May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 499: : It is the duty of parents to give children dreams!

"Enough is enough, there is wine, and the beef hot pot that I ate only once is also boiled..." A Miao squeezed her chin and thought, "The rest is to give the children some Christmas gifts and so on. ."

   "And Santa Claus!" Harita raised his hand and exclaimed excitedly.

"Cut!" Lying on the side of the kotatsu with vinegar kelp in his mouth, Kagura playing with TS boredly cut with disdain, "Only the little devil feels about Christmas and the old man who is illegally invading. Excited Aru. I don't feel Aru at all."

   As he said, Kagura yawned, "Isn’t the dinner started yet, Aru? I really want to finish eating early and go back to bed..."

   "No way, Kagura sauce, Jiang Sungsang hasn't come yet." Xin Baji persuaded me bitterly, "After all, it is a Christmas party organized by Jiang Sungsang."

   "He seems to be preparing a Christmas present for you." Yue Yong glanced at Kagura and explained faintly.

   "I don't know if Jiang Chengsama has prepared gifts for us." A Baihua lady said with some excitement.

   "It doesn't matter, as long as Jiang Chengsama is willing to accept my gift is enough!" Another Baihua lady exclaimed excitedly, "My body is my Christmas gift to Jiang Chengsama!"

   "Go! How could Jiang Cheng sama accept a Christmas gift like you! I should accept mine!"

   "No, it's me!"

   A group of Baihua members quarreled over this issue.

"Ha, it's boring~" Kagura yawned again, "Why are such boring festivals so excited one by one, Aru? Why would they only stay for three hundred and sixty-five days a year? Uncle OTAKU, who is playing games in the room, is also interested in this kind of holiday? I can’t understand it completely. Gifts are not necessary at all, just give a few hundred million or so pocket money. Alu, I will buy it myself. Just give it to yourself Aru. From now on, you can change the name to Sanzenin Kagura Aru."

   "Well... before you change your name, you should first bring out the characteristics of the seiyuu..." Xin Bajia said silently.

   "Why isn't Yinsang here?" Hasegawa asked in confusion, "Isn't he going to miss this kind of free drinking opportunity?"

   "Indeed, Yin-sang shouldn't be absent from this kind of party," Xinbaji murmured, "By the way, I haven't seen Yin-sang all afternoon today, and I don't know where he has gone."

"It must be where you are walking and drinking. Just leave it alone." Ah Miao replied casually. "But after all, I can't contact Xiao Jiu, and I want Xiao Jiu to join in. It’s a lively party."

   "Maybe the Yanagi family also has its own Christmas party." Xin Baji analyzed.

   "It's possible..." Ah Miao nodded.

   What everyone didn't know was that the owner of Xinghai Fang, who was hiding in the grass in the yard, felt like he was beeping a dog.

   [Although it seems to be in time for Christmas, but... this atmosphere is too harmonious, right? Is this kind of party gorgeous enough? Should this situation really go out? The owner of Xinghaifang thought, [Why is such a gorgeous party Kagura sauce so unhappy? why? 】

   "Hey, didn't Kagura-sister promise Santa Claus the gift he wanted?" Harita asked Kagura, "Is it absolutely promised?"

"There is no Santa Aru in this world," Kagura was still playing with TS in his hands, and returned without raising his head. "Only a child like you would believe that there is such a thing Aru. . I am already a very mature adult, and Aru is different from your kind of kid."

   [That's it! That's it! The owner of Xinghai Fang suddenly realized something, and said with joy in his heart: [I already know! Because I have never seen Santa Claus, I do not believe in the existence of Santa Claus from the bottom of my heart! That's why I was so lost, and that's why I showed such an expression! It is the duty of parents to give children dreams! This is my chance! Although it’s a bit lonely not to appear as a father, but if it’s for her to have good memories...]

   Just as the owner of Xinghai was thinking about it, he accidentally stepped on a dead branch under his feet.


   "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) "Is there anyone in the backyard?"

   "Hey? What, isn't it a thief!" Ah Miao was a little frightened, covering her mouth.

   "Don't worry." Yue Yong said lightly, and then motioned to the crowd of Baihua members with his eyes.

  In an instant, all the Baihua sisters angrily took out the kunai and threw out the kunai at the place where it made the sound.

   So, the owner of Xinghaifang just like this, with his head full of suffering, and his face full of blood, he jumped out of the grass, carrying the gift bag in one hand, and raising the other hand to greet everyone kindly.

"MerryChristmas! Hahahaha! Everyone has been waiting, Santa Claus has brought you joy~" The owner of Xinghaifang yelled very kindly, and then stretched out his hand to pull out the karma from his head, pretending to be calm. He went on to say: "Even if I am excited to see the real Santa Claus, I don't need to welcome me with kunai. Santa Claus will be very upset. Ahaha..."

