May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 464: :Life... is really troublesome~

   "That's it..." Fangichi's cold voice came from the rising smoke, "I won't let you go one step further!"

   The smoke cleared, Fang Yi held both claws, stood on both feet, facing the lion, guarding in front of the wild cats without the slightest timidity.

   "From here, it's all my site of Kabukicho, the king of wild Elvis Yoshiichi!" Yoshiichi made a fierce face, frowned, and stared at the lion in front of him.

   "Stand... stand up! Stand up on two legs! What is that?!" The Cat King who was looking through the glass window was shocked all over his face.

   At this moment, the lion, which has not moved, suddenly moved! Seeing it roared, lifted one of its front paws and swung forcefully towards the floor in front of Fang Yi.

   Boom! !

   After a loud noise, the ground where Fangichi had stood was smashed and shattered. Fang Yi, who had already jumped high a second before the attack, showed the sharp claws of his right paw without any hesitation, screamed and swung down at the lion's left eye!


   The lion screamed, and was slapped to the side by the slap!

   "What's the matter with that cat?!" The Cat King half-opened his mouth and widened his eyes, staring at Yoshiichi's figure in horror.

"King..." Similarly, in front of the console in front of the window, Kakukoma Katsuo, who was watching the battle below with a toothpick in his mouth, slowly explained: "That is the boss cat that dominates Kabukicho. It is over all wild cats. The culmination of ours, the Wild Elvis-Yoshiichi!"

   Looking at Fang Yi's figure fighting the lion without any fear, the cat king was shocked or became a little incoherent because of his excitement.

   "Too...too perfect!" A frenzied excitement flashed in the eyes of King Cat, "That kind of vitality, courage, and a steady stream of energy!"

   "Fang...Fang Yiji..." The wild cats all watched in disbelief as they kicked the lion to the ground with a heavy kick, and then landed again to protect Fang Yi in front of him.

   "Why...why?! Why save us who did that kind of behavior to you!"

   But Fangyi didn't answer, but once again rushed towards the lion who had stood up and roared over.

   "Why on earth?!" A crowd of wild cats shouted.

  Fang quickly rushed along the lion's roaring and waving right paw, and ran towards the lion's right eye without the slightest timidity.

   is the right eye! Fangyi's goal is the eyes of the lion!

But... the lion obviously also has an IQ. Just when Fang jumped up high with his front paws, and quickly caught him in his eyes, the lion roared at Fang who was still in the air with his mouth wide open. !

   roared straight at Fang Yi's roar, and Fang must be in the air. Then, the lion took advantage of this opportunity and swung his front paws at Fang Yi fiercely without any hesitation!

After    bang, Fang Yi was slapped heavily on one side of the wall, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

   The lion swung its front paws forcefully at Fang Yi who had not yet reacted without stopping.

  Fang was quick with a quick glance, jumped down at the last moment when the lion attack arrived, and landed on the floor behind the lion.

   "Cut!" Fang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his expression still fierce, staring at the lion in front of him firmly.

   The lion turned sideways, roared again, and at the same time swung his right paw vigorously towards the floor! The sharp pieces of huge floor fragments that were crushed by the sharp claws rushed towards Fang Yi with extreme speed!

   glanced at the few wild cats who were trembling with fright behind him, and were unable to move. Fangyi made up his mind in his heart...

   Boom! ! !

   After a loud bang, the sky was filled with smoke where Fangyi was.

  After a few seconds, the smoke gradually dissipated, and the wild cats also saw Fang Yi's appearance clearly, only to see Fang Yi did not move half a step, and tightly guarded in front of the wild cats.

   Yoshiichi's body was cut with sharp stones and was full of wounds. Blood was constantly pouring out of each wound. Yoshiichi's body also began to tremble slightly because of the pain.

  At this moment, the wild cats may really begin to understand something...

   "Hmm!" The lion roared again, raising his right paw and leaping towards Fang Yi.

As soon as   fang gritted her teeth, she furiously raised her two front paws to resist the lion's front paws.

   The whole room started to shake because of this blow.

   [Please... hold on for a while, it'll be fine for a while...] Fangyi resisted and prayed in his heart at the same time: [Hold it up for me, don’t break it! This guy is the last! Lend your body to me again for a while! 】

As soon as    Fang stepped on the floor, it began to break apart, and Fang Yi’s body was also broken. He saw the position just scratched by the stone and began to bleed continuously.

However, at this moment, the lion did not give Fang another chance. He supported his body with his right paw, which was inhabited by Fang. He raised his left paw high and swung towards Fang Yi without any pause. Come down.

