May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 486: : Some things are still original!

   Wai Daomaru with quick eyes and quick hands, immediately leaned over and dragged a sliding shovel to the outside of the ring rope.

   It is worth mentioning that Fen Tian Wan’s knife was destroyed as soon as the two of them left, and the floor where Yin Shi was just now was directly smashed by the knife in Fen Tian Wan’s hand!

   "The Yuno team finally completed the exchange with Seimei!" The host who couldn't tell who was there again explained loudly.

   Outside the field, Seimei rushed towards Yin Shi and leaned down to check Yin Shi's state.

   "Hey! Cheer up!" Seimei lifted Yin Shi's upper body.

   "Sir Gintoki, are you okay?" Wai Daomaru leaned halfway down while looking at Gintoki who had lost consciousness with his eyes rolled and shouted.

   "Golden sauce!" Kagura came over, making a look of grief.

   "Gen Shi!" Jiang Cheng walked over with tears at the same time, "I will always remember your golden damn!"

   "The two of you are really irritating..." Xin Ba Hao was bursting with veins, and said expressionlessly, "You two are the culprits!"

   "But the Gintoki player still didn't react at all! I have completely lost consciousness!" The host explained again, "It can't be used any more, in various senses."

Seeing the obvious recession between Yinshi's thighs, Qingming gritted his teeth and said unbearably, "I didn't expect things to turn out to be like this, I'm sorry. I would only do some useless work, if I was faster just now. Caught up..."

"Um, Qing Ming-sang, although this is a bit of something for me, but..." As he said, Xin Ba Ha raised his glasses, and then pointed to Jiang Cheng and Kagura on the side, "It's all about them. Both are wrong! It has nothing to do with you at all!"

   "No, it was my fault, it was my fault from the beginning." Qingming shook his head, and then took out a paper man of summoning gods from his hand, "Come out! Ge Ye!"

   With a bang, after a puff of white smoke, a woman wearing a blue bathrobe, tawny hair, a fox tail behind her, and two fox ears on her head appeared in front of the crowd.

   "Do you call me? Master Qingming?" Ge Ye asked Qingming.

   "Kazuya, you and Waidaowan treat this person together," Seimei stood up and said to Kuzuya, "You come to heal Sasuke. Waidaowan, Bossu will take care of it to you!"

   (Bossu: The nickname of the actor Fujisaki Yusuke of the Academy Rescue Team, Yusuke is pronounced the same as Yusuke.)

   After that, Seimei turned around and over the rope and entered the boxing ring.

   "Accomplished." Ge Ye responded subconsciously, but suddenly reacted in the next moment, "Who do I say Bossu is?!"

"Wait!" Jiang Cheng suddenly shouted, "Although this matter has nothing to do with me or Kagura, as Gen Shi's friend I still want to contribute! Kagura, take that out. !"

   "Hey? People still want to take it back to Xiao Ji and the others. Alu..." Kagura said reluctantly.

   "Enough is enough, take it out quickly!" Jiang Cheng said with a serious face, "I believe that if you have that, you can definitely help Yinshi!"

   "Cut!" Kagura sipped uncomfortably, and then reluctantly took out two spheres that glowed with gold and hit the mosaic from behind reluctantly.

"Oh! With this, Ginshi-sama will definitely be able to recover!" Wai Daomaru exclaimed, "It's Dandan! Undoubtedly Dandan! Master Seimei, hurry up and send these two Dandan back. Go on the jade seat of Lord Yinshi!"

   "Yes! Master Qingming! If you have this, you can save a lot of effort!" Ge Ye said in surprise.

   "It's great to be able to find such a complete egg." Qingming said with some gratefulness.

   After that, Qingming's right index finger and **** were put together, and he began to prepare to control the two strange eggs and send them to the jade seat of Yin Shi.

   "Oh oh oh! What a blessing! Yuno team!" the host shouted again, "I found two well-preserved gold damn! If this is the case, the silver time player will be able to regain consciousness immediately!"

   "Cut!" Daoman clenched his fists on the other side and gritted his teeth, "I didn't expect they had extra money! Damn it!"

"Wait for a while!" Xinba Haw had several blue veins on his face, and he pointed at the two **** in Kagura's hands that were bigger than basketball. "No matter how you look at them, you can't use them. Plant something! The size is so different! Why did you just follow along?! Why do you think that silver mulberry can be resurrected with that kind of thing?! No way! Yin sang's bladder is basically It's not that big anymore! It will burst!"

   "How can I know if I don't try?" Jiang Cheng shrugged and said indifferently.

"You don't need to try to know this kind of thing! It's definitely not possible!" Xin Ba Hao frantically complained, "Where did you find this kind of thing?! What the **** is this kind of thing?! "

"The shikigami that was just eaten," Jiang Cheng pointed to the thick bones of Yasha Maru not far behind him. "I found it by accident when I was putting the marinade. It has very good elasticity. It doesn't matter if you use it directly as a basketball. It’s a problem, I believe Gen Shi will like it very much."

