May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 475: :Onmyoji chapter: 7

"It's true." Gin Shizuku raised his hand and nodded. "Although it sounds horrible, isn't it something similar to a camera? Then why not use the camera directly? Playback, fast forward, etc. Isn't it convenient? It's much more convenient than what kind of eyes you use?"

"Hey?" Qingming was stunned obviously.

"It's true," Xin Pachi also nodded, "Although it sounds wicked, but listening to Jiang Chengsang's words, it really feels a bit redundant. With cameras and monitoring, you can also observe Edo's changes. Right?"

"Don't be kidding!" Qingming exclaimed, "How can that kind of thing compare to my shikigami! It sounds very convenient, but there are also inconveniences! Cameras are not allowed in many places." what!"

"I'm suddenly curious about what you usually let Shikigami help you to see..." Jiang Cheng vomited expressionlessly, and then leaned into Yinshi's ear and whispered, "This guy definitely placed Shikigami in the women's bathhouse. , What a terrible guy."

"Shut up! How do you think that anchor Yuno's brother is not the guy who does that kind of thing!" Gin Shiki reprimanded sharply, but then he looked at Seimei and whispered, "Well, look back and remember to see your Shijin. Send me a copy of the video, don’t worry, I won’t upload it to the Internet casually."

"Who is a pervert who likes to peep!" Qingming exclaimed Qingjin.

"Well, no one said you are a pervert, Qing Ming Sang." Xin Ba Hao reminded him expressionlessly.

"Forget it." Yin Shi snorted and continued, "But if you say this, it seems that you know everything, brother, then I'll be straight to the point."

As he said, Ginshi looked up, his expression finally serious, "What have you done to anchor Yuno?"

"Do you think I did something wrong with Kriste's weather forecast?" Qingming smiled lightly and looked at Yin Shi with interest.

"Should it be possible for the strongest Onmyoji to do it?" Yin Shi asked rhetorically.

"Indeed, when Kristall left Yuno quietly and used his power in the market, the die-hard guys were against it." Seimei continued on his own self-consciously, "I used to think like this, knowing I see. To that figure..."

"Boss!!" An anxious shout accompanied by hurried footsteps interrupted Qingming's words.

Seeing the Yuye crowd who appeared at the door, Qingming suddenly realized something, and the expression on his face instantly became serious.

[Could it be...! ! While thinking about it, Seimei made a cut, got up and rushed out the door without hesitation.

"Wait... Qingming Sang, where are you going?" Xin Ba Haw asked hurriedly.

However, Qingming didn't respond at all, still rushing straight towards a room on the side.


"The morning weather forecast is wrong, I'm really sorry." Anchor Yuno showed a sweet smile to the camera, "Let's change our mood and continue to predict the afternoon weather for everyone."

"Kriste!!" Seeing the anchor Yuno on TV, Seimei, who had just rushed into the door, was all ill. After an exclamation, he shouted hoarsely to the crowd on the side: "Why? Why does the smiling face of Kriste, who only appears in the morning, appear at noon?!"

"Boss, it seems that the original weather forecast sister took a leave of absence because of a cold." A Yuye crowd on the side quickly explained.

"Don't worry about this, hurry up! Hurry up and record it on DVD!" Qingming hurriedly ordered.

"But boss, the capacity of the DVD was full because of Spider-Man recording yesterday!"

"Ah?!" Qingming said without any hesitation, speaking extremely fast, "Delete! Deleted Spider-Man! How many times have you watched it! No! Still delete King Kong... No, delete Spider-Man. , I deleted the shot of the heroine, it makes people very hot to see it..."

"Then I will start..."

"Boss! The weather forecast is about to start!" Yuye crowd next to him quickly reminded.

"Hey! You guys!" Qingming turned to look at the crowd outside the door and shouted, "Are you ready to pray?!"

With that said, Haruaki rushed directly out of the door, rushed to the front of the crowd, and said with a black face and solemnly: "Listen! Assholes! Anyway, let Kriste's forecast be correct. She started praying as soon as she said, and must start praying exactly!"

"Ha!" ×n

Jiang Cheng and the others who walked out looked at the scene in front of them with expressionless faces.

"The weather in the afternoon in Edo is..."


"It's sunny!!"

While shouting loudly, Haruta directly raised his hand to the sky. At the same time, a group of Junye people also raised their hands and howled towards the sky.

"Yin Sang, let alone messing up, the whole clan is a back-up." Xin Ba Ha vomited expressionlessly, "Qing Ming Sang is not just a cute girl, but is about to be burned by her sister..."

"Xinba Chi, useless Aru." Kagura on the side buckled his nostril with his little finger, and said blankly, "That guy has also become a member of the clan."

