such as the words of a certain character in Yoshiwara...


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