   Immediately afterwards, the owner of Xinghaifang looked at the surprised expressions on the faces of the crowd, and hummed a few times in secret, [hehehehe, this guy Kagura has been scared, yes, Santa Claus really exists! Santa, who belongs only to you, is here now! 】

   At this time, the expression on Kagura's face was gradually changing from disbelief to joy, and then from joy to touch. Finally, Kagura stood up and rushed towards the courtyard with tears.

  【Yo Xi! It's a success! 】The owner of Xinghaifang was overjoyed, 【This kind of reaction... is undoubtedly a success! But is it a little too excited, is it really that moving? I can’t stop, forget it, after all, it’s still a child, and children will be like this...]

   While thinking about it, the owner of Xinghai Fang smiled somewhat relievedly, and then opened his hands to welcome the arrival of Kagura.

   [Come on, the real Santa Claus is here, please play with Santa Claus as much as you want! Looking at the approaching Kagura, the corner of Xinghai Fang's eyes became a little wet, [Enough! Tell Santa Claus all your usual grievances and complaints! 】

   But... things were a little bit beyond Xinghai Fang's expectation, because Kagura didn't pounce into his arms, but pounced on his side.

   Looking at Kagura jumping into Jianghua’s arms, Jiang Cheng smiled and said, "How about it? Kagura, the Christmas present my uncle prepared for you."

   "Sai Gao!" Kagura rubbed Jiang Hua's chest and kept coquettishly, "Uncle is the real Santa Claus!"

   [Jiang...Ganghwa! 】Looking at Jiang Hua on the side, Xinghai Fang's whole person is not good, 【Why... why are you here? ! What is the real Santa Claus? This brat didn't even change his clothes! Can such a guy be called Santa Claus? ! 】

   "But then again, who are these two here?" Jiang Cheng turned his face to the side of Xinghai Fang. "Are you invited to perform the show?"

   [Two people? The owner of Xinghaifang was stunned for a moment, and then slowly turned his head, and the whole person became worse in an instant. He saw a [Santa Claus] with silver hair and silver beard in the same dress as himself, standing beside him. One side.

   [Is there another Santa Claus? ! 】Xinghai Fangzhu and Yin Shi were both surprised.

   "I don't know Alu," Kagura wiped away his tears, and raised his head to look at Xiang Jiangcheng, "Isn't my uncle arranged it?"

   "No, I didn't arrange for such boring." Jiang Cheng shrugged, and then suddenly thought of something, "Wait! These two are not thieves?! Yueyue! Call the police! Now!"

   "Wait!!" The owner of Xinghai Fang and Yin Shi raised their hands to stop him at the same time, "I am Santa Claus!"

   "Isn't it true that one of you called for the show?" Jiang Cheng looked at the crowd in front of the house suspiciously.

   Everyone shook their heads at the same time.

"Suga Suga, I know." Jiang Cheng nodded to himself, and then smiled to Kagura, who was still in Jianghua’s arms, and Jiang Hua, who looked at Kagura with tenderness, "Kagura Sauce" , Sister Jiang Hua, please go into the house and leave it to me here."

   After listening, Jiang Hua glanced at the owner of Xinghai Fang on the side, and then walked towards the house at the same time as That, I'm really embarrassed. "Jiang Cheng smiled a little embarrassedly at the old man Baldan and the old Yindan, then took out his wallet from his arms, took out a ten thousand yuan, and handed it to the two of them. "We don't seem to call this kind of show." , You should be in the wrong place, but, I can’t bear to watch you run for nothing. You two can take this little money. Remember to divide it carefully. We will hold a Christmas party here. , Because they are all their own, it is really not convenient to keep you, get paid and leave as soon as possible. "

   Looking at the money stuffed into his hands, the owner of Xinghaifang was stunned. However, the money in his hand was taken by Yin Shi and put it in his trouser pocket.

   "Well, although I don't know what's going on with this one, but I am the real Santa Claus!" Gintoki said.

   [No way! It would be too embarrassing to leave like this in this case! In order to scare them a little bit, I also specially started to ambush from this kind of cold evening...] Thinking, Yin Shig glanced at the bald old man on the side, [Now I can only grit my teeth and determine that I am Santa Claus! No matter what happens, I can only agree with one bite! 】

  "Excuse me..." When the owner of Xinghaifang looked at Yin with pretense, "Are you from which volunteer group?"

   "No! It's the real Santa Claus!" Gintoki insisted, "Who are you? Why do you dress like this in the local area? Are you from the neighborhood committee children's association?"


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