May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 157: :The second day of Yamazaki's 0 Hua latent work!

   "Yo Xi, that's it for today! Disbanded."

   After being forcibly dragged by Yue Yong to patrol Yoshihara, Jiang Cheng lazily announced.

   "You are disbanded! Baihua's work has just begun, OK!" Yue Yong cursed.

   "It's up to you, I'm going back first," Jiang Cheng yawned and said lazily, "Go back and sleep first."

  While speaking, Jiang Cheng turned around and left, but he stopped abruptly after walking two steps, turned his head and smiled at the members of Baihua and said, "Go on work."

   "Oh!" a group of Baihua members replied.

   This kind of momentum that seemed to have been beaten up in blood was actually a shock to Yamazaki in the team.


   "Really, every day and every day, I am almost annoying." Jiang Cheng complained, "I want to sleep until I wake up naturally~"

   At this time, Jiang Cheng sat on a chair in front of a shop selling oden in Yoshiwara.

   Every day at nine o'clock in the morning, Jiang Chengcheng will be called by Yue Yong, and then dragged to patrol Yoshiwara, shouting a couple of words [Come on] to the girls. After about ten o'clock, Jiang Cheng will be released by Yue Yong.

   Whenever this time, Jiang Cheng would eat something at the oden shop downstairs, and after eating, he would go upstairs and continue to sleep or play games.

   By the way, this oden-boiled shop was also proposed by Jiang Cheng. The owner of the oden-boiled shop is a wandering girl who is unwilling to pick up customers.

   "Don't say that, Jiang Chengsama, Dr. Yueyong is also for Yoshihara." The proprietress brought a portion of oden to Jiang Cheng's side.

   "Boss, I'm still as energetic as ever today." Jiang Cheng said seriously, looking at the plumpness that appeared on the boss's chest.

   "I'm making this kind of joke again, Jiang Cheng, sama." The proprietress replied with a chuckle.

   "No, no, it's really super energetic, there must be a G!" Jiang Cheng carefully replied after looking at it carefully.

   "No, the concubine has a full body of H!" The lady boss straightened her chest and replied with pride.

"H!" Jiang Cheng just took a sip from his teacup, and he sprayed it directly after hearing these words, and then he sighed, "My niece is fourteen years old, and the result is still the same as the cliff. I'm worried that when she grows up, she will still be like this."

   "Sama Jiang Cheng doesn't have to worry too much about the Women's Eighteenth Change." The proprietress replied with a smile.

"What if I can't get married in the future? My personality is already extremely bad, coupled with the mediocre figure...maybe it will inherit that bald baldness..." Speaking of this, Jiang Cheng suddenly stood up. Get up, "No! You must remake Kagura sauce! Even if you can't change your personality, at least make up for the missing nutrients!"

   Just when Jiang Cheng looked solemnly worried about Kagura's future, Kagura rushed to Jiang Cheng's front.

   "I'll fight!" Kagura jumped and flipped Jiang Cheng.

   "Said Cao Cao Cao Cao is here," Jiang Cheng rubbed his head and stood up, turning his head to look at Kagura, "What's the matter? Why are you free to come to my uncle today?"

   "Who do you think is the cliff!" Kagura scolded, "I heard Aru from the gate!"

   After finishing speaking, Kagura directly sat in the place where Jiang Cheng was just now, and took the Oden that Jiang Cheng hadn't had time to eat, and ate it with big mouthfuls.

   "Isn't it clear at a glance?" Jiang Cheng muttered, and then unconsciously his eyes turned to a certain part of the proprietress on the side, and then contrasted with the Kagura on the side, "Sure enough, I still need to make up for it."

   "Make up your head!" Kagura cursed, then pointed at the boss's wife and shouted, "I will definitely become Aru even more majestic than this in another two years!"

   "This is more difficult..." Jiang Cheng waved his hand and replied, "By the way, how about that natural roll? It should be pretty miserable, right?"

   Yamazaki, who was eavesdropping not far away, couldn't help but set his ears when he heard this. [Very miserable? what happened? Is it because of this incident? ! ] Yamazaki thought to himself in his heart.

   "The eldest sister is still a well-measured Aru, just a broken rib." Kagura replied as he ate, "Silver sauce is still recovering from the eldest sister's head."

   [Big sister head? Are you referring to Xin Ba Hao-kun’s sister? But why...] Yamazaki secretly wondered.

"That's not a sense of measure..." Jiang Cheng replied full of black lines. Then, Jiang Cheng thought of the horror of being dominated by Yueyong and Amiao the other day when he and Yinshi were trembling. "Completely. It's just to be beaten to death! Isn't it just that they didn't let them appear on the stage? As for such cruel hands? Is it possible to go directly to the street writer to talk about this kind of thing!"

   "Ah, about this, the eldest sister is studying Aru, a device that can shuttle through the dimension, but I don't understand Aru." Kagura replied casually.

