May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 362: : Also pay more attention to those supporting actors!

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Famous gate, at the foot of the mountain where the Yanagi family is located.

Xin Ba Hao and Ah Miao, side by side, were slowly walking up the mountain.

"Sister, it's Jiang Chengsang and Miss Yue Yong!"

From a distance, Xin Ba Hao saw Jiang Cheng and Yue Yong, who were also walking in the direction of Liu Sheng's house from the other direction. They immediately raised their hands and waved, and shouted loudly: "Hey! Jiang! Cheng Sang—Miss Yue Yong—!"

"I saw Jiang Chengsang and Miss Yueyong suddenly feel relieved," A Miao said with a smile, "I thought it would be unnatural if there were all unknown people at the birthday party, but now it seems It should be all acquaintances. I'm a little relieved."

Jiang Cheng also noticed the Xin Ba Chi and A Miao on the other side at this time, and raised his hand to greet casually: "Xin Ba Chi, A Miao."

Yueyong nodded slightly.


The four of them walked side by side towards the gate of the Liu Sheng's house.

"It turns out that Jiang Chengsang also received the invitation of the Nine Soldiers' Health Day Meeting." Xin Ba Hao said with some emotion, "I thought Jiang Chengsang would never attend such an ordinary birthday party."

"Ah, I really don't want to come. After all, I just bought a lot of games and haven't opened the package. I have been too busy recently." Jiang Cheng replied with some disdain, and then looked at Yue with contempt. Yong, "But because of someone, I have to attend such a boring birthday party..."

Looking at Jiang Cheng's back, there was still some fresh blood on his head, Xin Ba Haw twitched his mouth, and vomited blankly: "This kind of thing is clear at a glance..."

But then, Xin Ba Ha hurriedly smiled awkwardly, and then said: "But it's already here, let's go to the birthday party happily. My sister has made a great one for Jiu Biewei's birthday party. The cake."

"It's a bit rude, but I still want to ask," Jiang Cheng asked in a low voice in Xin Ba Ha's ear, "Is it really [customized]? Is it really not made by myself?"

"Don't worry, Jiang Chengsang." Xin Ba Haw replied quietly, "I ordered it from the cake shop. My sister and I just went to get it together."

"Then I can rest assured," Jiang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief, "There will be no mass poisoning incidents."

"I'm also relieved," Xin Bahao said with some gratitude. "My sister originally wanted to make cakes by herself. I persuaded her to give up this idea for a whole day and choose to go to the cake shop to order them."

"It's a good job this time, Xin Ba Chi." Jiang Cheng nodded in praise.

"God, what are you two talking about?" A Miao smiled and looked at Jiang Cheng and Xin Bajia who were whispering.

"It's nothing, it's nothing," Jiang Cheng waved his hand quickly, showing a somewhat awkward smile, "It's just a normal chat."

"Yes, sister, just ordinary chat." Xin Ba Hao waved his hand in the same way, showing an awkward smile.

"But just now it seemed that I heard the two saying "I am looking forward to the cake made by Miao." "Amiao raised an index finger, squinted her eyes, and smiled, "But this time I may disappoint you, but it doesn't matter, I will try to make a cake by myself after I go back today." "

"Hey, Xin Ba Chi, have I provoked your sister recently? Why do you treat me the same as killing my father and enemy?" Jiang Cheng looked at Xin Ba Chi, with a puzzled expression on his face.

"What did you say?" A Miaopi said with a smile.

"Nothing, nothing," Xin Ba Hao quickly defended, "Jiang Chengsang is just feeling that he can attend the birthday party!"

"That's true," Ah Miao covered her face and smiled. "Because it is set that the age will not increase, even if you want to have a birthday party, you can't do it."

"Indeed, we were originally like Conan next door..." Jiang Cheng nodded, holding his chest with one hand and thinking with the other hand on his chin, "I was shocked when I just received the notice. Well, I didn’t expect to receive an invitation to a birthday party at this time."

"So today, let's celebrate Xiao Jiu together with Conan and the mourning sauce~" Ah Miao agreed with a smile.

"Actually, I think the poorest one is not Conan," Jiang Cheng shook his head. "The poor one should be the other three elementary school students of the Junior Detective Group, Ayumi, Mitsuhiko, and Genta!"

"Well, can you stop talking about Conan?" Xin Ba Ji said expressionlessly, "Even if Conan's subject matter has been very popular at O ​​point recently, it won't help to get the heat?"

Ignoring Xin Ba Hao's complaints, A Miao looked at Jiang Cheng with a puzzled face and asked, "Why? Isn't Conan-kun and Lamentation very pitiful?"

