May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 493: :Industry specializing in surgery

"Is this going away?" Qingming got up and kept the three of them. "There is still a grand banquet for the whole family to celebrate. If you can, call that man, no... now it should be called the common benefactor of our two races. Thanks to him, our two races can completely let go of the grievances of the past, and can also be freed from the incomplete story that was thousands of years ago."

   "No need." Gintoki waved his hand, turned his head, and walked toward the door, "I just have to have a drink with the smile of the anchor Yuno on TV and I'm very satisfied."

"Really, it's pretty good at talking." Qingming shook his head lightly and smiled helplessly. "If Krist hears it, it might be possible for the two of you... …"

"Well, you should go first, Xin Ba Hao and Yinjiang Alu!" Kagura looked at the new Ba Chi and Yin Shi who were about to walk to the door with their backs in front of him, and said solemnly, "I want to stay here instead. Uncle attends the reception Alu! Since Uncle is not there, only my immediate family can attend Alu!"

   "Hey, if you don't keep up, your salary for this month will be deducted~" Yin Shi's lazy voice came.

   "Asshole! You threatened me with a salary!" In an instant, Kagura pounced on his eyes with blank eyes, "Speaking of which, have you paid a salary Aru?! How many months have you been in arrears?!"

   "This time your salary was already paid, but in the end it was implicated by your **** uncle and exported it all." Yin Shizuo dug his nostrils and explained in a casual tone.

   "Hey, it has nothing to do with Jiang Chengsang, right?" Xin Baji complained, "It's all because you lost all, right?"

   Qingming in the back looked at the back of the three people and listened to the noise of the three people, smiled softly with emotion and shook his head, then stood up and went back to the house.

Qing Ming stopped in front of the two newly made shrines in the corner of the house. He picked up two incense sticks from the table and cast a small flame spell on them. Then he respectfully inserted them on the incense burner in front of the shrine. .

   (Shrine: a wooden small pavilion dedicated to gods and Buddha.)

   It is worth mentioning that on the two shrines, one is written with the word [九], and the other is written with the word [雨].


   What the three people of Yin Shi didn't know was that not long after the three of them left, the two love teachers in Jiang Cheng's mouth came to the door of Shiriino's house.

   After the two shouted at the door, Doman welcomed them through the door with great hospitality and respect.

   Incidentally, the two of them are a man and a woman. The man looks like a gorilla. The woman is dressed as a ninja with long lavender hair and red-rimmed glasses on her face.


  巳Rinoya guest room.


   After listening to Doman’s personal experience of the relationship with anchor Yuno, Kondo stood up and yelled and gave Doman an uppercut.

   "Wow!" Dao Man spit out a mouthful of blood, and was directly smashed for several meters and fell heavily to the floor.

"Do you really think you can get that woman's body and mind with that kind of forced marriage method?! You bastard!" Kondo pointed to Doman's nose and cursed, "He knows nothing about love, but he still hopes that method. , Bastard scum!"

"Really, what kind of guy I thought it was, such a **** who doesn't know anything about love." The little ape on the side raised his eyes and showed contempt, "Hey, gorilla, give up. Such a man is not worthy of us to teach him experience."

   After that, the little monkey got up and walked towards the door. At the same time, Kondo took a sip and turned and followed the little monkey at the same time.

"Wait! Two masters!" Daoman knelt down to the two of them quickly and shouted, "I already know my mistake! Anyway! Please give me pointers! I... really don't know what to do. Pursue Kriste again! Please! If it is someone recommended by that person, there must be some way!"

Seemingly unbearable, Kondo stopped and turned his face to look at the little ape on the side. He tentatively asked, "Well, you think he has said that. Would you like to give him some advice? "

   The little monkey listened, don't turn his face to make a look of embarrassment, shook his head and sighed a full half a minute later, then turned his head to look at Doman who was still kneeling on the ground and bowing his head respectfully.

   "There is no way, just give you some guidance, but you are not allowed to call us master before you finish your studies!" Xiao Yuan said seriously.

"Yes, it is not possible to become our disciple in a day or two." Kondo took the words, "you must take our teachings in your heart very seriously! Do you have this consciousness? !"

   "Of course! I can do everything for Kriste!" Dao Man raised his head and shouted seriously, "Master! Trust me!"

