May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 356: : In my mother's opinion, your hair cut has not been qualified once.

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Yoshihara, the morning of a rest day.

In front of the TV, a man with orange hair and ponytail was lying on the ground with one hand propped his head, and the little finger of the other hand was digging his ears and watching the content on the TV boredly. He heard the footsteps in the corridor outside the door. After the sound, he got up instantly and came to the door.

"Yueyue," Jiang Cheng opened the door, poked his head out, smiled at Yueyong who had just passed by in the corridor, and said, "I will go out soon."

"Oh." Yue Yong just glanced at Jiang Cheng and replied faintly, without stopping.

But then, Yue Yong inadvertently caught the content broadcast on the TV in Jiang Cheng's room, and then stopped, showing a bit of surprise on his expressionless face.

Jiang Cheng, who noticed the change in Yueyong's expression, followed Yueyong's gaze, and after seeing the source of Yueyong's surprise, he immediately laughed a few times and began to explain.

"That is the video tape sent by Mr. Zongwu. It is quite interesting. I was invited as a guest assistant before, but it was delayed because of the game." After a pause, Jiang Cheng continued, "Now I just want to choose. A game is just a gift in return."

Watching the scenes on TV that are obviously imitated by chainsaw shock, and at the end of the film, the fourteen who is obviously half-dead by the total comprehension, several black lines appear under the corner of Yueyong's eyes.

"Right," Jiang Cheng suddenly thought of something, and then asked, "Yueyue, do you know the staff at the theater? Such a good work should be seen by everyone."

Some speechless Yue Yong hummed softly, and left without turning his face.

"Strange woman, if you don't know it, just say you don't know it, why is this attitude..." Looking at Yue Yong's back, Jiang Cheng was a little confused, then shrugged and said to himself, "No The only way to do this is to go to the theater to find it by myself~ As the lead actor, the deputy leader of the really selected group must be worth seeing~ Maybe you can make a lot of money~"

Thinking of this, Jiang Cheng quickly took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Zongwu asking him. After waiting a few seconds, Jiang Cheng received the text message from Zongwu agreeing.

"Yoshi, the producer, planner, director, and one of the leading actors, Sou Gokun, there is no big problem." Jiang Cheng squeezed his chin and analyzed himself, then raised his head to show a smile, and hit him at the same time. He snapped his fingers, "OK! All is well!"


On the streets of Edo, Jiang Cheng, who had just bought the game from Akihabara, was holding a video tape given by Sougo, and was negotiating some matters related to the box office share and the release time in movie theaters one after another.

At present, more than half of the directors of movie theaters have shown a strong intention to cooperate when they hear that the deputy head of the Zhensuan Group is the lead actor.

Although the content of the video tape is somewhat obvious and deliberately imitated, it will definitely sell well in the name of the deputy leader of the Zhenseng team and the captain of the first team! Among other things, those who hate Shinsengumi and want to find the weaknesses of Shinsengumi will definitely not be absent!

After negotiating various matters with the person in charge of the eighteenth theater, signing a contract, and leaving a reproduced video tape, Jiang Cheng left with satisfaction.


"I feel like I can make a lot of money~" Jiang Cheng said to himself excitedly as he walked, "Now, no matter how many games you want to buy, you can do it~ ah~ I am really happy today~"

"Is it already time?" Jiang Cheng stopped and looked up at the big sun in the sky, then faced forward and walked forward, "It seems that it's time for dinner, let's go back early."

Just finished speaking, two familiar people suddenly appeared at the corner not far in front, or a somewhat familiar uncle with sunglasses, and a somewhat familiar young man with a headscarf.

"Yo, uncle, young general." Jiang Cheng raised his hand and said hello to Matsuhira and the young general next to him.

"It turned out to be you kid." Matsuhira, who was dressed in casual clothes, stopped and looked at Jiang Cheng in front of him.

"Jiang Chengsang, it's been a long time since I saw you." Mao Mao raised his head and said with emotion.

"It's just right!" Matsuhira suddenly thought of something, "Brother, the teenager will leave it to you! Uncle, I have to go to the usual nightclub, but the teenager doesn't seem to be interested in accompanying the hotel."

"Leave it to me!" Jiang Cheng squeezed his eyes and gave a thumbs up at the same time. Then he swept over the young general's shoulder very familiarly with a teasing smile, "Hey, do you still want to go to Yoshihara? The wandering girls in that store have been talking about you for a long time~ how?"

"Really?" Mao Mao's face showed a faint nostalgic smile.

"Little general, please! Brother!" Song Ping took out a wad of ten thousand yuan from his arms and handed it to Jiang Cheng, but when he paid for it, he accidentally escaped a comic.

