May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 194: :Kakarot is also very busy!

Even though he said so, Jiang Cheng still clenched the umbrella in his hand, swiped a hard blow at the head of Wu Ling II, and quickly retreated a few steps away from him.

"So, didn't you say it, it's useless." Wu Ling II, whose head was eliminated by this blow, rang the voice of Wu Ling II again.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Chengcheng saw that the head of Wuling II began to recover little by little, and it turned out to be intact in just a few seconds!

"Really, this is no longer a simple robot, it should be said that it is a monster." Jiang Cheng said with a chuckle, "But this is really troublesome, after all, I haven't mastered the tortoise O Qigong. What's more troublesome is that now my position is on the left..."

With that said, Jiang Cheng glanced at Fourteen, who had been surrounded by a group of robotic maids, secretly said something was wrong, and then quickly rushed towards Fourteen.

"Even if you can't fight, at least give me serious complaints!" Jiang Cheng exclaimed, "What's wrong with sleeping lazily there?!"

"Huh? What silly thing to say..." Fourteen's voice finally sounded, "I can only sleep in Zhensengumi's bed, this kind of place..."

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Cheng saw Shisi, who was surrounded by a group of robotic maids, stood staggeringly, and spit out a mouthful of blood, "Moreover! I have always been from Magazine!"

After speaking, Fourteen directly drew out his knife and slashed at several robotic maids in front of him...


"Really, I encountered this kind of thing," Jiang Cheng curled his lips in disdain, "It's a doctor and a human being, it's like traveling to the world of Dragon O."

"Don't say silly things," Fourteen gasped slightly, and then looked at the only remaining Wu Ling II, "This is the real world!"

"Really, I don't know what the wig and Gao Zi would say after seeing this scene..." Jiang Cheng muttered to himself, "I didn't expect that one day he would fight alongside the deputy chief of Zhen Xuan Group."

"What did you say?" Fourteen did not hear clearly.

"Nothing," Jiang Cheng replied casually, "I just said that I didn't expect one day to fight with the vice-chief of ghosts of Zhensengumi."

"Don't be stupid," Fourteen retorted, "Fighting together? I don't remember such a thing, it just happened to be the same enemy."

"That's a coincidence..."

Before Jiang Cheng finished speaking, he suddenly heard the sound of stepping coming closer and closer behind him. At this time, Jiang Cheng and Shisi realized that countless maid robots were walking on both ends of the street.

"I thought it was all solved, but I didn't expect..."

"It seems that I have to work hard..." Fourteen was slapped on the head by Jiang Cheng before he finished speaking.

"That..." Jiang Cheng carried the fourteen who was stunned by himself, and smiled and shouted at Wu Ling II, "Actually, I am also very interested in the maid~ It's decided! Party will take me too!"


"Where is this place?" After Fourteen woke up, he couldn't help but question the ropes on his body and the strange dark room.

"Terminal (universal terminal station) underground space." Jiang Cheng explained to the side.


"Why are you here too! What happened!" Fourteen shouted at Jiang Cheng, who was also **** strictly, "It seems that he fainted all of a sudden... Can't remember anything... "

"No, it's just being invited to the maid party." Jiang Cheng explained, "And... just now, they let us live on TV. It's really exciting. I have to call my hometown quickly. Yes, yes, You should also give your hometown a good news."

"Hey! Isn't it the time to say this?! Shouldn't we figure out what happened first?!" Fourteen scolded, "What the **** did you do when I fainted!"

"No, I didn't do anything," Jiang Cheng said solemnly, "In short, Sharu's purpose is basically understood. It is to absorb the 17th and the 18th to become a complete body, so the most important thing is right now. The thing is that you have to find the Guixian to learn Guipai Qigong, and then go to the spiritual room of the gods to train until you can become a super Saiyan! Liu Haijun! The future of the earth depends on you!"

"Does the future of the earth depend on me to save..." Fourteen murmured, but then he reacted, "What the **** are you talking about! Do you think I am a fighting nation?! I'm just an earthling OK!"

"That's the strongest man on earth! Come on, fourteen!" Jiang Chengyu said earnestly.

"Who is your name fourteen! I don't want to be called by you at all!" Fourteen scolded.


"Well, I don't want to care about you so much," Fourteen curled his lips in disdain, "What's going on? The result of the investigation."

"The result..." Jiang Cheng raised his head and said with a smile, "Sure enough, if you let me choose, I will choose Bulma. I can't like it at all on the 18th~"

"Be serious!" Fourteen scolded.

"Well, the cause of the incident is generally understood." Jiang Cheng finally got serious, "but it's a little troublesome..."