   "Well, it doesn't seem to be a hopeless guy, so let's not hide." Kondo chuckled, then looked at the little ape, "Teach him everything that should be taught to him."

   "No way, it's a task after all," Xiao Yuan said with a little helplessness, "For his pious sake, he can only take it seriously."

   "Master!" Dao Man was moved at a loss for an instant.

"Listen to me! From now on we will start a three-day intensive training for you!" Kondo shouted solemnly, "It is very cruel or even extinct training! Do you have confidence? !"

   "Hi! I will accept any training for Kriste!" Daoman stood up and replied seriously.

"Well, the momentum is okay. In this case, it is not worth training at all." The little monkey pushed the glasses on his face, and then looked at Kondo, "Okay, the first step that I discussed in advance needs to be used for training. Give him the things you need. Only by completing that, can the rest of the training be able to withstand it."

   "Are the masters prepared in advance?" Dao Man asked in surprise.

   "Ah, before I came here, I have formulated some training plans that suit you based on your conditions without any love experience,"

   said, Kondo took out a high stack of game CDs from behind and put them in Doman’s arms.

"First of all, within 24 hours, pass all these high-quality Galgames for me. Any line must be perfectly cleared, and every step and every choice must be completely written down! I will check your completion at this time tomorrow. If the degree is not 100%, then there is no need to continue."

   "Is this...really okay?" Daoman swallowed a mouthful of water and asked suspiciously.

   "Sure enough, let's go, this guy can still doubt us now." The little ape on the side turned around without thinking and left.

   "Wait a minute," Kondo raised his hand to stop him, "This guy just has no love experience. When he gets addicted, he will know how many ways there are in love."

As he said, Kondo held up his hand and looked at Doman again, "It doesn't matter if you doubt it, just open a plate and try it for yourself. Love is not a child's play, you can't be anxious at all. Now press Do what I said."

   "Hi...Hi." Dao Man responded.


   On the other side, the Wanshiya trio headed by Silver Time is walking on the way home.

"But speaking of it, the results this time are really happy." Xinbaji suddenly smiled and said, "The weather has recovered, and the dismissal crisis of anchor Yuno can also end. Between Yuno and Mirinoya The thousand years of grievances have also ended, even Antenmaru has returned to normal, and the goddess named Nine has also successfully ascended into the high heaven."

   "It's true." Yin Shi raised his head and glanced at the distant sky, his expression seemed to be a little emotional, and he murmured softly, "Only he can do things like this."

   "Yin Sang what did you say?" Xin Ba Hao asked suspiciously.

   "No, nothing." Yin Shi replied casually.

"But I can't say that there is no regret at all, that goddess..." New Ba Hao thought of something, and said with some emotion, "Although I don't know what happened between her and Jiang Chengsang, but in order to hear Jiang Cheng I waited for Sang’s comment for so many years. However, I didn’t hear a simple comment from Jiang Chengsang until he was promoted to Gao Tianyuan. I don’t know how to comment on Jiang Chengsang. I always feel a bit ruthless...

   "So didn't you say it?" Yin Shit curled his lips and replied casually, "He's just a scumbag, a woman from the past? How can he remember that kind of head clearly."

   "But my uncle worked very hard," Kagura said, "After eating so many things I would spit out in one bite, Aru." Kagura remembered the scene where Jiang Cheng was eating Pandemonion while vomiting, and the scene did not stop for a moment.

   "No, Aru, I feel sick just thinking about it." Kagura said with a black line covering his mouth.

   "But..." Yin Shi sighed lightly, and then said, "That guy is indeed a scumbag, but he has never made a woman cry, even once."

   "Hey?! Really?!" Xin Ba Ji looked at Yin Shi with an incredulous expression.

   "Ah, really, I have never seen a woman cry for him."

   "Then... so to speak..." Xin Baji suddenly thought of something, "Jiang Chengsang doesn't want to see the tears of the goddess..."

   "Who knows." Yin Shih responded casually.

   "No, I cried Aru for my uncle!" Kagura raised his hand to remind him, "Aru in the Red Sakura chapter!"

   "That's just because you are a fool."

   "Who's an idiot! You curly idiot!" Kagura exploded in an instant, pounced on Yin Shi's back with white eyes, and bit on Yin Shi's head with his fierce face open.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! No, Dingchun learned it from you, right!"


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