May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 516: : Adults are always helpless to the child who asks for a gift for the first time...

One day, Yoshihara.

"How? Are all the investigations clear?" Jiang Cheng, who was sitting on the floor and still operating the gamepad, asked without looking back.

"Don't underestimate my Baihua." Yue Yong, who just opened the door and walked in, with a cigarette stick in his mouth, folded his arms against the wall beside them, and replied faintly.

"It's been a long time since I spoke," Jiang Cheng said with some emotion, and then Jiang Cheng put down the handle, stretched his waist and stood up, with his hands in his kimono pockets, "Then, today will be a little bit Move around."

"It's too early today, and it won't be too late to act tomorrow." Yue Yong let out a puff of smoke, "Tomorrow...the four people on that street, including your target, will gather. It should...will be even more. It's easy for you to move."

"That's what I said," Jiang Cheng squinted and smirked a few times. "But it's really a bit emotional. My nephew, who has never seen each other since childhood, offered to ask for gifts or something."

Upon hearing this, Yue Yong just snorted softly and turned to walk outside the door.

Things have to start from a few days ago...

——Remember the dividing line——

One night a few days ago, Jiang Cheng suddenly received a video request from a strange number...

"Mosimosi, can you see it? Stupid uncle."

Seeing Shenwei's smiling face with a very awkward expression, Jiang Cheng, who was in Yoshihara, hung up the video communication without hesitation.

"Um, Afutu, is there a communication problem?" Shenwei, who was on a huge spaceship, pointed to the big screen in front of him and asked Afutu on the side, "It turned into a snowflake after just one sentence. ."

"That, it's just that the other party hung up the communication." The Avotu on the side replied silently.

"Hahaha, hang up the video call of the lovely nephew he hasn't seen for a long time, this man is really too much." Shenwei smiled and said.

"Um... Chief, do you have any misunderstandings about the adjective cute..." Afutu vomited blankly. "If you can be called cute if you fight for your life and attack your family as soon as you meet, then this world may be early It's over..."

"What are you talking about, it's really rare for a cute nephew like me in the universe," Shenwei smiled and pressed a red button on the console in front of him again. "At least, I think I am better than the earth. The sister who doesn’t know anything but eats is much cuter."

"Um... to be honest, I don't think you two have anything to call cute."

"It works!" Shenwei looked at Jiang Cheng's unhappy face on the screen and said with a smile, "Alala, it's been a long time since I saw you, uncle stupid, I see your unhappy expression on your face. My mood suddenly improved."

"Well, wait a minute, I'm... just a little bit closer to the last..."

The facial expression of Jiang Cheng in the video is a bit solemn for some reason, it looks like he is trying hard for something...

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound like something falling into a bucket in the video, and then the video suddenly went dark, and there was a sound of suspected flushing again in the video.

One minute later...

"Huh~ It's finally over, ah, thank you, Nobita." Jiang Cheng in the video said with a smile, "After seeing your face, it immediately became smooth~"

A blue veins of divine might violently violently on his forehead, without hesitation, he raised his umbrella and directed a shot at the big screen in front of him.

"You can't hang up the video communication by doing this~ What a poor child, he can't even hang up the video communication normally. It seems that common sense is really a mess~"

"Don't worry, I will defeat you completely next time." Shenwei squinted his eyes and said without a smile.

"Oh, come on. Bye..."

"Wait, there is one more thing." Shenwei raised an index finger, the dull hair on his head was still moving, and smiled and said, "I heard that the stupid uncle received a 20-year birthday gift last time, so this Secondly, I also want a birthday present for eighteen years."

"Ahhhhhhh~ It's really a coincidence that I have been washed down just now, otherwise I must take a picture and give it to you."

"Do you want to be killed by me?" Although she was still squinting and smiling, Shenwei's forehead rose again with a blue vein.

"So, is it okay for tomorrow's copy? Not only photos, but also videos."

"I want... the black beard who escaped from the white beard boat." Shenwei continued, "it should be easy for you? As far as I know, the black beard is on the earth."

"Is it okay to have orangutan **** hair? Although it is not a black beard, the color is similar.

"It is said that I have done plastic surgery or something, but I don't think there is any problem for the stupid uncle, then, please. After all, it is the first time such a cute nephew asks for a gift. Will it be satisfied?"

"No matter what, I can't go directly to the next studio just because of a gift, so I say..."