"Trouble? What do you mean?"

"It's a bit troublesome to tell the incident once," Jiang Cheng replied, "After all, I'm too hungry, I don't have the strength to speak..."

"Are you playing with me?! Asshole!"


In the end, Jiang Cheng told fourteen of what he had heard from Wu Linger's mouth and his guesses all the way. Of course, Jiang Cheng didn't want to say anything. After all, it was very troublesome, but he couldn't stand the stalking of Fourteen.

"What a great father," Fourteen said with emotion after listening to Jiang Cheng's words, "but...maybe the real father and daughter have met again in another world, and the only ones left in this world are that. Father’s obsession. Then, what are you going to do?"

"What are you doing..." Jiang Cheng lowered his head and thought for a moment, before showing a nice smile, "Of course I went to find Kakarot's help."

"You are addicted to playing, right!" Fourteen scolded, "You should be the one who should cut your belly!"

"Personality..." Jiang Cheng ignored Fourteen's complaints, but murmured, "I didn't expect that one day personality could also be parsed into data and imported into the robot's body. It's really incredible, but... death is death, human beings. No matter how you do it, you can’t resurrect the dead. This is the reality. I... just want the obsession of the father who is still living in that cold machine to realize this. Since I didn’t protect it when I was alive, Then people who have died are even less qualified."

Hearing this, Fourteen snorted, "What a wayward guy, he actually did that for a robot."

"Unhappy," Jiang Cheng said with a light sigh, "I'm just unhappy. Even if the personality is not broken, it is the same. I don't want to face the death of my daughter, so I inject my daughter's personality into the robot, in order to make the robot My daughter’s personality is no longer alone, and her personality is injected into the robot. The two things are actually the same in my opinion. Both are escaping from reality."

"I hate people who choose to escape reality. I hate them the most. Immortality or something..." After a pause, Jiang Cheng put on the smiling face again, "Furthermore, I made an agreement with Xiaoyu, no matter what I will realize my wish. Although I don’t know what Xiaoyu’s wish is, but... if Xiaoyu really has that daughter’s personality in her body, I also believe that the daughter’s wish should be for the father to be liberated...whether it is already The dead father is still the obsession of his own father who is still alive."

With that said, Jiang Cheng remembered the sadness on Xiaoyu's face that was in tears during the day, and the figure standing on the podium in Matsushita Village School, remembered when Songyang was taken away, and participated in the war. At the time, I remembered that time when I was lying on the ground, watching the blade that Yin Shi slowly raised, and the smile that Song Yang turned his head to show...

Jiang Cheng didn't go on, but Fourteen found an inexplicable emotion in Jiang Cheng's eyes, like sadness, resentment, and relief...

After the two were silent for a while, they suddenly heard footsteps coming from outside the room.

"It seems we can start." After speaking, Jiang Cheng stood up and broke the rope that bound him with a little effort.

"Untie it for me, hello!" Fourteen shouted at Jiang Cheng, who seemed to have no intention of untie him.

"No, you should continue to practice in this spiritual room." As he said, Jiang Cheng opened the door of the But to Jiang Cheng's surprise, what stood outside the door was not what he imagined. The maid robot, but...

"You guy... do you know that you are in trouble every day?! Isn't it okay to give me a little peace?!" Yue Yong pointed at Jiang Cheng's nose and almost rushed forward, why didn't she rush forward? , That was because it was stopped by a group of Baihua members.

There is also a trio in the House of Everything, Xiaoyu, Gorilla and Sougo, and Yuanwai Father.

"Really, I thought there would be Kakarot in the person who came." Jiang Cheng said disdainfully, but couldn't help raising his mouth when he finished speaking.

Hearing the sound, Yue Yong was going to be mad again, but before Yue Yong could speak, Jiang Cheng came to the front of Xin Ba Hao and picked up Xiaoyu’s head, "I always feel that this demon king will not be able to attack if he lacks this equipment. Drop it."

"Xiaoyu thinks so too." Xiaoyu replied, wrapping her hair around Jiang Cheng's arm.

"Hey, what are you going to do?" Yin Shi asked casually.

"You'd better leave now." Jiang Cheng said casually, "That... Shalu doesn't just want to absorb the 18th, he also wants to destroy the entire earth."

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"Anyway, you'd better get out of here quickly, and leave the rest to me." Jiang Cheng waved his hand and said casually, "Also, try to evacuate the nearby crowds, there may be an explosion. ."

"Explosion? What do you mean?" Yin Shi went on to ask.

"It's too troublesome to explain," Jiang Cheng said helplessly, "leave quickly."

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