May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 462: : Domestic cats do not understand the worries of wild cats, and the reverse is not nec

   "I'm probably going to die anyway, so I might as well kill you two now!" After cursing in a low voice, Jiang Cheng turned his eyes on Gintoki and Kondo, and beat them up.

"Be quiet!" Gui looked at the two cats and the gorilla who were fighting, and reminded with some helplessness, and then turned to look at the two Polygonus matans who were holding the cages, "This is not the time for infighting. If we escape from here, we will be killed before our Highness Fangyi is rescued."

   Eunari and Gintoki and Kondo stopped then.

   "Look at that guy's waist." Gui looked at a bunch of keys on the waist of a matte stellar who was pulling the cage, and then said, "I have to find a way to get that bunch of keys."

"Listen!" Yin Shi was facing Gui and said solemnly: "As long as the cat can extend its head out of the cage, the rest will naturally have a way. Wig, your head with only sad brain cells should be It can work, no one will feel embarrassed even if the worst result is squeezed."

   "I will be embarrassed!" Gui cried out with two big # characters appearing on his head.

   "Go hurry up anyway, we don't have time!" Yin Shi urged.

   "Wig, I think you are a man who can bend and stretch. No one can do this kind of thing except you." Jiang Cheng turned to Gui Tou with a warm gaze representing encouragement.

   "Hey, I said it won't work..." Gui stood up and argued to the two cats.

   "Okay, I told you to hurry up!"

   said, Yin Shi directly got up, stood on his legs, and kicked Gui's body out of the cage with one foot.

   Uh... just the body, the head is still stuck in the cage.

   "Go out! The body is out!" Gintoki shouted.

"Hey! But what should I do next!" Gui Man's head shouted in cold sweat, who stepped on the ground with two legs and kept stepping on small steps. "The neck is so tight that it will suffocate if you stop. !"

   "Don't make such a loud noise!" Yin Shibai reminded him with a gaze, "You will be discovered! Then just stick out your head! Cheer me!"

   "That's how it is said..."

While    Gui said, two Mutian Liao star people pulled the cage through a metal automatic door, and the automatic door closed after the cage passed.

   But what is strange is that suddenly the cage stopped, and no matter how much the two Maten Liao star people pulled, they couldn't pull it.

   "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? Is something hooked up?" A Mutian Liao star turned his head and asked in confusion.

   "Tail! The tail is clamped by the automatic door!" Gui, whose tail was clamped by the automatic door, stuck his head tightly in the gap of the cage, and the whole cat was already suspended due to dragging.

   "It's really weird, why can't I pull it..." another Mutian Liao star said puzzledly.

   Then, the two matte-liao stars pressed forward on the armrest of the cage car, and at the same time they did not forget to continue pulling forward.

   Gui, whose body was pulled to the limit, struggled desperately with both legs, and shouted in pain, "I'm going to die! My head is about to be torn off!"

   Seeing this, Jiang Cheng and Yinshi kicked hard without even thinking about it, and Kondo simultaneously waved his fists at Katsura's face.

   Suddenly, Gui's wailing sound continued for a long time.

   "Get out! Get me out!" Yin Shiki shouted with blank eyes while kicking, "If you want to survive, you have to let your head go out too! You have to fight!"

   "It will die! I will be beaten to death by you before heading out!"

"Wigs! Men can bend and stretch!" Jiang Cheng kicked and cheered, "Hurry up and remember that feeling! If you don't want to die, quickly remember the "stand" state when you got up in the morning. Become your weak year of thinking! "

   "You are talking about being able to bend and stretch in another sense!"

  "Think of yourself as the Tom in "Cat and Mouse"! Yin Shi did not stop at all, and still greeted Gui's face one after another, and continued to cheer up: "You can do it!" It is Tom's words that can definitely be done! You can get out by twisting your face! "

   "Yes! Wig!" Jiang Cheng cheered up at the same time: "Imagine your head as the "where" of a fifty-year-old man, it must be possible! It can definitely weaken! The fifty-year-old man probably only has a few minutes, you can definitely go out! Cheer me up! "

   Perhaps because of the unremitting efforts of Jiang Cheng and the two cats, coupled with the cooperation of the two Mutian Liao star people, Gui's head was finally...shoved out...

"Pull it out! Well done! Wig!" Yin Shi in the cage that was pulled up once again shouted at Gui, who was lying in front of the automatic door: "Hurry up and grab the key to open the cage! You're all right! Right? The tail isn't broken, right?"

   "Well, my tail is okay." Gui raised his head and responded, then stretched out his right paw to show off the white tail in his hand to Yin Shi.

