May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 511: : Speaking of Valentine's Day, I thought that my stomach was a little bit sick th

Early in the morning, February 14th, Yoshihara.

"Don't you need to go to the dojo today?" Jiang Cheng at the dinner table looked at Harita who was wearing a very well-fitting small suit with weird eyes. "What is your dress? It's disgusting, and is there mousse for hair?" Do you still use that kind of thing at such a young age?"

"Brother Jiang Cheng, don't you really know what day it is today?" Qingtai asked Xiang Jiangcheng with a look of disbelief.

"It was said that it was Miss Conch mode," Jiang Cheng waved his hand and responded casually. "There is no need to remember the day or something."

"Today is Valentine's Day!" Harita leaned to Jiang Cheng's side and reminded in a mysterious voice, "It's a very important day when you can receive chocolates!"

"Oh! I remembered it!" Jiang Cheng reacted, and then he nodded his head thinking and replied: "Well, I do remember such days when I was young. Every year comes February, a certain day. You will find in your desk pockets a lot of packaging bags of chocolate stolen by Silver Shi, and they are always cast by Silver Shi with very intriguing glances that are not clear whether it is hate or contentment."

"Hey?! Was Jiang Cheng very popular when he was still in the private school?! Can you receive a lot of chocolate on Valentine's Day?!" Qing was too surprised, "It's just a OTAKU now!"

"Hey, is my impression in your heart that bad?" Jiang Cheng replied blankly, and then sneered disdainfully, "Cut, you are the only one who has expectations of that kind of thing." Obviously not young, but because of environmental influences, he entered the period of thinking of spring. Valentine's Day? Chocolate? It is just a conspiracy of pastry manufacturers. If you don’t rely on the promotion of those companies, you will not be able to convey your heart. Then there is no need to communicate!"

"Uncle, that's the line Aru from which I still live in the mansion of Sanqianyuan."

Kagura, who didn't know when he arrived, walked in and sat down under the dining table. He naturally took the bowls and chopsticks in front of Jiang Cheng and ate naturally.

"Hey," Jiang Cheng raised his hand and knocked Kagura's head with a fist. "Why can you sit down and eat so naturally? Did you rush over for breakfast? Give me some enough!"

"Sister Kagura!" Harita looked at Kagura longingly, " there? Absolutely, right? Even Yoshiri chocolates are okay! Please! I haven't received a chocolate today! Even mommy Didn't prepare it for me either!"

"I prepared the chocolate-flavored ice cream when I got up early, and was washed away by Aru." Kagura said casually.

As soon as these words came out, except for Kagura, everyone in the audience stopped their chopsticks.

"Who do you want to be disgusting!" Jiang Cheng covered his mouth, spitting out disgust, "Can that kind of thing be considered chocolate?! I can't eat breakfast anymore!"

"Ah, thank you for the hospitality." As he said, Kagura gathered all the food on the table in front of him, and proceeded to eat on his own.

"You... deliberately?"


"I'm full, I'm full..." Kagura rubbed his belly, which was even more exaggerated than October's pregnancy, and gritted his toothpick in his mouth with a gratified sound.

"I'm going back to play a game." As he said, Jiang Cheng got up and walked towards the door.

After just walking two steps, Jiang Cheng suddenly noticed something was wrong. He turned his head and said to Yue Yong, who was sitting on her knees at the table with her upper body upright. "Hey, are you okay? By the way, you are really weird today, as usual. At that time, if I said something like this, I would definitely drag me to patrol, right? But why is there nothing today? I'm not used to you doing it like this."

"No, it's normal!" Yue Yong raised his head and said with certainty.

"But no matter how you look at it, it feels abnormal..." Jiang Cheng squeezed his chin and looked at Yue Yong suspiciously.

"Very normal!" Yue Yong affirmed again.

"No, no, no, no matter how you look at it, it feels abnormal, no matter its posture or expression, it's all abnormal." Jiang Cheng murmured, then stared at Yue Yong closely and fell into thought.

Yue Yong, who was uncomfortable with Jiang Cheng's gaze, turned her face away silently.

"You..." Jiang Cheng's expression became slightly solemn, "Couldn't..."

While Jiang Cheng was talking, Yue Yong's hand secretly pushed the chocolate behind him towards Jiang Cheng's invisible corner.

"Couldn't it be... the chocolate in the morning..."

Hearing the word chocolate, Yueyong's ears turned red instantly.

"Isn't the chocolate ice cream smooth in the morning?" Jiang Cheng continued, "then go quickly, I will wait for you to come out of the toilet and go on patrol together."

