May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 359: :God created the bun? !

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"Um, guest, what do you want to be like today?" With that, Gin Shizuku quickly grabbed the towel and put it on Mao Mao's face again and rubbed it. Of course, Naruto was the place where he rubbed the most. The location of the volume.

"So, can you help me re-tie a bun?" Mao Mao asked politely with his eyes closed.

"Hey, I see. Then when you have a haircut, you should also clean up your face by the way? Don't people often say that the face is the window of the soul?" Yin Shi wiped Mao Mao's face, and said with a smile.

"Yin Sang, the eyes should be the window to the soul." Xin Ba Hao reminded him quietly.

"Wow! It makes no difference at all! Don't the eyes grow on your face?!" Yin Shizuo whispered with a burst of blue veins, and at the same time gently pinched the Naruto scroll in Maomao's eyes with a towel. Taking the towel back, at the same time, Yin Shi's heart was relieved again.

"The meaning is completely different..." Xin Ba Hao replied in a low voice, but then, Xin Ba Hao noticed that Yin Shi's face was a bit wrong. At this time Yin Shi held a towel, his face was dark, and his mouth was half open. , Looked at the mirror in front of Mao Mao with a cold sweat on his face.

"What's the matter? Yinsang? NARUTO already..." Before Xin Ba Hao finished speaking, he suddenly saw Mao Mao's appearance through the mirror, and the whole person was stunned for an instant, [Why? ! 】

I saw that NARUTO was originally only covering Mao Mao's left eye, as if he had performed the shadow avatar, not only the left eye, but even the right eye was covered with the same NARUTO.

After a few seconds, Yin Shi took the lead to react. He stepped on the switch on the back of the chair to level the chair. At the same time, he pulled up the new Ba Chi and backed away, not forgetting to smile at Mao Maoshou: "That. …Then please lie down first and close your eyes like this!"


"Fucked!" When the corners of his eyes were full of black lines of silver, he screamed madly at the Shin Baja and Kagura in front of him, "Naruto can't take it down at all! Why can't it take it down! Don't take it off! I can't get it off, even the shadow clone technique is used, this NARUTO here!"

"Calm down, Yinsang!" Xin Ba Haw comforted in a low voice, and explained, "That's not a shadow clone anymore. It should have been two overlapped."

"What can I do with that?! Hey!" Yin Shi pointed to Mao Mao who was lying flat on the chair, and shouted in a frantic black face, "It looks like something like a ringworm now! Me! I was so afraid that I didn't dare to come close, the nirvana is about to be stolen! Hey!"

"How could there be such a bad writing round eyes!" Xin Ba Haw whispered, "Besides, you don't have any nirvana at all! That's why the battle game is not popular! Bandai Namco is also very troubled. what!"

"Hey, who is going to fix it," Yin Shi shoved Xin Ba Chi, and yelled quietly, "Pretend to wash your face and get it off!"

"Why me?!" Xin Ba Hao retorted without thinking.

However, when the two of them were pushing each other, Kagura couldn't stand it. He tiptoed to Momo's back, leaned down, and tried to use his fingers to pinch the Naruto scroll covering Momo's eyes.

But despite trying many times, the final result was still a failure, because Naruto scrolls were so slippery, every time they just pinched it, they slipped off their fingers and re-attached them to Shigeru's face.

"I can't do it," Kagura turned his head to look at the two people who were still pushing each other behind, and whispered, "The slippery can't catch Aru at all, it's always slipping everywhere."

"Kagura sauce, how much pork bone soup did you eat to make it so oily?" Xin Ba Hao vomited a little speechlessly.

"There is no way, I can only shave it off Aru with a razor." Kagura nodded, and then took out the razor from the side pocket.

Seeing Kagura facing Mao Mao's head and gesturing with a dazzling razor, Xin Ba Hao raised her throat with her whole heart, not caring too much, and quickly grabbed Kagura.

"Wait! Kagura-chan! It's dangerous!" Xin Ba Haw let go of Kagura, and reminded in a low voice, "It must be gentle, gentle! The kind of action you just made was too rude. Ah! You will scratch the General if you are not careful!"

"I know Aru." Kagura exhaled, his eyes became serious, and carefully stretched the razor to the Naruto scroll on Mao Mao's face.

At the same time, Gintoki, who was standing next to Kagura, stared at the razor that Kagura slowly stretched toward Shigeru's face with the same fear as Shin Hachichi. Even the saliva did not dare to swallow the atmosphere and did not dare to scream, for fear that it would affect Kagura's movements.

Seeing that the razor was about to reach the area where the Naruto scrolls were, Gintoki and Shinbachi squeezed a sweat for Kagura at the same time.