   There was a stab, and the sound of being cut through the body by a sharp weapon sounded, accompanied by blood flying all over the sky.

  Whether it’s a cat, a human, or any other creature, when facing death, I always think of a certain moment in my life, so I can hold on for a while and fight again...

  ——Reminiscence dividing line——

   opened his eyes, and Fang saw the wrinkled face of the very kind mother-in-law Dengshi with heavy make-up.

   "Are you awake?" Mother-in-law Toshi looked at Yoshiichi in the seat next to her, and said with a smile, "Are you the cat who has recently become the boss of Kabukicho? What a fool to fight a wild dog."

   said, there was a trace of fortune on the face of Granny Dengshi, "I just got bitten off my ear, luck is really good, really masculine. Don't worry, the things you want to protect are well..."

  Dengshi mother-in-law said, lifting a white kitten that looked underage from her arms.

   However, the kitten screamed and broke free of Granny Dengshi's hand. After falling on the ground, he trot towards the door.

"I actually ran away. I seem to be disgusted." After saying this casually, Mother-in-law Dengshi lit a cigarette, took a light sip, and continued self-consciously: "I don't know why it always feels like not. The first time I saw you, maybe it was because you looked a lot like that guy. I also picked a wild cat before, and fell on the side of the road just like you. It was a stupid cat who didn't lose to you."

   Fang Yi with a bandage wrapped around his head was lying on a chair beside him, raising his head and blinking his eyes quietly listening to Granny Dengshi talking.

"...Although I don't know where he was abandoned, but he seems to have been searching for something, doing everything he can to spare his life to protect other people's important things, it's like trying to make up for something. Because he has nothing and no one approaches him. Always alone, just like you."

  Dengshi mother-in-law continued to talk to herself.

"I don’t know if it’s because I know how terrible the loss is, or I don’t want others to encounter the same experience. Maybe it’s a punishment for myself... But ah, attracted by that fool, the wild cats with similar smells also gathered together, I don’t know. Unconsciously, he is no longer alone."

"No, it may have been learned from them. Even if you blindly reflect on the past, no one will be happy. Maybe it is those companions who want to protect and protect themselves that gave him the power to move forward again. Lost because of the protection. , Lost because of being guarded... Even so, I still continue to bear it, and in the end I will repeat the same mistakes. This is the so-called life..."

   "Life... is trouble." Granny Dengshi sighed softly, "But, when you see those three faces, you will feel that this kind of life is also good."

"Why do I want to say this to a cat? I always feel that after seeing you alone, you will think of the guy in the past." Suddenly, mother-in-law Dengshi returned to her senses and glanced at Fang Yi in surprise. , And then turned around, finally said something...

  ——The end of the memory dividing line——

Lying on the floor dying and wounded, Fangyi thought about the last sentence that Grandma Dengshi said at that time, "Let's watch the front and live. There must be companions who support you waiting for you. You are the most The important person must have hoped so..."

"I can't see the front clearly, mother-in-law..." Fang Yi muttered a little self-deprecatingly as he looked at the lion walking towards him step by step, "Even if you can see clearly, this is nothing, not even a friend. I can’t protect me, I don’t have the qualifications to be a companion at all... Even the way to make friends, I have long forgotten..."

"But... Even so, even if I can't become a companion, I want to protect them. It's not just a capture, I want to protect something with these hands, I'm sorry... I can't protect you to the end... I~www.wuxiaspot. com~ I am not qualified to be a BOSS cat..."

   At this time, the lion has opened his front paws and leaped towards Fang Yi...

   [Good friend, I broke the agreement again... I'm sorry...] Thinking about it, Fangichi slowly closed his eyes.

"Hey, it's not over yet," Jiang Cheng's voice came from the side. "Open your eyes and look. It's not that there is nothing in front of you. Some are just a wall. You can't break it and you can only lean on it. A wall pierced by a friend."

   "Jiang...!" Fang opened his eyes for a moment, looking at Jiang Cheng who was sitting next to him, "Why... why are you here!"

"Even Tom has a few wild cat friends, and I am no exception. I just came to find friends to play with." After a chuckle, Jiang Cheng stood up and glanced coldly at the lion who was about to pounce in front of him. , And then kicked hard and hit the lion's belly hard.

   The lion screamed directly and spit out a mouthful of blood and flew out.

   "What's that?!" The Cat King opened his mouth, looking at the cat standing in front of Fang Yi with cold sweat.

   "Silver Time!!" Jiang Cheng raised his head and yelled, "Is it so difficult to break a wall?! Are you not so stubborn that even if you become a cat, you can't give up the most hated natural roll?!"



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