May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 154: : Why do kids want such a scene?

   In a certain restaurant, Shinsengumi’s deputy head Tsutomu Shiro and Yamazaki are sitting on the same table facing each other.

   "Oh, Katsura and Takasugi," Fourteen said while pouring mayonnaise on the fried rice, "Then, what happened to the investigation?"

"Ah, I heard that Gui, who was once a radical faction, has now become a stable faction. Gui has also become a buffer to suppress the radical behavior of the squadron." Yamazaki sat on the opposite side of the fourteenth report, "So it is not difficult to predict Gui and The fierce battle of the Takasugi faction of the extreme martial arts faction. According to my investigation, this time Takasugi even enlisted the assistance of the cosmic pirate Haruyu, but it is strange that whether it is the Takasugi faction or the Katsura faction, the casualties are negligible. Except for that. People are killed like hiding, and the rest basically have no casualties.

"This is really weird. Compared to Takasugi's commanders, Okada, Kawakami and others, Katsura should have few powerful men. But why did Katsura retreat with his whole body? It was in Takasugi's collaboration with Chunyu. Under the circumstances." The fourteen who squeezed out the last two drops of mayonnaise asked in confusion.

Looking at the full mayonnaise in the bowl in front of the fourteenth, Yamazaki only felt a little nauseous, but he resisted the nausea and then reported: "There are two pieces of information about this. Helper, there seems to be a super silver-haired warrior among them. And..."

Before Yamazaki finished speaking, he was stopped by the fourteen, "Silver-haired samurai? It must be the bastard. I really feel that the **** has something to do with the Ikedaya incident before, but he swiftly escaped and went to investigate. Check it, and what's the other piece of information?"

"Oh, according to the takeaway guy who went to deliver the food that day, there was still a man on the boat with orange hair and a pony tail." Yamazaki replied, "but because the takeaway guy was too scared at the time, he left the meal and left. Yes, so I only remember these. Moreover, the store’s phone was damaged due to the rain and humidity, and did not keep the call records of the day. The clue from the email address was so broken..."

"Cut." Fourteen sipped, thinking of a ponytailed black man with a natural belly who had worked with Sougo several times. "It seems that the **** is also related to Gui, but I didn't expect to have a relationship with Yoshihara. It's a relationship, it really is."

   "Then what should be done? After all, Yoshihara is a place outside the law that the shogunate also recognizes." Yamazaki said cautiously.

   "What should I do? Of course I went to check," XIV replied disdainfully, "What happened to Yoshihara? If you find it out, don't worry about that much, and just cut him off for me. Thinking of him will make me angry."

   "But, over the shogunate..."

   "Different worry, just say it was my order." Fourteen replied casually, and at the same time picked up the bowl of fried rice with mayonnaise and ate it.

   Two minutes later, Fourteen finally finished the bowl of fried rice. After a full hiccup, he took a cigarette out of his arms, lit it and took a sip, then continued.

"He was originally a suspicious guy, but Yoshihara, who had been on the ground honestly, suddenly appeared a man who dared to come to the ground casually. Moreover, he knew the guys in the house of everything." Fourteen breathed out a cigarette. Then he continued, "Also, the people in the House of All Things are so close to that Gui..."

   "Then what if the two bosses really have something to do with the barbarian activities?" Yamazaki asked.

   "Does this need to be asked?" Fourteen replied without hesitation, "Didn't you just say it? Of course you killed them directly for me. Both the conservative and the radical are our enemies."

   Looking at the casual look of his vice-chief, Yamazaki really wanted to grab his neck and yell: "Why do you try to kill someone in Yoshiwara? 】

   But for my own work, I can only give up.


   Yamazaki, wearing a youth school uniform, after cosplaying Echizen Ryoma and experiencing a badminton addiction, sitting on a bench by the river with a badminton racket on his back, his face looked unlovable.

   The deputy chief is also true, not to mention Yoshihara’s boss, even the boss of the House of All Things I dare not move, okay! In other words, when facing the owner of the House of Everything, even he himself lost!

   Thinking of this, Yamazaki sighed heavily.

   What should I do? My head exploded when I thought of something related to the shogunate! Thinking of this, Yamazaki suddenly thought of a great idea! Do you want to play badminton here for a day? Then when I went back to report, they said that the two bosses had nothing to do with the Yi Zhishi!

   Niceidea! Yamazaki liked his cleverness, and then stood up, ready to have another badminton addiction.

   However, as soon as he stood up, Yamazaki's cell phone suddenly "buzzed" twice.

  【If you dare to be lazy, cut my belly when you come back! 】

   Seeing that his deputy chief was full of threatening messages, Yamazaki really wanted to curse and submit his resignation. But, just think about it.

   With a light sigh, Yamazaki started to leave.