   "You two are too good! Did you really eat it?!" Xin Baji was not well, "A good Shijin was made into barbecue by you and eaten?!"

   "It tastes unexpectedly good." Jiang Cheng narrowed his eyes and smiled, then glanced at Waidaowan and Ge Ye beside him, showing his big white teeth.

   "Aru, who tastes like beef." Kagura glanced at Waidomaru and Kuzuya at the same time, learning that Jiang Cheng smiled and bared his big white teeth.

   But unlike Jiang Cheng, the corner of Kagura's mouth also slobbered.

   Ge Ye and Wai Daomaru, who were all stared at by the two, quickly hid behind Xin Ba Hao.

   "In fact, our meat is not delicious." Wai Daomaru smiled awkwardly, "Please don't stare at us, Master Jiang Cheng."

"Don't worry, your body doesn't seem to have much flesh." Jiang Cheng waved his hands and said with a smile, "But... if you dare to appear in other people's rooms and smash other people's equipment casually, no Be careful and make you a kebab, don’t complain~"

   After that, Jiang Cheng turned his face to look at Qingming, "Don't hesitate, do it now, I believe Yinshi will be able to control Ososuke and Osuke well."

   Qingming nodded lightly, and then raised the index and middle fingers of his right hand again.

   "Wait a minute!" Xin Ba Ji hurriedly raised his hand and shouted, "You should ask Yinsang's opinion on this kind of thing first!"

"Leave it to me!" After saying that, Jiang Cheng came to Yin Shi, leaned down and shouted in a serious manner, "Yin Shi! Now there are two models of gold **** for you to choose! One is the original one, the other is the original one. This is an enhanced model! Which one do you want?!"

   "Yuan...Yuan...Yuan..." Yin Shi only repeated the original words.

   "It turns out that I still want an enhanced version!" Jiang Cheng self-carefully added the words of Yin Shi, and then looked at Seimei and nodded.

   Qingming signaled, and after an operation, the two big basketballs in Kagura's hands instantly returned to the jade seat the size of a silver table tennis ball.

   "Um... can I spit out?" Xin Baji raised his glasses, and asked with expressionless expression as he watched the two tall bulges between Yin Shi's cockpit.

   "No, no need." Jiang Cheng replied without thinking.

   "Okay, Dandan also returns to the Yuzao, and then let him take a good rest." After nodding, Seimei turned and walked towards the center of the ring.

   "Sir Seimei..." Wai Domaru called out with some worry.

   "Don't worry, leave it to me next." Qingming replied without looking back.

   "Master Qingming, I can also play." Ge Ye glanced at Jiang Cheng, who was squinting and smiling at him. He couldn't help taking a sip of water and hurriedly shouted to Qingming.

   "No, no need." Qingming said as he walked towards the center of the ring.

"Hahahahaha!" Daoman on the sidelines suddenly laughed, and then walked to the center of the ring and stopped to face the Fen Tian Wan and ridiculed Qing Ming: "Qing Ming, are you crazy? It was originally in the Edo distribution ceremony. You who have been distracted by the gods, now even the last soldier is placed out of the field. The Onmyoji without Shishen is like the samurai without the sword! Do you want to defeat the Burning Pill with your bare hands?!"

   As soon as the words came out, Fen Tian Wan raised the knife in his hands and slashed it down towards Qingming vigorously.

   Boom! !

   After a loud noise, Seimei's position was instantly buried by the aroused smoke.

   "Qing Ming Sang!!" Xin Ba Chi yelled.

   "Calm Bajiao." Jiang Cheng glanced at Xin Bajiao faintly, "It's okay, because..."

   Before Jiang Cheng finished speaking, Qingming's emotional voice suddenly came from the smoke.

   "I can't see anything anymore, Daoman, it seems that my eyes have been blinded again. But this time I even have mission and reputation, status and the shogunate..."

   Accompanied by Qingming's uninterrupted words, the smoke gradually dissipated, and everyone was able to see the scene clearly inside, and saw that Qingming, who was standing still in place, blocked Fentianwan's knife with one hand.

   "...and the long-standing grudges and grievances with you all," Qingming lowered his head, his face could not be seen clearly whether it was sad or happy, "I can't see all of them anymore..."

"Impossible! The living person actually blocked Shijin's blow?!" Daoman looked at the scene in front of him in surprise, but then, Daoman noticed something and whispered in a low voice: "Ah! That is... Seimei's power is rapidly increasing..."

   There was a crisp sound like glass shattering, and the knife in Fen Tian Wan's hand was directly shattered into powder!

"Could it be..." Daoman widened his eyes unconsciously, gritted his teeth and said, " guy! He actually relieved the countless shikigami who had been guarding Edo, and concentrated all his power on him. Already?! If you do such a thing, you will be relieved of your duty of guarding Edo!"


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