May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 145: :Pants need to be changed once a day, otherwise they will get dirty! (...

   After a short confrontation, Okada Nizo was kicked out by Jiang Cheng abruptly and flew at least tens of meters along the river.

   "Cheat... deceive..." Xin Baji murmured, "It's just a blow..."

   "So didn't you say it? In the face of such a fake monster, how could a real monster lose." Yin Shishi mumbled disdainfully.

   "It seems to be a little harder..." Jiang Cheng said to himself, "But..."

   said, Jiang Cheng rushed over again.

   "That kind of speed..." Okada Shizo, who got up again, muttered as he looked at Jiang Cheng's figure like lightning.

   Boom! ! !

   Jiang Cheng came to Okada Nizo and waved down the umbrella in his hand again. The speed was so fast that even Red Sakura couldn't react.

   "Wow!!" Okada spit out a mouthful of blood like this blow.

   "It's not over yet." Jiang Cheng said, inserting his umbrella into the thick tentacles on the surface of Okada's body, and raised Okada's body.

"Hmph, that's it," Okada Sizou snorted, being held up in the air, "Kill me, and then go back to the adult again. If there is anything like that, kill me!" Where is your sword?! Let me see it!"

Okada Nishizura continued with a grim look: "If it were me at the beginning, I was by the side of the adult...this country would not end up like this. What kind of Bushido? Samurai doesn't need that. Thing! All the samurai needs is a sword! Come, let me see it!!"

"I don't know what you are talking about. However, relying on this kind of thing, you can't beat me." With that, Jiang Cheng kicked Okada Mizou again. "Also, it's not a talent who hangs on his waist all day. It's called a sword!"

   "Also... too strong..." Xin Ba Ji couldn't help taking a sip of water.

   "Yo!" Jiang Cheng yelled to Xin Baji on the shore, "Um, is there any beef left? I just moved a little bit, and I am a little hungry."

   "Ah...Yes, there is a lot left." Xin Ba Ji hurriedly replied.

   "That's good." Jiang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, and turned his head again to look in the direction of Okada Nizo, but then Jiang Cheng discovered that Okada Nizo was nowhere to be found...

   At this time, Okada Nizo has returned to his original shape, hiding his chest in the dark.

"I almost really died...If it wasn't for him to keep his hands..." Okada murmured, and then looked at the red cherry in his hand, "You just wanted to run, right? It's just a knife, and it's actually scared, you're nothing more than that... But, you also got precious data..."

   "If that adult knows that his old friend is still so energetic, I don't know what it will feel... Forget it, let's go back first, otherwise, that adult should be angry... Ha ha ha ha..."


   "It's really troublesome, let him run away..." Jiang Cheng sat by the stove with an annoyed expression on his face.

   "Obviously you let it go on purpose!" Yin Shishi cried.

"What are you talking about?! How could it be possible!" Jiang Cheng retorted, but then Jiang Cheng turned his head to the place where Okada was lying just now. That person has few days to live."

"Well, indeed, if you kicked twice, even a **** will live a long time ago," Yin Shi nodded with approval, then pointed to his waist and continued, "I can't bear even a kick. Hurry up and pay me for medical expenses!"

   "It's not that!" Jiang Cheng scolded, "Also, I saved you just now! Are you amnesia?!"

   "Save me?" Yin Shi said disdainfully, and then shouted loudly, "I was kicked so hard by you, it would be better to get the knife! Don't you know how serious it is?!"

   "What did you say?! You don't know how to thank Dade for the silver-haired curls!"

   "Huh? Just you! You idiot who doesn't know how serious it is!"

"Well, you two should stop arguing," Xin Ba Haw hurriedly came out to make a round, then looked at Jiang Cheng and asked, "Well, Jiang Chengsang, just now you said that that person is about to die, what did you mean? "

   "Isn't it obvious, you can't live long with so many mechanical tentacles stuffed into your body." Jiang Cheng said casually, "His body is already riddled with holes. And..."

   "And that kind of action that detached from human beings will only increase the load on his body, he has not a few days to live..." Yin Shi added.

   "However, he is still a great man who can resist even now by his will." Jiang Cheng said softly, "but I definitely can't change it. After all, I hate tentacles the most."

   "Yeah!" At this time, Xin Ba Hao finally remembered his original purpose, and looked at Elizabeth anxiously, "I haven't got Guisang's whereabouts from him yet!"

   [I also forgot, after all, the battle is too fierce, and if I feel uncomfortable...]

   wrote on the wooden sign that Elizabeth held up.

   "I have said it many times, I don't know how many times, the wig will be fine. It's just that level." Jiang Cheng said casually.

