May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 466: : TAMA! TAMA! TAMA! Each phase of intention ...

   "You... the friend you said..."

"Let's go back and talk about it later," Jiang Cheng narrowed his eyes and smiled, then glanced at the little brother on the side, "Trouble you, just like you don't know anything, keep driving. If you dare to say more than two words, I will kill you now. ."

   "Big..." The younger brother looked at Katsuo Kuroko with a face full of sweat.

   "It's a single word~" Jiang Cheng's fluttering words contained an undisguised threat.

   "Ah, listen to him." Kakuma Katsuo replied.

   After listening, the boy started the car slowly.


   "I don't know who the friend you are talking about is..." Katsuo Kurikoma swallowed, although there was a smile on his face, a flash of resentment flashed in his eyes.

"Really, you can't even hide the hatred in your eyes. How did you become a gangster?" Jiang Cheng sneered, "Or, do you really think I dare not kill you? It's just dirty. It's just a mouse, you... have you jumped a little bit too far?"

Kuroju Katsuo, who was seen through his mind, endured the unhappiness and said again: "Even if I die, let me die, don’t you understand? I’m used to all kinds of revenge among the underworld, but this kind of thing is like It's the same unfounded reason I can't accept!"

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to you yet," Jiang Cheng said casually, raising his legs and waving his hands. "Although it doesn't matter to me whether you follow your rules or not, but as a mature adult, Say, I won’t be foolish. When I go back, you’ll know. I heard that the rule of your underworld is that after you get into trouble, the bosses of both sides meet and discuss a reasonable solution, right? Then, let’s let it go. Let me tell your head."

   "How could it be so easy for you to meet our head!"

"After all, you are not the boss..." Jiang Cheng shrugged and said, "Also, the movements in your hands can be stopped. During the period of time when you drew the knife, you would have died eight hundred if I wanted to kill you. Hey, your level is too low, smelly mouse, a rookie who can't even hide his killing intent... No, it should be a rookie."

As he said, Jiang Cheng glanced at the little brother who was driving on the side, "Don't challenge my patience. I am different from cats who like to play with mice. Once I take action, you won't have the chance to react. So, he said, Don't go around here. Give you a second to turn around and return to Kabukicho, otherwise..."

   Feeling the sudden burst of aura on Jiang Cheng's body, Kuroju Katsuo and his little brother were soaked in cold sweat at the same time, and at the same time they felt a certain part of their body numb at the same time...

   At this moment, Kuroko Katsuo and his little brother simultaneously remembered the phrase that King Cat said at that time, "The power to continue offspring will reach its peak when it is about to die"...

   "Okay, do as he said..." Kuro Koma Katsuo whispered with a dark face.

   The younger brother did not dare to speak, but silently turned the steering wheel and turned around and drove towards Kabukicho...


   In the early morning, when the sky is dark.

In the main house of the ditch rat group headed by Nasui Jiro, one of the four kings of Kabukicho, Jiang Cheng squinted and sat cross-legged on the ground, watching the one sitting cross-legged on the floor opposite to him, leaving ten points. Capable short hair, several scars on his face, a man named Nasui Jiro long with sharp eyes despite his age.

   After being silent for a long time, Jiro Chang chuckled, then glanced at the group of ditch rats headed by Kakuma Katsuo who were standing around him and Jiang Cheng.

   "If you go out, you are really a terrible monster. In the end, did you let me, an elderly man, wipe your ass?"

   "Head! We haven't had a holiday with him at all!" Kuroju Katsuo quickly retorted.

"Ah la la~" Jiang Cheng propped his chin with one hand, sighed and then pretended to be distressed and continued, "Obviously my friend was injured on the ground because of your relationship and couldn't move anymore~ And according to me I know, my friend has never had a holiday with you at all~ But because of you, he has become like that. As a friend, if I don’t come here for a trip, I will really feel sorry for it. What~"

   "So who is your friend anyway?!" Kuro Koma yelled angrily.

"Hey? Did you forget it so soon?" Jiang Cheng looked at Katsuo Heikoma in surprise, then showed a fresh smile again and raised an index finger, "Then I kindly remind you, Mu Tian Polygon Embassy...and...Wild Elvis..."

   "You..." Kuro Koma suddenly reacted, opening his eyes wide and looking at Jiang Cheng in disbelief, "That wild cat is your friend?! No! Impossible! How can humans be friends with wild cats!"

   "Aren't you still a dog slave?" Jiang Cheng retorted with a narrow smile.

   "It's not the same at all!"

