May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 156: :Yamazaki's 0-flower hidden life first day!


   "Now, Yueyue, I'm hungry." Jiang Cheng lay down on the ground, opened the door and said to Yueyong who had just walked outside the corridor.

   Hearing the sound, countless blue veins burst on Yue Yong's face, and then he showed a nuclear smile, and said, "Do you need me to feed you?"

   "Huh?" Jiang Cheng scratched his head embarrassedly, "If you really want to do that, you can, after all, my game is at a critical juncture, so I can't make it."

   "You fellow, don't you know what a polite talk is?!" Yue Yong cursed, and kicked Jiang Cheng out of the window.

   Standing behind Yueyong, Yamazaki, who has been dressed in Baihua, his eyes twitched after seeing this scene. [Boss, you have too much nerves! Can't you hear good and bad things? ! 】

   "Hey, new here," Yueyong turned her head and said to Yamazaki, "Don't be like the original members and get fascinated by this kind of unreliable man."

   "Hi! I see!" Yamazaki quickly replied.

"Then, today's work ends here. After all, you are new here. It is enough to take you to familiarize yourself with the work process today. The official work starts tomorrow." Yueyong continued, "Where patrols are required Is it clear? I don't want to take you a second time."

   "It's already clear!" Yamazaki quickly replied with a pat on his chest, "Completely figured out! Even if there are omissions, they have been drawn into blueprints!"

   "Yes, very clever." Yueyong replied, and then looked at Yamazaki's chest and reminded him: "Also, don't always pat the chest. It's already stunted."

   After speaking, Yue Yong took out a thick envelope from his arms and threw it at Yamazaki.

"this is……"

"Is there a family member out there? Send this condolence money to the family, by the way, to report your safety. Also, although you don't know the situation, it looks like you should be a little malnourished. Use the money to buy some nutrition." Yue Yong turned around and left after speaking.

   [Unexpectedly, a place like Yoshihara is also surprisingly human. Yamazaki thought to himself, and then opened the thick envelope, and after a rough count, Yamazaki’s eyes were almost glaring... "Well, this is at least two million! Yoshihara's welfare is also too great. Alright!!"

   Just when Yamazaki was surprised by the condolence money that could be called a huge sum of money in his hand, a Baihua member came over and said, "Hey, new here, the leader asked me to take you to a resting place."

"Ah, ah." Wensheng, Yamazaki reaction was finally over, quickly turned his head to see who has always been, "the older generation!"

"No, you don't need to call it that way." The young lady Baihua waved her hand and replied, "Everyone in Baihua is worthy of sisters. Of course, except for the leader. Come with me. Just now your dormitory has been It's sorted out. Although it's not big, it doesn't matter if you are alone."

   said, this young lady from Baihua led Yamazaki to the dormitory designated for Yamazaki.


   opened the door, looking at this neat and well-equipped single dormitory, Yamazaki secretly compared his dormitory in Shinsengumi. Now Yamazaki really wants to change jobs. The gap is too big!

"What's the matter?" Miss Baihua asked, looking at the dazed Yamazaki, "Does it mean that this room is too rudimentary? I'm really sorry. The rest of the rooms are for those who are not willing to pick up guests anymore. , Let’s just make some for the time being. I’ll wait for the new dormitory to be built and then I’ll change it for you."

   "No, no, I didn't mean that," Yamazaki quickly replied, and wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes, "I'm very satisfied. I have never lived in such a good room."

   "It seems that you have suffered a lot before," Miss Baihua said distressedly, "but it will be different from now on! There are sisters like us beside you!"

   "Well, thank you." Yamazaki raised his head and said gratefully.

"Don't bother you, sisters still need to go on patrol, so you can rest here temporarily. When we gather tomorrow, I will call you to get up." As she said, Miss Baihua patted Yamazaki on the shoulder. "Sleep well. Also, there is a surprise from our sister under the pillow."

   After finishing speaking, Miss Baihua gave the key to Yamazaki's hand and turned to leave.

   Yamazaki turned and walked into the house, turned on the light and closed the door. Looking at all the facilities in the house, and most importantly, there are some independent toilets here! Even the toilet is the kind of advanced automatic flushing with warm water.

   Compared to the public toilet in Zhenseng Group, it can only be described in two words, perfect!

   Now Yamazaki has a stronger feeling of wanting to resign from Shinsengumi.

   After Yamazaki was excited, he was lying on the big bed with a girl-like shyness. After a few minutes, Yamazaki finally reacted.

"That's not the case at all! What the **** am I here for!" Yamazaki muttered to himself, holding his forehead, "I'm here to sneak into the investigation! Why was it attacked the other way around?! Yamazaki retires, you are worthy of training. Is your Shinsengumi?! How can you have the idea of ​​resigning from Shinsengumi for such a small profit?!"