"Don't learn to pick your nostrils with your little finger!" Jiang Cheng lightly tapped Kagura's head without angrily, "Want to become a natural curl like silver?!"

"It hurts!" Kagura covered his head, pouting and looking at Twenty percent bitterly.

"Hey, the guy who was still skeptical of others last second, why can you do that kind of thing in the next second! Why can you blend into them so naturally?!" Seeing the crowd raising their hands into the air, they shouted the most At the time of vigorous Yin Shi, Xin Ba Hao spit out frantically.

But just after speaking, there was a harsh sound from the next door. Jiang Cheng and the others followed the sound and saw that the next door of the Yuno family suddenly burst out with a powerful red curse and quickly rushed into the sky.

"That...that's..." Xin Ba Haw looked at the curse power in the sky, his eyes widened.

"Sure enough..." Qingming shouted to the Yuye crowd in front of him, "Don't lose to them! Bastards! Kill their spells!"

After all, a powerful blue curse burst out from the body of the congregation, and quickly caught up with the red curse next door.

The red and blue curses competed against each other in the sky. After collisions, the harsh sound did not stop in the slightest.

"What's that?" Jiang Cheng squinted Doudou and asked blankly, "Is the firework show?"

"The two sides are pushing each other and dancing around Aru." Kagura looked at the sky with a small face in surprise.

"That's Siri Noya." Waidaomaru stepped forward and explained.

"Siliyejia?" Xinbajia puzzled.

"Siliyejia?" Jiang Cheng squeezed his chin and murmured in a low voice, "I always feel familiar, as if I have heard of it somewhere..."

[But not...] Jiang Cheng frowned and thought, [Even when I came here, I didn't smell that dangerous smell, whether it was here or that Siri Noya. Who the **** is that smell...]

"Let me introduce and recall the Siri Noya for you, Lord Jiang Cheng." Sotomaru continued on his own, "Siri Noya is a family of onmyojis who formed a duo with Yuno's family. From Since the Heian era, there has been a fierce power struggle between the Yuno family and the Mino family.

"Why two people with such a bad relationship live next door!" Xin Ba Haw spit out frantically.

"After years of struggle, the Yuno family and Minorino family. Forced by the situation in the Edo period, the two were finally jointly employed by the shogunate for the first time." Gomitomaru continued. "Everything was promoted by Master Seimei's hand. However, a new tragedy was born."

"For the Seimei-sama who proposed the peace agreement. There is only one condition proposed by the Minoya, that is, Lord Kriste will marry into the Minoya as a bride. The Seimei-sama at the time thought that this was to bring Lord Kriste back. A good opportunity in this world, so he agreed to the terms."

"Furthermore, Lord Kriste also thinks that the loss is for the peace of the two families, and she is willing to marry. However, she can deceive others but can't deceive her heart... Since the marriage, she has lost weight day by day. At that time Master Kriste just stared at the sky blindly, looking at the figure, and aware of his own ignorance, Master preparing to abandon the peace agreement and divorce Master Kriste..."

"And at this moment, there was a better opportunity to allow Kriste-sama to divorce without any worries..." As he said, Outidomaru looked at Jiang Cheng who was aside, "That's you. Master Jiang Cheng. I don’t know why, Master Jiang Cheng appeared in front of the Siri Noya, relying on the power of an ordinary human, and defeated all the Onmyojis, including the leader of the Siri Noya."

"Taking this opportunity, Seimei-sama ordered the two to divorce on the grounds that "as an onmyoji but was destroyed by a group of ordinary people, he is not qualified to be the husband of Kriste-sama again." Siri Noya, who couldn't hold her face on her face, had to agree with grievances. "

"After that, only the important positions of the shogunate and the two neighboring mansions were left, maintaining an unacceptable formal harmony. And a stronger resentment than before. Lord Kriste is in the hatred of the two houses. In the meantime, entangled in a complicated way. The battle has become fierce never before..."

As he said, Wai Daomaru raised his head and took a look at the two cursive dragons of different colors that were constantly fighting in the sky, "The war of curses is the battle of the weather!"

"Hey, why after listening to you, I think that the Siri wild family hates me the most?" Jiang Cheng squinted Doudou's eyes and pointed to his expressionless spit, "Did you make a mistake? Did you deliberately omit something? Deliberately omit something about me?"

"Yeah! As expected, Mr. Jiang Cheng, I even discovered my negligence~" Waidaomaru pretended to exaggerately said, "Yes, after all, the hatred of Siri Noka towards you is even more comparable. The Yuno family, which has been opposed for a long time, is even deeper."


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