   "Shut up!" Feeling the sudden murderous intent that broke out on Jiang Cheng's body because of Kakuma Katsuo's words, Nashui Jiro yelled, "Want to ruin my life with you, old man?!"

  In an instant, Katsuo Kuroko calmed down.

"So you should understand the current cause and effect?" Jiang Cheng looked at Jiro with a smile on his face. "But because I have never dealt with underworld people, I can only trouble you to decide. Let's have a feast. How should it be settled?"

   "What a cunning kid," Jiro snorted, "I know, now that the matter is clear, let me mention your conditions. The underworld are all straightforward. There will be grudges and grievances, and there will be no complaints."

"I heard that they picked up my friends and sold them to the embassy to make aphrodisiacs for those stupid cats..." Jiang Cheng squeezed his chin in a thinking state. After thinking for a while, he suddenly raised his head and stood up. He raised an index finger and said with a smile on his face, "Then hand over all their TAMA, as long as I see TAMA today, I will go back satisfied!"

"Do not make jokes!"

   "Why use our TAMA for those wild cats' TAMA!"

   "And they weren't taken off TAMA in the end?!"

   The members of the ditch mouse group shouted angrily.

"Shut up!" Jiro Chang's warm voice sounded, and then reached out and took the teacup, took a sip and glanced at Jiang Cheng faintly, "TAMA also has several meanings, which one is it? It's the one between the crotches ( Dandan) or the one on the neck (life)?"

"Ahahaha, I can't think of an old man who is so humorous," Jiang Cheng scratched his head and hit haha, then stopped laughing, glanced at Jiro-chang coldly, and said lightly: "You should discuss this kind of thing yourself. No matter which one I get today, I will go back."

"Hahahaha..." Chief Jiro laughed suddenly, "Boy, this is the first time someone dared to talk to me like this. Haven't you noticed it? Your own TAMA (life) is about to be lost. Learn to hide the murderous aura before you come. Right!"

"Hidden?" Jiang Cheng snorted, "Do you need that kind of thing to deal with these mice? Also, old man, are you dim-eyed? You can't even see which TAMA is pinched in your hands. come out."

Having said that, Jiang Cheng's whole person's momentum changed instantly, and his killing intent filled the whole mansion in an instant. Except for Mr. Kejiro, all the younger brothers stayed in place with their mouths half-opened, and they couldn't stop themselves. Trembling.

   "Also... your sword has been a broken knife since I entered the door," Jiang Cheng smiled again, "have you not noticed this kind of thing?"

   [This kid...] Jiro glanced down at the knife in his right hand, [It's definitely not a leisurely person! It seems that the rumor is true...]

"So can you talk about it now?" Jiang Cheng continued with a smile, and then kindly reminded him, "It's a good talk, but don't let me pick it up personally, especially if you are already on it. I’m not interested in TAMA at all."

"But I heard that when cats prey on mice, they will always play with mice to death. Suddenly, now I am starting to be curious about this..." Jiang Cheng smiled and continued, "So, I can Let me see it? The kind of look that you are struggling hard even though you know that you are inevitable.

Looking at Jiang Cheng’s expression, Mushui Jiro, who has lived for most of his life, smelled the scent of death for the first time, and for the first time felt that he was being stared at by something incredible, and he couldn’t escape... …

"Unexpectedly... I, a mouse who is about to retire, will one day meet a real cat..." Nasui Jiro lowered his head and chuckled, then drew out the knife that had been cut off for some time, struggling to stand. I got up, "Then, there is no need to say anything, even this old bone I have a reason to want to on! Boy!"

"Roar~" Jiang Cheng raised his head and looked at Jiro with interest, "Are you going to exchange your own TAMA for the TAMA of all their staff? Didn't you do this business? Am I too bad? And you What about these pups seeking revenge on me in the future? In fact, I still think that leaving only the old man, killing the other mice is more appropriate for me."

   "Don't laugh," Jiro smiled, "To you, they are not a threat at all?"

   "Wait...head..." Katsuo Kuroko gritted his teeth and said, "This matter is my responsibility alone! It has nothing to do with you and everyone!"

   "Hey, yeah," Jiang Cheng waved his hand, "It's the bridge that I've seen on TV again, but then again, do you also use this set for the underworld? It's really old-fashioned."

   "Take it! Take my life away!" Kuroju Masao yelled to Jiang Cheng.

"Did this man just ask me to take his TAMA away?" Jiang Cheng said with a disgusted face covering his mouth, "Ah, what a disgusting man, let me take him... Do you like men? "

   "Master Jiang Cheng, the TAMA (Xiaoyu) you want is here." Xiaoyu said as she stepped into the door.



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