"Forget it, let's start with the owner of the House of All Things. As for Yoshihara's boss, let the vice-chief find a way." Yamazaki said to himself, but after that, Yamazaki suddenly thought of something, "Captain Okita seems The relationship with Yoshihara’s boss is very good, so let Captain Okita help to ask!"

  Speaking, Yamazaki took out his cell phone again and sent a message to Sougo.



Jiang Cheng, who was playing the game, said to his teammate: Harita, cursing and saying, "What's the matter? Don't you throw a cigarette?! There is nothing in your backpack! If you can't shoot, you will pick it up. Some supplies! Ah, don’t you even have a backpack?!"

   "I don't like to play this kind of game at all!" Harita retorted, raising her face.

   "Then why are you licking your face to come to me?" Jiang Cheng looked at Harita with contempt.

   "Many chapters have not" Harita touched her head and smiled embarrassedly.

   Before Harita finished laughing, Jiang Cheng grabbed Harita directly, stood up and walked to the door and threw Harita out, closing the door and locked it in one go.

   "You want to fight for a role at such a young age, it's too early for you." Jiang Cheng snorted and said.

   "It's not fair at all!" Harita shouted while slamming the door, "Obviously I should have a role too! After so long, readers will forget my existence!"

   Ignoring Haruta's words, Jiang Cheng sat down next to the computer again. Looking at the words [GAMEOVER] on the computer screen, Jiang Cheng sighed and was about to restart the game.

   But at this moment, the phone in my arms suddenly "buzzed" both of my body.

   [Yamazaki, please, let me ask you, boss, do you have anything to do with the dispute between the Katsura and Takasugi factions the other day? Also, I just successfully blasted the earth mulberry. Attached jpg.]

"It turned out to be Mr. Zongwu." Jiang Cheng whispered, and then clicked on the attached picture. Zongwu was holding a bazooka and compared to Ye, while Zongwu was lying on the ground and turned dark and turned into an explosive head with his eyes rolled. Of fourteen.

  【I will attend Liu Haijun’s funeral on time, and what do you want for the gift of Sougo-kun’s promotion to deputy chief? 】

   Jiang Cheng edited a message and sent it out.


   Zhen Xuan Zu Tun Suo.

   "What's wrong? Did he reply to the message?" Fourteen said as he got up, and leaned in.

   "Do you want to see that?" Sougo twitched the corner of his mouth, showing a dangerous smile.

   "Don't look at me with such a dangerous smile!" Fourteen scolded, "Also, I was shot by you on purpose just to cooperate with the investigation. Don't be too proud, bastard!"

   After finishing speaking, Fourteen got to Zongwu's side and glanced at Jiang Cheng's reply, and instantly he lost his breath.

"Who is Liu Haijun! How can it be repaired! Does that **** like to give people weird names so much?!" Fourteen scolded, but finally reacted after cursing, "This **** has not answered the question yet! I knew that I would not answer so honestly. This person definitely has a problem!"

"Don't you want to stop the earthman, isn't the boss a deity? Have you ever seen a deity as a barbarian?" Zongwu replied casually, "Also, this time is different from the last [Purgatory Pass]. Don’t always trouble Kondo-san."

   "Does your kid have a face to say me?!" Fourteen scolded, "Who blows up the house every day!"

"Well, fourteen," Kondo also walked over at this time, "I think you think too much, Jiang Chengsang doesn't look like a barbarians. Even if it needs to be investigated, I should investigate it myself. "

   said, Kondo got serious, "Then, just let me sneak into Yoshihara to investigate!"

   "No, it's too dangerous!" Fourteen retorted, but the next moment Fourteen saw the corner of the coupon exposed in Kondo's arms, "Hey, you just think about your own desires!"

"No, no, I'm just thinking about what clues might I get from those wandering girls!" Kondo Yoshimasa replied Also, these coupons that Jiang Chengsang sent before have already It's almost expired..."

   "After all, it's for my own selfish desires!" Fourteen cursed.

"The police don't just need to catch the barbarians! It is also necessary to understand the lives of the wandering girls at the bottom of the society!" Kondo replied, "and it can also bring them benefits if appropriate! Increase in income and better life!"

"Why don't you support so many vagrants on the streets of Edo! Why do you just stare at the wandering girl!" Fourteen yelled, "No need at all! Just stay in the game for me! ! Just leave the investigation to Yamazaki!"

   "Don't~" Kondo said coquettishly, grabbing the corner of Fourteen's clothes.

   "You will only make me feel more disgusting if you are so coquettish!" Tufang replied.


   After a day of tossing, Yamazaki searched for Ginshi's acquaintances, but there was no progress.

   "Ah, do I still need to investigate by myself in the end?" Yamazaki stood at the gate of Yoshihara, looking at Sougo's reply and murmured, "But how can I sneak into Yoshihara?"

   Just when Yamazaki was troubled, he suddenly saw the [Recruitment! Five insurances and one housing fund! Yoshihara Baihua Self-Defense Force announced. 】’S recruitment poster...


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