   Yin Shi turned his head and glanced at a certain part where he was still spurting blood. After two seconds, he shouted frantically, "Why is my tail broken? Why is it not yours but mine!"

   "I'm sorry." Gui, standing on his legs, holding Yin Shi's tail, explained apologetically: "I caught it in a painful struggle."

   "Sorry for your size!" Gin Shiki said with a white eye, "Why do you have to hold my tail?"

   At this time, after hearing the noise coming from behind, the two Mutian Liao star people stopped, turned their heads and looked over. They found Gui that had escaped from the cage, and were shocked.

   "You... when are you..."

   Before the Mutian Liao star could say anything, Gui instantly squeezed the silver tail in his hand, jumped up and jumped over between the two Mutian Liao star people, and landed steadily. It is worth mentioning that Yin Shi's tail hummed like a lightsaber in Gui's hands.

   The two matte stellars instantly lost consciousness and collapsed to the ground.

   "Hey! What do you use other people's tails for!"

   "It's amazing. I didn't expect the tail to turn into a lightsaber." Jiang Cheng stood on two legs, holding his chest with one hand, and said in surprise with the other paw supporting his chin.

   "Yes, really amazing." Kondo agreed.

   "Why you two have already gone out!" Gin Shizuo looked at the two of Jiang Cheng and Kondo standing outside the cage with some collapse.

   "I just found the previous kunai in my fourth-dimensional pocket." Jiang Cheng raised the kunai in his right hand and said with some rejoicing, "Ah, really lucky, right? Orangutan."

   "Yes, really lucky." Kondo nodded.

"So there is no fundamental meaning to the loss of my tail!" Yin Shibai roared with eyes open, "What is the fourth-dimensional pocket?! Do you still have that kind of thing?! Are you Doraemon? !"

   "Hey? Didn't you guys?" Jiang Cheng said in surprise, then pulled the hair off his stomach, pointed at the obvious seam and said, "Look, it's here. I thought everyone had it."

   "I have you!"

   "Anyway, come out quickly, there is no time left." Jiang Cheng held Kunai in his hand, posed, turned his head and looked at the group of Mutian Liao star people rushing here in the distance.

  Gin Shishi angrily jumped out of the cage gap that Jiang Cheng had opened with Kumo.

   "Give it back to me!" Yin Shi snatched his tail from Gui, "I will use this!"

   "The material came out!"

   "Hurry up and grab them!"

   "There is another orangutan, what's the matter?!"

   A group of Mutian Liao star people have rushed not far in front of Jiang Cheng and others.

   "Cut, reinforcements?" After Gui made a cut, he stretched out his hand and pulled out his tail. At the same time, he shouted to Yinshi without looking back: "Yinshi, hurry up! I'll take care of it here!"

   "Don't pull the tail off as it is taken for granted!" Yin Shi spit out frantically.

"Cut, no way, everything, you have to owe me a favor!" As he said, Kondo clenched a certain body organ that emerged from a certain part and was filled with mosaics, "let the horse come here! Little Hello! Let you see the power of Force!"

"What kind of thing are you using!" Gintoki pointed to the indecent object filled with mosaics in Kondo's hand, and with white eyes he tried to complain, "That's not a Force! It's just your dirty Hose (water pipe), right?" !"

   "Don't be as lazy as your natural rolls now! Silver time!" Jiang Cheng said, rushing up with Kumo in his hand.

   "What are you doing?! Don't hurry up!" Gui held his tail, which was blessed by the force, and rushed up at the same time, and directly confronted a few of the planets.

   "I will leave the rest to you!" Kondo rushed to and shouted likewise with his weapon full of mosaics.

   "Wild cats of Kabukicho!" Katsura waved his tail constantly, and flickered among the constellations of Matsuri.

   "And the proud Wild Elvis!" Kondo answered.

   "And our friends!" Jiang Cheng took the sentence after solving several Mutian Liao star people.

   "Go and grant them true freedom——!!!"×3

   After listening, Yin Shi didn't say much, turned his head and ran with all four feet.

   "Hey, Jiang Cheng, why did you stay?" Gui asked while waving the tail in his hand.

"Stupid, I'm a domestic cat," Jiang Cheng calmly dodges the attacks of the Mutian Polygonum, while identifying all gaps to counterattack, "It's not the same as your wild cats. The true freedom of wild cats is that I am It’s just talking, I don’t know that kind of thing, and I don’t even want to know."

   "Hmph, this way..." Gui Hun laughed, "It seems that it has grown a little bit."

   "This is not the time to chat!" Kondo reminded him, and then looked at the more Mutian Liao star people who rushed over with heavy weapons not far away, "Here again!"



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