   Yamazaki quickly patted his face, "Quickly wake up! Yamazaki retreat! This is just a task, just a task!"

   Talking, Yamazaki got up from the bed, came to the table, picked up the water glass, and poured himself two glasses of cold water frantically.

   "Yosei! That's it!" Yamazaki muttered to himself, "But this way, you can officially sneak into Yoshihara, so the next investigation should be easier!"

   Just finished speaking, the corner of Yamazaki's eyes suddenly fell to the corner of a gift box exposed under the pillow on the side of the bed.

   "This is..." Yamazaki walked forward and uncovered the big gift box from under the pillow. Only then did Yamazaki remember that when the young lady Baihua walked away, she said there was a gift or something under the pillow.

   "I didn't expect to have actually prepared an induction gift, really," Yamazaki smiled, but his face was full of emotion, "I haven't received it even when I joined the Shinsengumi..."

   But after Yamazaki opened the gift box, he couldn't laugh anymore. It turned out to be a photo book there! ! And the protagonist of the photo album turned out to be Jiang Cheng! In addition, from the perspective of shooting, it turned out to be a sneak shot!

   [I can't be moved at all to receive this kind of gift! ! ! 】

   Yamazaki frantically complained in his heart.


   The next day. Yamazaki, who was called by Miss Baihua, followed everyone to the meeting place.

"How about? How about the present?" Yesterday's Baihua lady leaned into Yamazaki's ear and asked softly, "Do you like it? This is a collection of Jiang Cheng sama that we have secretly photographed for so long. Hua doesn’t have many copies."

"Ah, that," Yamazaki wanted to say that he didn't like it at all, but looking at the expectant expression of this young lady Baihua, he bit the bullet and replied: "It is indeed a very special gift, thank you You guys."

"Yeah, I'm really a newcomer on the Taoist road, let me just say, surely no one will dislike Jiang Chengsama." Miss Baihua said with a look of gratitude, slapped her chest, "In this way, you must be able to take a short time Incorporated into Baihua."

   "I hope." Yamazaki replied with a wry smile.

   Just then, Yueyong's voice came from the back room.

   "Hey, got up." Yue Yong kicked Jiang Chenghe who was still asleep and cursed.

   "Ha~" Jiang Cheng yawned, then rubbed his eyes and raised his head to look at Yue Yong with an unhappy face, "Ah, Yue Yue, what are you doing so early, let me sleep for a while."

   "You trash guy, get up and follow us!" Yue Yong scolded, "Give you three minutes, otherwise..."

   Looking at the fierce light in Yueyong's eyes, Jiang Cheng swallowed his saliva and quickly stood up, "I see!"

   "I said, why is the meeting place in Jiang Chengsang's room?" Yamazaki whispered to Miss Baihua who was aside.

   "If the man I saw at first sight was Jiang Chengsama when I got up early, I would feel full of energy this day!" Miss Baihua said naturally.


   "Isn't this common sense?"

   "This person doesn't even have this common sense?"

   "Is this newcomer too arrogant?"

   Listening to a group of Baihua members talking about themselves, Yamazaki quickly explained: "No, I didn't mean that, I just..."

   "I'm a newcomer after all," before Yamazaki finished speaking, the Miss Baihua beside Yamazaki defended Yamazaki, "Surely you will get used to it."


  Yoshihara Jiang Cheng and Yueyong are leading a group of Baihua members on patrol on the street, saying that the patrol is not quite right, it should be said that they are hanging out.

   "Why is Jiang Chengsang also patrolling with us?" Yamazaki behind the team whispered to Miss Baihua on the side.


   "Oh, that's wrong, it's Jiang Cheng Sama, why does Jiang Cheng Sama want to patrol together?" Yamazaki asked again, at this time Yamazaki finally understood that the members of Baihua had a fascinating worship for Jiangcheng. But as far as Yamazaki's observations are concerned, apart from being a little more handsome, Jiang Cheng is basically just a waste man.

   Laying on the bed, squatting at home, like playing games. It's the nit family!

   "I don't understand too much. The leader said that it is to cheer up the wandering girls, increase their enthusiasm for work and increase GDP or something." The Baihua lady explained.

   "That's it..." Yamazaki replied, [I don't understand at all! What does it mean to improve the enthusiasm of wandering girls? What is meant by increasing GDP? ] Yamazaki doubted in his heart.

   "After all, Jiang Cheng Sama is very popular in Yoshiwara's female circle." Another Baihua lady replied.

   "You can see this..." Yamazaki muttered to the wandering girls who kept poking out their heads at Jiang Cheng's cheering in the shop on the roadside.


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