But at this moment, Kondo, who was lying on the side seat with a towel, slowly woke up, and involuntarily took off the towel from his face. After a little stunned, he slightly raised his head and looked away. Yin Shi and others on the side said, "Well, private Marseille, I am going to wait until..."

Kagura, who was about to touch Naruto scrolls just now, shook his hand slightly, and the razor in his hand almost hit Mao Mao's skin. But it's okay, it's a bit worse.

"Now is the critical moment, give me a quiet sleep, little white-faced orangutan!" Kagura wiped the fine sweat from his forehead, holding a shining razor, and looking at Kondo with a kind face, "Otherwise I can't help it. What will be shaved!"

At the same time, Yin Shi and Xin Ba Hao also turned their heads to reveal their nuclear goodness.

Feeling the menacing eyes of the three, Kondo quickly responded and lay down again and put the towel on his face again. And because of being too scared, he just stretched out two hands and stunned himself...


When he saw this, Kagura breathed a sigh of relief, and then regained his strength, and once again slowly extended the razor to the position of the Naruto scroll on Maomo's forehead.

Watching Kagura carefully move the razor along Maomo's smooth forehead, and gently scrape Naruto off, Gintoki and Shinbachi breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

"Ah, that's okay," Yin Shiqi whispered, "According to this kind of okay! Kagura-chan, come on!"

"Oh, I took it down Aru!" Kagura exclaimed in a low voice when he hung up a Naruto scroll.

"Wow! Great job, Kagura-chan!" Xin Ba Haw praised in a low voice.

"There is another shadow clone..." Yin Shig reminded in a low voice.

After listening, Kagura once again focused on the center of the gods, moving towards the position of the other Naruto scroll, and slashed gently...

at last……

"Great, I took it down Aru." Kagura dropped the scraped Naruto scrolls, exhaled and wiped the fine sweat from his forehead.

"Good job! Kagura sauce!" Xin Ba Haw praised again in a low voice.

"Great, I finally passed the first level." Yin Shi's heart hanging at this time finally sank back into his stomach, "Then next..."

But before Yin was finished, a bun-like object slowly fell from Mao Mao's head to the floor behind him, and at the same time the hair on both sides of Mao Mao spread out...

Three people:...

After a few seconds of silence, Xin Ba Hao, with a cold sweat on his face and black lines under his eyes, took the lead in twitching and looking at the bun on the ground, and said: "That...what is it? Wait...wait, a little while. Wait a minute, mulberry, this...this..."

As he said, Xin Ba Hao turned his head slowly mechanically with a sweat on his face and looked at Yin, "This...couldn't it be... from the general..."

Before the new eight haws finished, Yin Shi reacted. Yin Shi bent down and picked up the indescribable object on the ground. Then he immediately got up, raised his left leg high, and made a gesture. An incomparably standard motion of throwing a baseball, and then hurled it out with all his energy in the direction of the door!

Boom! The entire store door was smashed to pieces.

"Idiot!!" Yin Shi turned his head, staring at his big red eyes and yelled, "Clean me up! The golden retriever's **** is on the ground!"

"Not at all!" Xin Ba Haw frantically murmured, "That was clearly the general's bun just now! Although you destroyed the evidence at the speed of light just now, it's completely the bun that fell off!"

"No! That was just golden retriever poop! Color! Size! Nothing except golden retriever poop! Nothing else!" Yin Shishi retorted loudly.

"So where did the golden retriever come from!" Xin Ba Hao retorted, and then turned to look at Mao Mao who was still lying in the chair without noticing, "The worst...the worst state of affairs, Yinsang! Too focused! I accidentally shaved off the hair bun when I took NARUTO away! Now it’s not a question of how to tie it back! What should I do with this?! Even if it’s an abdomen, I can’t apologize!!"

At this time, Yin Shi’s legs began to tremble uncontrollably, and Kagura on the side began to look for it in the cabinet beside and calm, calm down. ! Yin Shi said with a big tongue in comfort, obviously already in a panic.

"If there is no hair bun, the general is just a peak bald, bald forehead, playing with the fallen samurai!" Shinhachi continued, holding his head a little frantically, "Or the bun represents the general. , The general only has a bun! Yinsang! What should I do?!"

"But, the general's head is stained with golden retriever stool. Whoever sees it will shave it off, right?" Yin Shizuo bitterly explained, "This is the samurai, this is the loyalty! "

"A samurai who speaks of the general's bun as pooping is not a real samurai!" Xinbaji retorted, vomiting.

"It's okay! It must be okay!" Yinshi's tongue was still knotting, but even in this case, he was still forcibly comforting himself, "Life will not be so painful and severe! NIVERGIVEUP— —"

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