May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 501: :What kind of thing does a real Santa Claus look like?

"Well, Hasegawa-san, forget your grievances. No matter how much you drink, you will be unemployed in the coming year. No matter how much you drink, the fact that you are unemployed this year will not change." Xin Ba Hao tweeted Tucao expressionlessly on the face of the glasses.

   "Hey! I finally forgot this fact!" Hasegawa cried, "Why make me remember it!"

   "No, even if you forget this kind of thing, it's useless..." Xin Bajia twitched the corner of his mouth and replied.

   "What about the new eight? Is there anything you want to complain about?" Jiang Cheng asked again, and then curled his lips. "There must be some? After all, the boss is such a guy."

"That's right," Xin Ba Hao sighed with some emotion, "After all, it is Yinsang. If you complain about him, I feel like you can't finish it overnight. It can be used as a snack~ ah Hahaha..."

   "Would you like to add another meal?" Yue Yong asked Jiang Cheng, who was pointing to the side, to A Miao.

   "Hey, what do you mean?" Jiang Cheng squinted his peasy eyes and asked blankly, "It means that there are a lot of complaints about me on weekdays? Can you say it at the year-end party as a snack?"

   "You..." Yueyong's pupils dilated unconsciously, and she muttered in disbelief: "You have self-knowledge..."

  In an instant, a blue vein burst into Jiang Cheng's face, which was still beating.

   "What does that mean?" Jiang Cheng gritted his teeth, looking at Yue Yong without a smile, gritted his teeth and whispered bitterly: "Do you want to fight? Stinky woman!"

   "Well, the two have calmed down a little bit, so don't quarrel on Christmas Eve." Xin Ba Hao kindly persuaded.

"Cut!" Jiang Cheng cut his face with disdain, then took out a small stack of colored coupons from his arms and handed them to Xinbajia, "No, give your Christmas gifts plus New Year gifts, and give them another comparison during the New Year. Trouble, I'll give it to you all at once."

"That... Jiang Chengsang, what do you mean?" Xin Ba Haw pushed the glasses on his face, "Can I think you are insulting me? Can I think you are underestimating me? I can think that you are holding me in your heart. "If you don't go to a store like Yoshihara, this child will be virgin all his life"? "

   "Well, yes." Jiang Cheng nodded.

"Hey! Don't be kidding!" Xin Ba Haw snatched the coupon in Jiang Cheng's hand, tore it to pieces without any hesitation, and shouted with big red eyes, "I don't need this kind of thing." Yeah! No need at all! Eighteen years, I will definitely say goodbye to my virginity before I turn twenty!"

"Um...what have you been talking about since just now?" Jiang Cheng looked at Xin Ba Haw with a look of confusion, "Although I do think so in my heart, it has nothing to do with the gift I gave you, right? That's that., forget it, anyway, it's the handshake coupon for the New Year special event of the idol you like. The last time I went to buy a game, I ran into a lottery draw. There were 30 tickets. I thought you were. I would like it..."

"Wh...what?!" Xin Ba Haw instantly cried out with his head collapsed, looking at the lottery ticket that he had just torn into pieces and the words "Attention! Damage invalid!" written on the fragments, once again The ground collapsed and shouted, "It turned out to be... it turned out to be the handshake coupon of Atong sauce?! What did I...what did I do!!"

   After that, Xin Ba Ji spit out a large mouthful of bruises, fell on the table with white eyes, his body still twitching from time to time.

   Seeing the appearance of Xin Ba Ji, Jiang Cheng stretched his hand into his arms and kept groping for something.

   "Yes! One left! New Eight Chi!" Jiang Cheng took out a handshake ticket for Ah Tong sauce, "The last one, New Eight Chi!"

   After listening, Xin Ba Ji revived in an instant, sitting up, tears in his eyes and shaking hands, and took the handshake coupon in Jiang Cheng's hand.

   "Jiang Chengsang..." Xin Baji wiped the tears that couldn't stop, sobbing and saying, "I didn't expect to meet the real Santa Claus at Christmas. Thank you so much."

"Please don't show that kind of expression. It always feels disgusting..." Jiang Cheng turned his face away, silently complained, then turned his head, narrowed his eyes and smiled, "But, seeing the children because of the receipt It’s a good feeling that the gift I like shows a happy side. Maybe the real Santa Claus is like that."

   "Brother Jiang Cheng, where's my gift?" Harita pointed to herself and asked in surprise, "Must have been prepared? I must have prepared my present too?!"

   "Ah, I'm ready." Jiang Cheng nodded, then reached into his arms and fumbled.

   Harita's expression became more and more happy, and he looked at Jiang Cheng expectantly, but soon Harita became unhappy.

   Looking at a greeting card drawn by Jiang Chengqiang that was like a schoolchildren's hand drawn by Jiang Chengqiang, Qing was silent for a long, long time.

   "But I used two, it took a long time to draw it! Just accept it with a grateful heart!" Jiang Cheng said with a smile.

