May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 488: : It's all said not to put too much pressure on children!

   "Listen well, Daoman." Daoman's father was serious and thoughtful.

   "Don't!" Xiaodaoman covered his ears and lay back into the bedding with his father's back. "Anyway, let me decide the victory or defeat with Seimei again, right?"

   "It seems that the rumor that you have friendship with the kid from the Yuno family is true." Daoman's father showed a touch of displeasure, and at the same time stood up slowly.

"I don't care about the previous things!" Xiaodaoman shouted, closing his eyes and covering his ears without turning his head back, "Don't force the grievances of the family on us! Qingming-kun is a very good person, even today. Taught me **** the enemy with the curse! When our generation, Yuyejia and Siriyejia will be able to usher in the era of turning enemies into friends! The two of us have made an appointment!"

What Xiaodaoman didn't know was that while he was talking, the gloom on his father's face had become heavier and heavier, and water seemed to drip from his gloomy forehead.

   "You rebellious son!!" Daoman's father lifted Xiaodaoman, and while shouting, he smashed Xiaodaoman against the sliding door aside.

   smashed the sliding door and slammed into the path outside the door with a cry of pain, and then struggled to get up, staring at his father in front of the door in disbelief with wide-eyed eyes.

   "Don't you understand the resentment of the ancestors who have been robbed of their status and reputation?!" Daoman's father shouted bitterly, ""A new era of turning enemies into friends?" This kind of thing is impossible! If you have time to learn **** the enemy with the enemy's curse, you might as well curse that kid. If you don't want to sever the relationship with him, I will sever the relationship between father and son..."

  ——The end of the memory dividing line——

   Daoman was still in the flames of the spell, and the curse mark on his face suddenly spread to his whole body.

"That... that is..." Xin Ba Haw looked at Daoman in the spell flames in disbelief, "The curse mark carved on Daoman's body...wait, is there one more person in the spell flames? That is... "

   Xin Ba Ji's pupils shrank, "Yes... Jiang Chengsang!"

   Yes, I don't know when, Jiang Cheng came to Daoman's side, and together he was bearing Qingming's curse flame. Somewhat strangely, Qingming, who had already discovered Jiang Cheng, did not stop the incantation flames.

   Although I don't quite understand why, Jiang Cheng has a feeling, maybe he can find something, a very strong feeling. Facts proved that it was indeed the case, perhaps because Jiang Cheng saw Daoman's memory because of the flames of cursing power together.

   [This story... I seem to have heard...]

   Jiang Cheng stepped out of the flame of curse power intact, propped his chin while thinking, and came to Kagura's side, sitting cross-legged and plunged into contemplation.

   "It's okay? Jiang Chengsang?" Xin Baji asked with concern.

"It's okay." Jiang Cheng shook his head lightly, and then glanced in the direction of Dao Man. "It's just that I listened to a familiar and clichéd story again and saw a little devil's sad childhood. The rest is left to You guys, that man’s condition is not too good."

   "What does it mean if it's not too good? What's wrong with Daoman?" Xin Baji asked hurriedly.

   "That man will fall into the darkness soon..." Jiang Cheng replied casually, then waved his hand, showing a bit of impatience on his face, "Anyway, keep quiet now. I have to think about something."

   At this time, the curse mark on Daoman on the other side is still spreading, and at the same time, Daoman’s memories are still continuing. It is the memory of defeating Qingming again and again when he was a child...

   "It's a pity, I thought I could be good friends with you..." Seimei said after a duel with her back to herself, who fell on the ground.

   and the memory of being mocked by my own onmyoji behind...

   "Hey, have you heard? Our young master was killed by the little ghost of Yuno's family again."

   "I can't help it, the other party is known as the first child prodigy of the Yuno clan, and I heard that no adult can beat him."

   "Hey, he's such a terrifying kid. Our cowardly little master is so far away~"

   "With such a dull next leader, our future is really disturbing, and I really envy Yueno~"

   is the memory of kneeling in front of my father time and time again and being mocked and scolded by my father in person...

"You bastard! You still have the face to return to this house, the shame of your clan! I said that you are not allowed to come back until you win that guy! You have to hate him, hate him, and be jealous of him! Thousands of years have accumulated. The resentment that comes down is our weapon! Turn hatred into strength, even if you turn into the devil, you must take everything back from them!"

  , remembering what his father said, he still lost again and again in Seimei's hands. Every time he was killed by Seimei’s millennium, the blood flow between his thighs cracked and collapsed to the ground.

   As a result, the rain lingering in my heart seems to have never stopped...

  Until that woman appeared, Qingming's younger sister, who was holding a pack of "Luliying" sanitary napkins, leaned down and smiled towards her, it was...sunny.