"What is this?" Jiang Cheng took over a wad of banknotes and wondered about the comic. "Mr. Apu, Volume Seven? Is this comic still being serialized? I remember that it's all over the 200th volume. Yet?"

"Ah, sorry, sorry, this one is going to be returned to a friend." Duke Songping took the manga back, and then sighed, "Oh, I almost forgot about it. It seems that I have to go to the nightclub before going to the nightclub. Just go there..."

Seeing Mr. Matsudaira sighing and sighing a little lost, Mao Mao suggested: "Pian Lihu, why don't you let me return that friend to yours for you."

"Hey? Is it okay? It's a little far away from here." Matsuhira said in surprise, "And this is right next to Yoshihara. Didn't you mean to go to Yoshihara?"

"Ah, it doesn't matter, I just want to have a more chat with Jiang Chengsang." After that, Mao Mao turned his head to look at Jiang Cheng, "Can you? Jiang Chengsang, take some time."

"Ah, yes, after all, the money has already been paid." Jiang Cheng nodded, and then chuckled, "To satisfy customers is the purpose of Yoshihara! Even Yoshihara is a service industry!"

"Souga, that's great." Mao Mao smiled, and then took over the cartoon in Matsuhira's hands, "Pian Lihu, just tell me the address."



On the other side, in an unremarkable old-fashioned barbershop, with a bun and a moustache, wearing glasses, who can be called the shopkeeper's uncle, stands behind a certain silver-haired curly body sitting on a chair. , Is talking to him.

The whole shop looks very deserted and very old, and there is only one customer, and there are also a certain glasses teenager and a Baotou girl who followed the silver. But the two of them are not here to trim their hair.

"Speaking of buns, do you know why you want to cut that kind of buns?" The shop owner glanced at the various hair styles with buns on the wall and asked.

"You have sores on your head," Yin Shi replied casually.

"No, right," the shop owner shook his head, and at the same time helped Yinshi tie the cloth, and then explained to himself, "That is to prevent the sultry heat when wearing the helmet, that is, the samurai in order to be able to get on at any time. A habit formed in the battlefield can be said to be the soul of a samurai."

"What about the soul..." Yin Shi agreed perfunctorily.

"As a result, what do you think it looks like now?" The store owner continued with some helplessness and a little unhappy. "One by one, he discarded the bun and soul together. It was either ironed or dyed, and he said it was the country of samurai. Sad, right?"

"So, how do you do it today?" The store owner finally got into the topic.

"Hot straight." Yin Shi's unmotivated face, but his mouth was unusually crisp, and then he continued casually, "Master, you are too stubborn. No matter how many times you say it, I can't shave my hair. The bun, straighten it for me."

"Boss, you are so stubborn. You can't cure your head just by ironing," the shop owner replied. "The distorted character has penetrated from the pores, so shave it into a bun and shave it again. Come and correct it."

"Give me just enough," Gin Shiki rolled his lips and continued with a little disdain, "The bun is the soul of the samurai? That's just an excuse for those bald uncles, "Isn't this bald, it's for wearing a helmet"? Put on the wig before wearing the helmet! Bastard. "

"You don't understand," the shop owner corrected earnestly, "It's not because you are bald to wear a helmet, but you are bald when you wear a helmet, not only [Beep——] Button or [Beep——] Chero. , Even the handsome [BEEP——] Alonso’s hair volume plummeted in the four years after participating in F1. So it’s really scary, an airtight helmet."

"No one in F1 drivers shaves their hair buns, right?" Yin Shi spit out weakly.

However, the shop owner completely ignored it, and continued to say: "That's right? The bun is a proof of existence, and it also contains the fraternity custom of "If everyone is bald, there will be no baldness"~www is one because of baldness. "

"What is that? The Human Complementary Plan?"

"Ginchan, are you okay, Aru?" Kagura, who was sitting on the hospitality sofa beside him, turned his head to look at Ginshito and asked, but after seeing the silver time without the slightest change, he instantly changed. An old mother said: "God? What's the matter? It's not super short at all! So I will cut it again soon, and cut it short for me! Boss, please cut him a flat head!"

"Are you Okassan?!" Yin Shibai shouted.

"Aru can be cut by a plane head," Kagura sat down again and opened the manga in his hand, "try to spend as much time as possible."

"Do you want to finish reading "Skull and Crossbones 17" here?!" Yin Shizuo said angrily, "Go back, idiot! This is not a comics room!"

"Hey~ I just saw half of Aru in the new stream," Kagura grumbled with a small mouth. "Betting on the survival of the academy, Golgo accepted the challenge and fight with the new stream."

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