   "Is Gui Sang actually that strong? Wouldn't he lose against that kind of opponent?!" Xin Ba Hao looked at Yin Shi and Jiang Cheng in shock.

   "Hmm." Yin Shi and Jiang Sung nodded at the same time.

  "The ability to escape is the best in the world."×2

   After listening, Xin Ba Ji was about to complain, but at this moment, Jiang Cheng's phone suddenly vibrated twice.

   Jiang Cheng stretched into his arms, took out his mobile phone and took a glance, but he was not calm in an instant, he hurriedly stood up and rushed in a certain direction.

   "Well, what's wrong, Jiang Chengsang..." Xin Baji murmured.

   "I don't know." Gin Shiki replied casually, but he also reacted immediately, "That idiot! I haven't left me the medical expenses yet!"

   "Are you just thinking about this?!"

   Xin Ba Ji had just finished speaking, and saw Dingchun rushing straight from a distance.

   "Dingchun!" Xin Baji shouted.

   But Dingchun rushed even faster after hearing the shouts of Xin Ba Ji.

   But when Dingchun rushed in front of the crowd, he suddenly found that his two owners and another pet were sitting happily in the stove eating hot pot.

   Seeing this scene, Dingchun stopped abruptly, his two bright eyes filled with mist. I can't let go of it for a long time.

   "What's wrong? Dingchun?" Xin Ba Ji asked in confusion.

   "Wang!" Dingchun yelled, turned his head and ran away.

   "Huh? What's the matter?" Xin Baji murmured.

   [It seems that I misunderstood something]

   Elizabeth raised the wooden sign.

   "Misunderstanding? What do you mean?" Just as Xin Baji asked, he saw the phone that Dingchun had just left on the ground, "That's Kagura..."


   On the other side, Kagura at this time has sneaked into the house-shaped ship of the ghost soldiers.

   Kagura hid behind the box and observed for a long time. There was no one on the deck except for a man wearing a purple kimono embroidered with golden butterflies.

   Finally, Kagura is ready to act.

Kagura cautiously walked behind Takasugi and pointed at the back of Takasugi's head with her umbrella and said, "Hey, are you a crew member of this ship Aru? Can you show me a little bit of it? If you don't want your head If it blooms."

   But Takasugi still didn't make a sound, instead he took a sip of the cigarette stick in his hand and slowly exhaled a puff of smoke.

   "Hey, are you listening?" The ignored Kagura was a little upset.

   At this time, Takasugi turned his head, the corners of his mouth were slightly cocked, and the fierce light in his eyes made Kagura feel a little bit bad.

   "Today's moon is really big and round. I thought [Kaguya Ji] would come out. I didn't expect that it would be a tough wild girl princess." Takasugi said unhurriedly.

   [Not good, this guy exudes an ominous evil! ] Kagura thought. But before Kagura could do anything, he suddenly heard the sound of pulling the trigger slightly behind him.

   Before he could think, Kagura got up and jumped up. Just when Kagura left the ground, two bullets fell on the position Kagura had just stood on.

   Kagura, who jumped into the air, fired two shots in the direction of the bullet, and then landed steadily.

   And yet Zi is not a vegetarian, so he jumped up and escaped two shells, and rushed towards Kagura.

   Boom! ! After a sound, the smoke dissipated.

   stood on the deck, and pointed the two guns at Kagura who was lying on the ground.

   Kagura's umbrella pointed at Yuko's head.

   "Who are you guys!" Yuzi yelled, "I will never allow anyone to attack Jinsuke-sama! Put down the gun! Do you think you won the quick gun from my Laijima Yuko?!"

   "You I saw Aru again," Kagura continued casually, "I can see your dirty **** clearly."

   "It's naive, do you want to distract me?" He said disdainfully, but the tension in the words had already betrayed him, "It won't happen like that! I change it every day!"

   "No, no, it's really stained~" Kagura slightly brows, curls his lips and says, "It's really dirty, it's got dirty again~"

"You stinky girl! You are absolutely not allowed to insult me ​​in front of Jinsuke-sama again!" Then, he looked at Takasugi who was smoking cigarettes with his back on his back and shouted, "Shinsuke-sama~ not like this! It really changes every day, so you can check it out!"

   Taking advantage of Youzi's distraction, Kagura got up and kicked Yuzi's chin, and kicked the latter out directly.

   Kagura chuckled and rushed into the cabin.

   Yuko who fell to the ground raised his head and shouted, "Damn little girl! Senior Wushi, she is here!"

   Yuzi just finished shouting, a beam of searchlight hit Kagura's position straight.



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