   When I saw her for the first time, I had just been defeated again by Seimei. She crawled on the ground and couldn't move, and the blood flow between her crotches continued.

   "Are you okay?" This seemed to be the first thing Kriste said to herself.

   "I'm sorry, my brother doesn't know how to be merciful. It's not good, my **** bleeds."

   "Use mine for you. When you have trouble, you should help each other!"

   Looking at Kriste, who was holding a pack of sanitary napkins branded "Luliying" in front of him, squinted and smiled, he finally realized that the sky... cleared up.

   In reality, the curse mark on Daoman's body has spread all over his body.

   "What's going on?!" The host was quite worthy of the salary that Doman paid, and he explained excitedly, "The words on the face of contestant Doman began to spread to him!"

   But shortly afterwards, the host suddenly discovered that Dao Man's head was arched with two small horns.

   "That...that is!!!" The host exclaimed.

   At this time, Daoman's body also began to gradually swell, and at the same time an evil god's voice sounded in Daoman's mind. It was... the voice of the evil **** in the story-Antenmaru.

   [Daoman, give me your body, they are the ones who drive you from the sun to the darkness, and must hate! People who must be eliminated! What are you hesitating? What are you hesitating? Just like the time a thousand years ago, just leave the body to me! 】

   Daoman’s memories are still going on...

   The memory of newly married to Kriste, the memory of Kriste who was holding a "Luliying" sanitary napkin on the first night of the wedding rejected with "That's coming".

   [Excavate it, the lava of hatred hidden in your heart! Antianwan is still bewitching Taoman who is trapped in the memory and is about to fall into the darkness.

   Daoman recalled that he found out that the toilet paper was used up in the toilet after marriage and called Kriste, but Kriste only put a pack of "Luliying" sanitary napkins at the door.

   "How come it's all this!"

  Daoman in reality and in memory are synchronized...

   Boom! !

   A powerful purple curse burst out from Dao Man's body, and rushed straight into the sky after breaking through the ceiling.

  At the same time, a powerful wave of air erupted from Dao Man's body. Except for Jiang Cheng, everyone bent their legs and covered their faces to resist the impact of this energy.

  At the same time, the entire mansion began to shake violently.

   After a few seconds, the purple curse power on Daoman slowly dissipated, and the air wave gradually subsided, but by this time, Qingming who faced Daoman and the surrounding people were able to discover, Daoman... disappeared.

   was replaced by a humanoid monster roaring loudly with a gray body, nearly ten meters tall and two horns on his head.

   [Don’t forgive those who take everything from you! Since you can't get your hands, everything will be destroyed! Let them plunge into the darkness! Antianwan continues to bewitching Daoman.

   "Dao...Daoman..." Seeing the monster in front of him, Seimei's expression became a little serious, "Is Shijin staying with himself?"

"No," said Wai Daomaru, who was hiding behind Jiang Cheng, squatting on the ground, and back to back with Jiang Cheng, "That's not a low-level thing like Shijin, Master Seimei, it seems that the man is too powerful. His hatred, summoned the worst things to this world."

   Qingming looked at the monster Doman turned into in front of him, with a few drops of cold sweat on his face.

   " it..."

   "A thousand years Yuno and Sirino were desperately sealing the Lord's strongest evil god-Antenmaru!" Waidaomaru said slowly.

"It's actually Antenmaru!" Qingming looked at Antenmaru in front of him with a solemn expression. "A thousand years ago, the ghosts and gods who triggered the crisis of destruction in Kyoto had many battles with our ancestors, the Yumen clan, and finally sealed it. The strongest evil god, why... appeared here..."

   "It was awakened," Wai Daomaru explained, "That man was dominated by negative emotions, and perhaps he sought power by relying on the side door. Awaken the sealed Antenmaru and let him stay on his body."

   "Hey, what did you say in people's ears from the beginning?" Jiang Cheng turned his head and looked at Wai Daomaru behind him with contempt, "It's so noisy, go up with me."

   After that, Jiang Chengshin lifted the collar of Waidomaru in his hand and flung it aside.

   However, Wai Daomaru was not ready to leave Jiang Cheng for a step, and instantly hugged Jiang Cheng's arm.

   "I'm extremely sorry, Mr. Jiang Cheng, please let me stay by your side! This time I must be quiet! I can't do things like Antenmaru!"

Jiang Cheng expressionlessly looked at Wai Dao Wan holding his arm tightly, and said angrily: "Who cares about you! Let me go! Either Antian Wan or Sasheng Wan, it has nothing to do with me. ! Hurry up!"


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