"No, the poor other three elementary school students are right!" Jiang Cheng looked serious, "Think carefully about you, you guys, it was normal to enjoy the happiness of growing up. The three elementary school students suddenly met the protagonist. For more than 20 years, he’s still a primary school student for more than 20 years! Isn’t this kind of miserable enough? If you change to a normal primary school student of the same age, you should be old enough to be a class leader now, right? Is it sparse? The beer belly should be there, right?"

"Wait! Your last few words don't matter at all!" Xin Ba Haw frantically complained, "Simply speaking, it is enough to be a mom and dad! Why do you have to be a class leader, a bald guy and a beer belly? ! According to what you said, you don't feel how pitiful those three people are!"

"According to what I said, it's really pitiful. I've been dragged down by one person for so many years." A Miao nodded, her face showing a trace of unbearableness, but then she showed a new look of determination, "It's decided! We want to Congratulations to Kubei with Ayumi sauce, Mitsuhiko and Genta's share!"

"Well, for the three little ghosts who were involved in the next studio! Let's do it together!" Jiang Cheng's expression also became serious.

Xin Ba Chi spit out the eyes on his face, and vomited blankly: "Why did you end up with such a topic in the end?"

However, after just finished speaking, Xin Ba Haw suddenly noticed the unnaturalness on Yue Yong's face, and looked at Yue Yong with some doubts: "That, Miss Yue Yong? What's wrong?"

"Ah, nothing." Yueyong replied.

However, Xin Ba Hao caught a trace of panic in Yue Yong's eyes.

"Don't care, don't care," Jiang Cheng patted Xin Ba Hao on the shoulder and explained casually: "This person seems to be attending a birthday party for the first time, so he is a little nervous."

"Hey?! Really?!" Xin Ba Haw's turn was shocked.

Yueyong was silent.

"I can't imagine it..." Xin Ba Hao murmured silently.

"It's okay, if you don't know how to do it, just join me!" Jiang Cheng snorted, "I have been the most popular in the class since I was little, and I will be invited to every classmate’s birthday party. Familiar with the process of all birthday parties!"

"No?!" Xin Ba Haw said in shock, "How could someone be invited to every classmate’s birthday party?! Although it is true that Jiang Chengsang looks more attractive to girls, but boys shouldn’t Will you be invited?"

"Don't be stupid, New Baja," Jiang Cheng snorted, "In order to attract the girls to their birthday party, the little ghosts who have entered the spring period will be called every time they can attract girls to participate. Of mine!"

"I always feel that the birthday parties that Jiang Chengsang participated in are a bit unsophisticated..." Xin Ba Hao held his forehead, twitching the corners of his mouth and said, "It's like a birthday party like a friendship... and I always feel a little bit pitiful, invite Jiang Chengsang Never because of you as a friend but as a tool for friendship..."

"Don't be stupid," Jiang Cheng chuckled disapprovingly. "The so-called birthday party is just a friendship between acquaintances. Even classmates who talk very little in the ordinary time may become non-existent through a birthday party. Good friends who don’t talk about it may be good, but on the contrary, it is also possible that good friends who usually play well may gradually become alienated after the birthday party!"

"Indeed, this kind of thing was quite common when I was young." Xin Ba Hao nodded, "Students who don’t know much about it in ordinary times are easily driven by the atmosphere to open the chatterbox and talk to the rest of the people. It’s such a thing as a good friend. Looking at it this way, it really feels a bit like friendship in a certain sense..."

"Friendship?!" Yue Yong caught the point, then stopped in an instant, and said, "Sorry, I forgot to bring lube, I'll go back and get it."

"No! Miss Yueyong! It's just a metaphor!" Xin Bahao quickly stopped, "No! That kind of thing! I don't need it at all!"

"It seems that we also have a classmate who usually talks very little here, the new Ba Chijun." Jiang Cheng glanced at Yue Yong, saying something.

"Shut up, idiot." Yue Yong glanced lightly at Jiang Cheng and said faintly.

"It doesn't matter to me Jiang Cheng spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders. "But if you have to help me, I can help you get involved in the birthday party. "

Yue Yong snorted softly, without a word, started again and walked forward.

"Since I don't care about it, then forget it." Jiang Cheng said indifferently, and at the same time set off again, slowly marching forward.

"But it still feels a bit pitiful. I didn't expect that there are people who have not even attended a friend's birthday party..." Xin Ba Hao looked at the figure of Yue Yong in front, and said as he walked.

"I think it's normal for a guy with that kind of personality to have not been invited." Jiang Cheng replied disapprovingly, "After all, the personality is too cold, even if his face and body are good, it will definitely make the birthday party cold! "

"It really looks like this..." Xinba Haw smiled awkwardly.

"But speaking of it, what about Yinshi and the others?" Jiang Cheng suddenly thought of something and wondered, "Did you not have been invited?"

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