Listening, Yue Yong's forehead suddenly burst into blue veins, and then reached into his arms and took out a few kunai, and slammed it at Jiang Cheng's forehead.



Kagura narrowed Doudou's eyes and looked at Jiang Cheng who was still convulsing with a blood line drawn by Yue Yong behind him.

"Such a man is my little uncle. I really feel ashamed of Aru from the bottom of my heart." Kagura said blankly.

"It's really incredible, this man." Hichirin smiled and said, "He seems to be just a fool, but he can attract women without knowing it."

"Are you talking about Yueyue Aru?"

"Who knows." Hire Samsara said, "But, if you really want to be attracted, it will be really bad. Last time I saw two women who still thought about this man after a full ten years. Really. ...Work hard."

"Like this kind of man, life is basically over Aru." Kagura's little finger dug his ears and replied casually, and then gently blew his little finger and stood up, "Okay, I should go back after breakfast. Thank you for the hospitality."


"Master Jiang Cheng! This is my chocolate! I made it all night!"

"And mine! It's natal chocolate!"

"Mine is also my destiny!"

"And mine!"


Looking at the tour girls holding chocolate high in the hands of Jiang Cheng surrounded by the inner and outer three floors, Yue Yong felt a wave of irritation for no reason.

If it weren't for the possibility of accidentally hurting the wandering girls, perhaps Yue Yong had already thrown away all the suffering in her body.

Today's patrol was unexpectedly time-consuming. Every time a shop gate, there would be countless wandering girls rushing out to give Jiang Cheng chocolates, and all of them were natal chocolates.

At eleven o'clock in the morning, holding a pile of chocolates more than one meter higher than himself, Jiang Cheng squinted and shouted at the last shop she had just patrolled, who had delivered chocolates. .

"Let’s work hard today~"

"Hi~!" A group of female tourists hurriedly responded at the same time.

"Really, I even gave chocolates to this kind of man," Yue Yong said disdainfully, holding the cigarette stick in one hand, "It's useless, the end result is definitely to throw away casually."

"Yueyue, you said that too much." Jiang Cheng poked his head from behind the tall chocolates and complained: "Even if I am not interested in sweets, I will eat all these chocolates instead of Lost, these chocolates, but each one contains the girl's mind. No matter how uncomprehending the style is, I won't lose it."

"Really?!" A group of Baihua members exclaimed in an instant, and then each took out the chocolate they had prepared and surrounded Jiang Cheng.

"Master Jiang Cheng! Then please also my natal chocolate!"

"And mine! Because I know Master Jiang Cheng doesn't like to eat sweets very much, so I specially made chocolates that are not so sweet!"

"Try the natal chocolate I made for two full nights! Master Jiang Cheng!"

"Only two nights? I started preparing it a week in advance!"

"One week? I started preparing one month in advance!"

"I started preparing six months ago!"

"I started preparing a year ago!"


Seeing the noisy young ladies from Baihua, Jiang Cheng twitched his mouth and said, "Can you still eat the chocolate a year ago? You will definitely have diarrhea after eating it?"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Yue Yong sighed helplessly again. Then he wanted to speak something, but was still waiting to speak, one by one the slightly short Baihua members tugged and walked over.

"Leader, please accept it." The Baihua member held a pink heart-shaped chocolate box and handed it to Yue Yong. "This is the chocolate I prepared for the leader. Although it is not as good as the one sold outside, it is also my own. It took one night to make it."

Looking at the chocolate in her hand, Yue Yong was silent.

"Look, your leader also received chocolates from girls on Valentine's Day." Jiang Cheng said to a group of Baihua ladies, "Speaking of which, someone did say that they lost their identity as a woman before. , So it’s not surprising to receive chocolates from girls."

After listening, there were several blue veins on Yueyong's and she couldn't stop beating.

"No! No!" The little Baihua member quickly explained, "Just to thank the leader for taking care of me on weekdays! It's not what Jiang Cheng thought! Moreover, I think the leader is really handsome. In my heart, the leader is more handsome than Master Jiang Cheng!"

"Puff!" Jiang Cheng couldn't help but snickered. "Does it mean that you are more like a man than a real man like me? Yueyue, you are a good subordinate, who knows you so well."

"I didn't mean that!" The Baihua member quickly defended, "It's just that the leader is countless times more reliable than Master Jiang Cheng!"

"Really? I am countless times more like a man than I am." Jiang Cheng grinned at Yue Yong with a mean smile, "Have you heard it? Are you very happy in your heart?"

"Washing inside——!!!" Yue Yong, who had endured to the limit, touched out all the suffering on his body, and threw it at Jiang Cheng regardless of the three seven twenty-one.



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