"The head of the 4th Division of Chunyu, Hua Tuo, took away the money from the organization and ran away. Isn't it the same as the black beard who killed his companion and ran away?" Shenwei continued, "This is her name. Then please. You are here."

"If it's a lollipop, maybe I can buy it for you, but this kind of troublesome gift is fine, goodbye."

"Actually, there is another person looking for her. As far as I know, that old acquaintance who is a foolish uncle." Shenwei continued unhurriedly, "Although he doesn't know how to use three swords, he is equally blind. It's an eye."


"It seems to be called Takasugi. I am always very active when I come to Chunyu for such a long time to do tasks. Even our work has been taken away a lot."

"Gao Tsai still likes to work as always~"

"You should understand? That man named Gao Zi is so active in his purpose of doing meritorious service..."

"Ah, it's really troublesome, but since it's a request from a nephew who is not cute at all, then I can only get up and move a little bit. Then, one last question, is the gift to live? Or is it... to become a corpse? Doesn't matter?"

"Hahaha, it's you, the other party has a division that can actually say such things." Shenwei smiled, "Miscellaneous soldiers don't matter, but that one seems to be a woman who Avotu liked to live well before. If you can, it's better to live."

"The kind of rough man?"

"No, since the last time, Avotu will fix his beard every morning. The hair is also trimmed regularly."

"It seems that that kind of guy is not incurable," Jiang Cheng raised his mouth slightly, "Okay, then goodbye. Give me gifts or something..."

Before watching the video was hung up, Jiang Cheng grinned and exposed the big white teeth. Except for Shenwei, everyone on the ship was cold.

"This man... is so terrible across the screen." Afutu said with lingering fear.

"Like this?" Shenwei opened his eyes instantly, and his expression became savage.

"Maybe it's scary, but compared to him..."

"Hahahaha, having said that, Afutu, the two of us haven't played against each other for a long time, can you practice your hands with me a little bit?"

"My stomach hurts. Go to the toilet first. Any of you can practice with the team leader when you have time."

As he said, Afutu clutched his stomach and made a painful expression on his face, turned and left.

——Recall end dividing line——

"So should I take a rest earlier today?" Looking at Yue Yong's back, Jiang Cheng muttered to himself while pinching his chin.


In the early morning of the next day, the sky was just getting bright, everything was in the house.

The early Xinba Haw wore a scarf and shrank into a ball, complaining about the cold weather while walking up the stairs.

"Ah~ It's cold to death. I really froze to death in the morning." As he said, Xin Ba Hao had already gone up to the second floor, but just turned around Xin Ba Hao found a blanket wrapped in a ball, leaning against the door of Wanshi House. The small **** the side is sleeping soundly.

The girl has orange hair, and a bunch of hair on her left forehead is **** and erected, like some kind of artificial hair. The girl was still snoring, and the nasal blisters were still hanging on her nose. It seemed that she should have frozen.

"Who is this kid? Drunk?" After a puzzled sentence, the new eight haw came to the girl and knelt down and said kindly: "Um, I'm sorry to disturb you. If you sleep here, you will catch a cold. Yo. I'm sorry, your snot bubbles are frozen to ice."

After just finished speaking, the snot bubble that the girl hung in front of her nose suddenly fell down, and it hit the ground with a sound like a light bulb crashing on the ground.

After hearing the cracking sound, the girl opened her eyes instantly, then she lifted the blanket without hesitation and slammed her knife in the direction of Xin Ba Hao subconsciously.

"No! Someone has come to smash the place!" the girl shouted.

boom! ! The entire wall was stabbed through by the girl's undrawn knife.

And the new eight haws who reacted in an instant, rushed to escape the blow like a fleeing behind him.

"You, you...what are you doing!" Xin Ba Hao, who was lying on the ground, raised his head and shouted with lingering fear as he watched the girl who stood up.

"No matter which gang you are in, if you dare to move a finger," said, the girl pulled out her knife, "I will let you bloom the bright red flower~"

"What inexplicable things are you talking about!" Xin Ba Haw spit wildly yelled.

However, the girl didn't seem to listen to the new eight haws. After she drew her knife, she held her hands above her head without any hesitation, then stood up and jumped towards the new eight haws, and she was about to slash it off.

"Wait, wait! Give me a wait!" Xin Ba Haw shouted anxiously as she watched the girl getting closer and closer.