   "Does she really want to do this like this..." Jiang Cheng vomited expressionlessly, then sighed and looked at Kagura, "What about you? What are you doing here at this time?"

   After eating the oden, Kagura stretched out his two greasy little hands and said, "Pocket money Aru."

   "Pocket money?" Jiang Cheng replied with a black thread, "If I remember correctly, didn't I just give it to you yesterday? Did I have amnesia?"

   Kagura was unmoved, still staring at Jiang Cheng with a pair of large watery eyes.

   Finally, Jiang Cheng was defeated. He reached into his arms and fumbled for his wallet, "I'll only give you one, this month's copy is gone, I'll talk about it next month..."

   Before he finished speaking, Kagura took the lead in snatching the wallet that Jiang Cheng had just taken out of his arms. With a cheer, he ran away quickly. Only Jiang Cheng who hadn't reacted in the same place was left.

   "Hey! You can only get one!" Jiang Cheng shouted after Kagura, "The rest of my uncle wants to buy games!"

   "Uncle Aru should have graduated from the game too!" Kagura shouted without looking back.

   Of course, Jiang Cheng finally found his wallet. Of course, it was just a wallet, and the money in it had been secretly transferred by Kagura.

   "Forget it." Jiang Cheng sighed softly, put away his wallet, and smiled softly as Kagura was running farther and farther.

   Kagura is going to see Princess Cheng Ye to play today, Jiang Cheng has already investigated this matter clearly. There is nothing wrong with children playing together and getting some pocket money. And, it's not that I didn't hide private money.


   Not far away, Yamazaki was hiding in the dark and secretly observing.

"It looks like an ordinary uncle and niece. I don't know why the deputy chief asked me to investigate." Yamazaki sighed and said to himself, "It must be because the boss was with Captain Okita last time. The whole deputy chief, the deputy chief is still angry now. So, this is... private enmity?"

   Just when Yamazaki was thinking about it, he slapped a hand on Yamazaki's shoulder, and directly surprised Yamazaki.

   "Hey, newcomer, what are you doing?" Miss Baihua asked in confusion.

   "Ah, there's nothing." Yamazaki turned his head and hurriedly defended.

   "Nothing..." Miss Baihua obviously didn't believe it, and then followed Yamazaki's line of sight to look over...

   [Should it not be exposed directly? ! ] Yamazaki's face is full of sweat.

   "Isn't that Jiang Cheng sama?!" Miss Baihua replied, and then looked at Yamazaki again, "Rookie, you..."

   "All are the orders of the vice-chief! I personally don't want to come at all!" Yamazaki hurriedly knelt down and shouted.

"Deputy commander? What is that?" Miss Baihua asked in doubt, and then helped Yamazaki, "I didn't mean this, are too cunning, right? You are sneaking around by yourself, remember next time. Bring us with you too!"

"this one?!"

   After ignoring Yamazaki's complaints, Miss Baihua secretly squinted to the location where Jiang Cheng was. Miss Baihua's face was blushing with honey, "Isn't she handsome? That smile."

   "Ah, yes." Yamazaki hurriedly replied, but he was relieved in his heart, [It seems that it is not exposed. 】

   "But why do everyone like Jiang Cheng-san so much...sama?" Yamazaki wondered.

   "That's because..." Miss Baihua said, "Forget it, you will understand one day. Go on patrol, or the leader will be angry."

   After finishing speaking, Miss Baihua turned around and left, and Yamazaki hurriedly followed up. But my heart is still full of doubts.


   Baihua's work is usually at night, during the day it is just a symbolic patrol, and at night is when the real Baihua flower blooms.

   Seeing the decisive and venomous skill of Baihua members facing men who try to disrupt Yoshihara's rules and cause Yamazaki was shocked.

   [If this is discovered that I am an undercover agent, I will definitely be dealt with too! 】

   Yamazaki thought with a cold sweat on his face.

   "What's the matter? It's the first time to face this **** scene, so I am a little uncomfortable?" Young lady Baihua next to Yamazaki asked with concern.

   "Yeah, it's a little bit." Yamazaki's mouth twitched, but he roared wildly in his heart: [It's not a point at all! Even in the bureau there is no such way to deal with prisoners! The hand said to cut and cut, the third leg said to cut and cut, it has become a restrictive work! 】

   "It's okay, you will get used to it slowly." Miss Baihua comforted, "Moreover, there are only a few men who dare to make trouble in Yoshiwara."

   "Hi, hi." Yamazaki replied, but he still roared in his heart: [Impossible! How do you get used to it? ! You will have nightmares at night, right? ! I'm not used to it at all! 】

   Looking at the mosaic in the pool of blood on the ground, Yamazaki couldn't help turning around and helping the wall to throw up.

   "Take it up, just get used to it," Miss Baihua patted Yamazaki's back intimately.

   "Thank you..." Yamazaki turned his head and said gratefully after vomiting, but he saw the pile of mosaics just now and couldn't help but vomit again, Σ_(???"∠) vomit...


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