"What a Christmas gift!" Harita slammed the card in her hand to the ground, and shouted in a collapsed voice, "Is it just a hand-painted card?! It just took two minutes to draw it and it was useless at all. Your greeting card?!"

   "Really, the kid really doesn't know how to get enough~" Jiang Cheng spread his hands and sighed, "We were very happy to receive such greeting cards when we were young."

   "Asshole! I completely forgot my Christmas present!" Haruta said angrily with her eyes.

   "How is it possible~" Jiang Cheng waved his hand and replied casually, "I just think the kind of boring things sold out must be better than this kind of hand-made greeting cards, and my mind is completely different."

   "Stop lying!"

   "Calm down, Haru Tai-kun." A Miao said comfortingly, "Actually, I also prepared your Christmas gift. Although others dare not say, I am very confident compared to Jiang Sungsang's gift."

   "Really?!" Harita said in surprise, "Have you really prepared a Christmas present for me?! Sister A Miao!"

   "Of course," Ah Miao narrowed her eyes and smiled, then reached out her hand to stop her mouth and began to fumble, "After all, it is the only apprentice in our paradise, how could I forget things like Christmas gifts? I have..."

With that said, Ah Miao put a box of dark matter that was still exuding an unknown dark aura in Haruta's hands, "Here, fresh eggs are cooked~ It was specially made for Haruta at night. , No one else~ This is the treatment that only Haruta-kun can enjoy~"

   Looking at the dark matter in her hand, Haru was too silent for a long time before she pulled her mouth and revealed a somewhat unsightly smile, "Thanks...thank you."

Compared to the hustle and bustle of Jiang Cheng in the room, the owners of Xinghai Fang and Yin Shi in the yard looked very deserted. They did not say a word for a few minutes, and stood quietly opposite each other. Because of the two people It's too quiet, even Jiang Cheng and the others in the room have forgotten their existence unconsciously.

   However, what is a little different from the external performance is that the inner drama of the two is so full that they can't hear the laughter of Eunari and others at all...

【What should I do! Hey! The face of Xinghai Fang has been completely black, the cold sweat on his face is constantly oozing out, and the muscles on his face can't stop twitching, [Is it better to apologize? Almost ten minutes have passed! Is he angry? How to do? ! 】

   [It’s impossible to apologize now...] Gin Shiki with the same expression thought to himself, [It will definitely be a shame in public! 】

   [It's like imitating the Four Heavenly Kings while you are yauya imitating Mori Jinichi to sing "Mother", Mori Jin Ichizo suddenly appears from behind! 】The owner of Xinghai Fang is anxious.

【No! Absolutely not! Yin Shi's whole thing is not good, and his heart frantically said: [I definitely don't want to expose that ugly state in front of them! 】

   [What should we do? ! The owner of Xinghai Fang thought with sweat on his face, [What should we do if we imitate? ! answer me! Four Heavenly Kings! 】

   [Faced with an expression of "Imitation not bad" while holding my shoulder from behind, what should we do to not be embarrassed! Four Heavenly Kings! ] Yin Shi, who was also full of sweat on his face, thought madly in his heart.

  【Tell us! Four Heavenly Kings! 】The thought of the two crashing at the same time.

   After about three seconds, the owner of Xinghai Fang and Yin Shi thought of the answer at the same time.

   I saw the two of them step forward at the same time and slam their fists with all their strength towards each other. Xinghai Fang's fist was in the middle of Yin Shi's abdomen, and Yin Shi's fist was in the middle of Xinghai's left cheek.

  【Down with the deity and make yourself the deity! 】

   Both people thought of this answer!

   Received this blow, Xinghaifang master and Yin Shi made a scream at the same time, and flew out several meters away at the same time!

   Boom! ×2

   Yin Shi directly knocked down a tree with a thick and the owner of Xinghaifang smashed the stone monument in front of the pond.

   At the same time, Jiang Cheng and the others in the room were also alarmed by the noise they had just made, and at the same time they stopped their movements and turned their heads and looked out.

   "Hey, what did you just tell them?" Yue Yong glanced at Jiang Cheng and asked.

   "Just let the two of them leave..." Jiang Cheng replied casually, "He gave them two ten thousand yuan back."

After just saying that, Jiang Cheng suddenly thought of something, "Yes! It was the ten thousand yuan! Could it be that they fought because of the ten thousand yuan?! I clearly said that the two of them should be divided equally! "

   "You should divide the two in advance!" Xin Baji complained, "In this case, the possibility of two people fighting is very high!"

   "No way! I have no change!" Jiang Cheng retorted quietly.

   At this time, Yin Shi and the owner of Xinghai Fang each spat out a mouthful of blood.

   [Santa Claus is really not built! Yin Shi clutched his chest, panting and thought, [Not at all like an obese old man who only works on Christmas Eve! 】

   [Obviously an old man can actually eat my Xinghaifang master's blow...] Xinghaifang master wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, raised his head and looked at the opposite silver with a solemn expression, 【Is this the strength of a real Santa Claus? ! 】


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