Fortunately, when the girl was about to slash down, rubbing her sleepy eyes, Kagura in her pajamas kicked over the door and saved Xin Ba Hao.

boom! !

"It was so noisy early in the morning..." Kagura rubbed his eyes and yawned towards the door, Xin Ba Haw, who had leaked from the door, complained to the girl.


In the morning, Dengshi tavern.

The girl was leaning on her side, one hand turned back, the other hand stretched forward, her legs were slightly bent, and she introduced herself to Xin Ba Hao and others in front of him: "I am a Tsubaki who just joined the house of everything as a little brother. Hirako! From now on, please take care of the old man."

As he said, Tsubaki got up and solemnly apologized to Xinbaji, "I apologized very much just now. I don't know that you are the first younger brother of the elder brother, and you made a very rude move."

Immediately afterwards, Tsubaki drew out his knife and stretched out the pinky finger of his left hand, "Now I will take the responsibility to cut off the pinky finger. Huh huh~"

"Hey, what are you messing about?" Yin Shizaki's face was dark, with blue veins bursting on his face, he grabbed the bunch of artificial dull hairs on Tsubaki Pirako's head, and then went to the door. Walked in the direction of "I'm not a gangster, and I don't plan to take in the younger brother. Hurry up and get out of here, you silly bastard."

(PS: In Japanese, "小混混" is pronounced the same as "Tsubaki".)

"Big Brother and I will definitely be the BOSS of this dark street!" Tsubaki Pirako, who was dragged in the air by Yin Shih's hair, still had that natural and refreshing expression, and quickly said, "Let's fall together." Go into the dark side, brother!"

"When did I say I wanted to be a black samurai?!" Yin Shizuo exclaimed with an unhappy expression on his face.

(Darth Vader, the Jedi warrior of Star Wars, fell into the dark side due to the pain of bereavement and became the black warrior of the Sith.)

"Please, I have nowhere to go." Tsubaki pleaded.

"What the **** is going on, that kid..." Looking at Tsubaki Pirako, who was still reluctant to talk to Yin Shi, Xin Ba Chi squinted Doudou's eyes and said with a black line in the corner of his eyes.

At this moment, the grandmother Dengshi who thought of something, turned her head and asked Tsubaki Pirako at the door: "Are you...are you from the underworld?"

Hearing the sound, Xin Ba Hao and Kagura looked back at the mother-in-law Dengshi at the same time.

"I've heard of it," Granny Toshi replied, holding her hands up and closing her eyes thinking, "Uekibachi's family, who often has disputes with Jiro's family in business matters, is extremely powerful in every fight. The crazy woman, known as-Ren Zhanpingzi."

"Huh?! Human cut?!" Yin Shi's whole body was ill in an instant, and his eyes looked strangely at Tsubaki Pirako, who was standing neatly and with a very natural and refreshing smile on his face, "Is this just natural?! "

"This kind of natural stupor turned out to be the killer of the underworld?!" Xin Ba Hao spit out loudly in cold sweat.

"It's not that great," Tsubaki replied with a half-length sideways, squeezing her body, a little embarrassed, "I'm just good at decorating things with flowers.

As he said, Tsubaki gently held his hands together and stopped in front of his chest. His face was full of yearning, "Do you know? The more bad guys are, the more beautiful flowers can be bloomed. You can cut them by cutting them. Bright red and beautiful tweed~"

" if I'm really sorry... I just underestimated you and told you to stay naturally." Xin Ba Haw said quietly, then turned slowly mechanically, and quickly sat down on the chair in front of the counter. Without saying a word, she played a little transparent.

"You said there was nowhere to go, what happened to that "family" or something? "Yin Shi asked Xiang Chunpingzi.

"It's gone~" Tsubaki replied with a smile, squinting, "Assaulted by the Jiro family, now there is only a field of flowers left."

With that, Tsubaki twisted again, and the expressions of Yin Shi and Xin Ba Hao had also completely changed. The same foreheads were all black, and their faces were cold and sweaty.

"Since I was picked up by the boss, I have been alive according to his wishes," Tsubaki Tsubaki tweaked and continued, "So what should be done now, I don't know at all. But all I can do is decorate flowers, so Here comes it. In order to turn the street where Jiro is located, Kabukicho into a bright red flower field~"

After listening, the faces of Yin Shi and Xin Ba Hao were already covered with black lines, and the corners of Xin Ba Hao's mouth were still twitching. On the other hand, Kagura did not react at all.


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